Minutes - 2020 - City Council - 06/16/2020 - RegularEAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES June 16, 2020 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Pierce calls the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: PIKE, GOLD, PITTMAN, BAUN. All present. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Pierce leads the Pledge of Allegiance 4. FY 20/21 Budget Presentation: AMENDMENT TO BUDGET (IA a. Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline — Lee Flinn and Wendt/ Young with the Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline and Jannus Mayor introduces the item. Lee Flinn, Director of Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline, 1607 W. Jefferson Boise, Idaho. Ms. Flinn notes that the foundation has been seeking public private partnership. She thanks the City for the donation that was recently given to the hotline. Discusses services provided by the hotline and how it has positively impacted lives. The Council expresses the gratitude for the services provided and suggest certain data points that would be helpful to quantify the services received by the various communities. Ms. Flinn respectfully requests a donation in the amount of $10,000 again for next fiscal year but would be grateful for any monetary donation by the City. Discussion. b. *Eagle Police Department Budget — Chief Clifford Mayor introduces the item. Chief Clifford reviews the proposed law enforcement contract for fiscal year 20-21. Nolan Brizzel with the Business Office at the Sheriff's Office is introduced. A total of 26 personnel, with 23 being sworn officers dedicated to the City of Eagle. The proposed contracted amount for the upcoming fiscal year is $3,216,863.13. There is a possibility it would be 3% less, as this number represents a 3% COLA increase, and at this time it is uncertain if Ada County will approve a COLA for their staff this year. Discussion. c. Economic Development — Robin Collins, Director Mayor introduces the item. Director Collins provides a detailed overview of what economic development does for the City of Eagle. She then reviews the draft budget for economic development. Discussion. d. Museum & HPC — Alana Dunn, Historic Preservation Officer Mayor introduces the item. Historic Preservation Officer, Dunn reviews the proposed budgets for the museum and the Historic Preservation Commission. Discussion. e. Buildi,ng Department — Steve Nash, Building Official Mayor introduces the item. Page 1 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-06-16-20spmin.docx ,Building Official Nash reviews the proposed budget for the building department. Discussion f. Water Department — Ken Acuff. Water Superintendent Mayor introduces the item. Superintendent Acuff reviews the draft budget for the water department. Discussion. g. Recreation. Special Events & Eagle Fun Days — Brandon Johnson. Recreation Director Mayor introduces the item. Director Johnson reviews the draft budgets for recreation, special events and Eagle Fun Days. Discussion. i. City Hall Bond Fund — Sharon K. Bergmann. City Clerk/Treasurer Mayor introduces the item. Sr. Deputy Clerk Osborn reviews the draft bond fund budget. h. IT Department — Devonte Goodman. Systems Administrator Mayor introduces the item. Administrator Goodman reviews the draft budget for the IT Department. Discussion. 5. ADJOURNMENT: Gold moves to adjourn. Seconded by Baun. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES Hearing no further business, the Council meeting was adjourned. Re pectfully submitted: TRACYY' . GSBORN, CMC CLE TREASURER AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT WWW.CITYOFEAGLE.ORG.=, Page 2 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-06-16-20spmin.docx 1 Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline (ISPH) is Idaho's only accredited 24/7 crisis intervention and suicide prevention hotline. Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline byJANNUS Since 2012, the Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline (ISPH) has provided crisis intervention and emotional support for all Idahoans, including those at risk for suicide and their loved ones. Most help -seekers see both reduction in their thoughts of suicide and improvement in their feelings and mental state by the end of a phone call, text or crisis chat interaction with the Hotline. For those seeking information to assist someone else, we help callers feel more empowered and prepared to help their loved one, with information and coaching on risk assessment and safety planning. Idaho has one of the highest rates of suicide in the nation, ranking 5th among all states — or 58% higher than the national rate. Suicide is the second leading cause of death for Idahoans ages 15-34 and for males up to the age of 44 (Americas Health Rankings 2019). While suicide rates for the nation are flattening, Idaho's rates are growing. COST SAVINGS THROUGH LIFE SAVINGS Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline serves Idahoans in crisis through phone, chat and text. Our support helps individuals cope with personal crises that can lead to suicide. Cost savings include: ■ A decline in the number of suicidal individuals seeking treatment at hospital emergency rooms, rather other clinical care. Cost: A visit to the emergency department = $2,600.' ■ Reduced demand for crisis response by police, EMS, and fire departments. Cost: More than $1,500 per deployment.' ■ Lower numbers of suicide attempts needing medical attention and suicide deaths. Cost: $2,596 in medical costs and $1 million from the indirect costs of a completed suicide."' ■ Net benefit for mental health crisis stabilization services have a return of $2.16 dollars for every dollar invested." COST SAVINGS TO THE CITY OF EAGLE In 2019, Ada County had the highest call volume of all counties to the Hotline. Demographic information we were able to collect indicate: ■ Ada County had at least 27 callers in eminent danger of suicide. ISPH assisted with welfare checks saving Ada County approximately $70,092 in medical costs and $27 million in indirect costs from each suicide attempt and completion. ■ Ada County had at least 76 callers that received Hotline assistance and were referred to the crisis center, instead of emergency department. This resulted in savings of over to $197,600 in emergency department costs and over $114,000 in crisis response by police, EMS, and fire departments. ■ Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline saved the City of Eagle, at a minimum, $279,092 in direct costs and approximately $27 million in indirect costs during 2019. SERVICES BEYOND SUICIDE PREVENTION The economic benefits of supporting the Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline includes much more than preventing suicide and de-escalating personal crises. The Hotline also: • Serves as an entry -point into the local behavioral health system; • Provides follow-up for patients discharged from hospitals and crisis centers; • Trains others to detect and effectively respond to suicide risks; • Serves as a free crisis referral and support for healthcare providers, correctional facilities, schools, and businesses. • Provide a mental health safety net to individuals and families who lack resources and are without health care access. • Offer support to family and friends of those at risk of suicide, and those who have lost a loved one through suicide. PUBLIC -PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP REQUEST The continued need for crisis intervention in the City of Eagle and the increased pressure on the Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline to fill those needs has resulted in an increased need for funding. The Suicide Prevention Hotline needs your help to continue offering our cost -saving and lifesaving services. We ask for your support to: • Invest resources to sustain our lifesaving work by making a $10,000 annual contribution to the Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline. • In 2019, The Hotline saved the cities of Ada county including the City of Eagle over $279,092 in direct costs and $27 million in indirect costs. An investment in this program will help ensure that ISPH has predictable funding that will allow us to continue serving the residents of Eagle and the surrounding area. • Eliminate preventable suicide deaths by educating others about the Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline. Contact: Lee Flinn, MBA Director, Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline LFlinnPiannus.orlg I (208) 258-6991 References i Idaho State Behavioral Health Planning Council (2017) State of Mind: supporting behavioral health systems that are coordinated efficient accountable and focused on recovery. Retrieved June 8, 2020 from www.healthandwelfare.Idaho.Rov ii Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Crisis Services: Effectiveness, Cost -Effectiveness, and Funding Strategies. HHS Publication No. (SMA)-14-4848. Rockville, MD: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2014. Corso, P. S., Mercy, J. A., Simon, T. R., Finkelstein, E. A., & Miller, T. R. (2007). Medical costs and productivity losses due to interpersonal and self - directed violence in the United States. