Minutes - 1989 - City Council - 06/27/1989 - RegularEAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 27, 1989 The Eagle City Council met in regular session on June 27, 1989. Mayor GUERBER presiding. The following members were present.. TOM MINOW, STEVE HAMMONS, STEVE MATLOCK, GARY WALKER. Moved by WALKER and seconded by'MATLOCK to approve the minutes of the June 13, 1989 meeting as presented. Discussion resulted in an amendment moved by HAMMONS and seconded by WALKER to change the name WALKER to MINOW as having made the motion on page 3, paragraph 5 of the minutes, and that the second on the motion should read WALKER and not MINOW. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS: MESSURI, BATES AND GIBBONS, CPA CONTRACT: Moved by MATLOCK and seconded by MINOW to grant the audit contract as presented. ALL AYE '. MOTION CARRIED · SENIOR CITIZEN POLICY.' Discussion regarding the senior policy as to usage of the community center portion of the building. The Recreation Coordinator was denied use of the building based on the age of the people involved in the project. The seniors do not want to make the center available to those under 17. There was discussion in council on the question of discrimination, and termination of the lease was brought into discussion. Jim Heath wanted to remind the seniors that the building began for the benefit of the community from the very first dollar. "It was anticipated that the seniors would try to shut the community out. The seniors should only have 50% right to the building the community has the other 50% right. We do not see progress by the seniors to upgrade the building". The results were that WALKER will set up a meeting with the seniors in order for the council, Jim Heath representing the community, and the seniors to meet as soon as possible prior to July llth. LYONS PLUMBING-EAGLE PUBLIC LIBRARY: Discussion regarding the water and water pipes resulted in the following criteria that will be included in a contract initiated by Lyons Plumbing.' 1. Will furnish cold water to the Library and charge $10.00 per month. 2. If the well needs some repair, the repair will be on Lyons time schedule. 3. The Library will be held responsible for the pipes under the Library or any problem created by those pipes. 4. will not supply hot water. 5. Contract will be between the Library and Lyons Plumbing and will not be negotiated with another outside group. PRE ANNEXATION HEARING-JOPLIN RANCH: Robert Donovan, representative of the Joplin project, presented a plat showing the proposed project after annexation. The project would be a multiple project including a mini golf course and club house, retirement center, lakes, and homes. The development would take about 5 years to complete. The council indicated approval of the project and asked the developers to proceed with the application for annexation and zoning. MAYOR GUERBER asked for approval of his nomination of Logan Bennett to the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission. Moved by MINOW and seconded by HAMMONS to approve the nomination. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. MAYOR'S REPORT: Open container question still open, attorney asked to check into it. The park crews are working well and parks look better now. The youth crew burned part of the area near O.K. Park last week and plan working on the City Hall and Senior grounds, which may be the special project for the summer. No report on Library or P&Z. APA has had their regular meetings, but nothing to report. The Eagle Fun Day Committee had a meeting last week. There is a move to set up a special meeting after the Chamber of Commerce on July llth. There is a rodeo facility being built off Edgewood, by Butch Otter. The facility will be used for the BSU Rodeo club, they would like weekend rodeos and other events too. It would be Mr. Otter's desire to see Eagle use the facility. There is a possibility for using it the evening of Eagle Fun Days for a family event. The arena is to be used as much as possible, and is Mr. Otter's desire for Eagle to be involved in the arena as much as possible. Moved by MINOW and seconded by WALKER to accept the claims as presented. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. CITY COUNCIL MEETING. A. DJOURNED AT 8:45 P.M. Respectfully submit~d: ,,,~'*'~?~ Appro~ved: · Mayor Steve Guerber