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 32(6) 474-482. Hope for Harper led thy-joaho Suic °e Prevc.ntion 4--oti Our Impact The Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline is co in Idaho. At the time of our launch in 2012, was great, and we've been growing since. T and staff, more than 40,000 connections h.. launched. In 2016, Text/SMS services were THE HOTLINE HAS MADE OVER 40,000 CONNECTIONS TO DATE FOLLOW-UP CA SIGNIFICANT REDUCE LIKELIHOOI RE-ATTEMI OF SUICIDE THE HOTLINE REDUCES CALLER DISTRESS IN THE MOMENT A Critical Need Idaho's suicide rate is consistently ranked in the top ten nationally. Hotline call volume has increased each year since launch. Suicide i.s the second leading cause of death for youth age 15-24. Due to young people calling the Hotline we had to add a new age category to our statistical reports - ages 1-9. _4400000.0KAIMMIftgam Harper's Story ::.-- , ' ::'';'''',, ' .. 6,,, =:',„•, -17, .,.i.) .,..: ;,,,,), r. '1,',i '''' '':',)„ ,•,': -•-:-, ,-,4. .3.• 3 37 .L: '''"1-3 if::. ,,,,,,i,,:,. ....,..... .,....., ,- ,,,,2 ',7) ;i?.. 13. :-.,2':, --- -'-i: 7: -...,. ----. -'';:-1;' ,,.., 7., :,, „;.,..,, .... :.,:t„, .,,,c,i?, :,,,,,,; „:•,,,„.: :„....-: ::-.,., _,:-,,,ci:, ;,,.).„. ::., ,,,,.1:: ..,,„ ,,,7,,, ,•,; :: ;,;::;, -1;;:.!, (!:.,,, ,;5:;3: . ' 33'3'''13.': ; 0.) 3.333. 1,3 ....-.. ::.: CI pc 1:, -(13 • ENCOURAGING HOPE AND HUMAN CONNECTION 6/17/2020 1 DEVELOPMENT "1,4' 1 WHAT IS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Economic Development is a group of programs, policies and activities that work collectively to create better conditions for economic growth and employment generation with the end goal to improve the economic wellbeing and quality of life of a community by building local wealth, diversifying the economy, creating and retaining jobs, and building the local tax base. 2 1 6/17/2020 3 4 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IS NOT A RACE....IT ISA JOURNEY! ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TARGETED ACTIVITIES AND PROGRAMS a ti ." I uMr4:., : BUSINESS RETENTION & EXPANSION BUSINESS ATTRACTION TOURISM II I ,` I . I• COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT IDENTITY AND MARKETING 2 6/17/2020 Economic Development • Business Retention & Expansion • BusinessAttr ction • Retail Development • Site Selection • Site Development • Incentive Development • Policy Initiatives • Workforce Development • Downtown Revitalization • Tourism • Marketing • Entrepreneurship/Business Incubators • Small Business Development • Micro -enterprise Development • Talent Attraction • Process Streamlining • Capacity 5 BUSINESS RETENTION & EXPANSION ihis1 cit 1 le.org/37 Program 6 • Marketing • Tourism • Infrastructure • Diversification • Inclusion • Data Analysis • Market Research • Negotiation • Conflict Resolution • Brand Development • Brownficlds • Financing • Leadership • Project Management • Strategic Planning • Facilitation & Coordination Community Development • Housing • Education • Healthcare & Health Living • Public Safety • Youth Development • Cultural Amenities • Physical Amenities • Recreation • Entertainment Infrastructure Development 50+ calls and emails to various Eagle companies with follow- up information & resources • • Met with over 24 companies during a site visit Conducted over 40 surveys with businesses Worked with 6 existing companies looking to expand Refined the Business Retention and Expand program and updated website 3 6/17/2020 ENTREPRENEUR & SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT ! tcsattat 's, z 0 tees a. vet -)weer g Ix . ire manag ction risk solutions Connected (3) entrepreneurs/small business with SBDC and SBA for free consultations Connected (2) women owned businesses with the Idaho Women's Business Center 0 mon eadersI iatiora capir� ic_ success Website Created business resource center on City's website with a plethora of info for entrepreneurs and small business 7 .ate_ Conducted 2 site visits for new companies 10 recruitment appts. 12+ recruitment packages Responded to over 12 RFI's from Regional and State ED office from companies looking to locate 8 50+ 360+ NEW BUSINESSES \ EW JOBS BUSINESS ATTRACTION httos://www.citvofeaole.orq/323/Lo cate-Grow-Here 4 6/17/2020 9 WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT &TALENT ATTRACTION. https://www.cityofeagle.org/336/W orkforce-Traininq Wineries Worked with the wineries and grape growers in the Eagle Foothills to draft a code amendment to change Ada County Code 0 Held (1) educational training class with SB for businesses in Eagle and marketed several others on the website Worked with (1) company to organize tours and demonstrations of what they do to students Events Assisted in marketing of events and activities going on • within Eagle IN NEI r Met with the School A District about the career technical program and enhanced communication with the City • Connected (2) businesses with resources for apprenticeship programs and the workforce development training fund grants Inventory Worked on a database of agricultural businesses within Eagle or the impact area I TOURISM DEVELOPMENT httos://www.citvofeaale.ora/302/Local-Attractions 10 5 6/17/2020 DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT (5) Business attraction projects (2) Potential business expansion projects (1) Redevelopment project (5) Business retention visits (3) Businesses expanded (1) Road infrastructure project Shop Local Campaigns Partnerships https://www.cityofeagle.orq/473/Dow ntown-Eagle 11 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & PLACEMAKING httos://www.citvofeaale.ora/273 /Communitv-Profile 12 Website updates & marketing (40+) Business surveys (1) Company housing search 6 6/17/2020 13 20I 9 STATS Investment New Business • New SF • New MF 14 POPULATION i EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT IDENTITY & MARKETING • Website • Printed Materials and Brochure • Videos and Podcasts • Newsletters • Promotional Swag • Mobile Apps • Social Media • Campaigns • Ads MEDIAN AGE Age Onop Mth the t_xpbn of thePapal.^ O $81,196 lite MEDIAN HH INCOME A10,125 p OF HOUSEHOLDS 7 6/17/2020 STRATEGIC PLANNING & POLICY DEVELOPMENT 15 FY2020-2021 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BUDGET Personnel 'EXPENDITURES Major Objects and Subobjects 6/7/2019 Line FY20.21 item cost PERSONNEL: Salaries (26-0415-10-00) 136,619 FICA (26-0415-21-00) 10,451 PERSI (26-0415-22.00) 16,312 HRA Billing - Premium Buy Down (12-0415-23-00) 6 Workers Compensation (26-415-24-00) 2,473 Insurance (Employer) (26-0415-25-00) 21,666 TOTAL PERSONNEL: $187,521 16 4% COLA & 2% Merit Increase 16 8 6/17/2020 FY2020-2021 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BUDGET ADMINISTRATION ) Office Supplies (26-0413-05-00) Duplication/Publishing/Printing (26-0413-06-00) Training (26-0413-12-00) Travel and Per Diem (26-0413-13-00) 17 500l 1,50d 6,895 Impeppg 1,000 Webinars & Online Training 1,695 Women In Economic Development Forum 3,000 Continuing�Education/Recertification Training 1,200 IEDA Corli�rences 6,40d grj —1,500 Women in Economic Development Forum 1,500 1,900 1,500 ICSC ReCON Tradeshows/Site Selectors Conventions/Recruitment Missions Local & Regional Travel/Parking/Mileage FY2020-2021 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BUDGET Professional Dues (26-0413-14-00) Communications (26-0413-19-00) Uniforms (26-0413-29-00) 18 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION: 17 2,890 o�cc�I nO)Intemational Economic Development Council (2) 400J Idaho Economic Development Association (2) 30 Idaho Association of Building Officials (1) 200intematlonal Conference of Shp>yping Centers (2) 10' Intemational Code Council (1C (1) 18(J(Destination Development Association (1) 29 MainStreet America (1) 78(J(Linkedln Sales Navigator (1) 10,400411W7 5,General marketing, t rkol software fees, videos, brochures, etc. 1,Swag/Promotional Mer grri&ise 3,000,I Downtown/Small Business/Entrepreneurship 1,40UICRM Software Annual Fee 20e , 200IWork shirts, ID badge holders, jackets, name tag pins $28,785 18 9 6/17/2020 FY2020-2021 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BUDGET Professional Dues (26-0413-14-00) Communications (26-0413-19-00) Uniforms (26-0413-29-00) 19 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 2,890 9 Jlntemational Economic De,.elopmenl Council (2) 40(91daho Economic Development Association (2) 3(AJldaho Association of Building Officials (1) 200 Intemational C�� fer�j(1ce QQf y§,,I 4 pg Centers (2) 106)lntemational Code Council O ) 1) 1809 Development Association (1) 29.r MainStreet America (1) .7861LInkedln Sales Na4gator(1) 10,406 5,00 JGeneral marketing, to include software fees, udeos, brochures, etc. 1.0061Swag/Promotional Merchandise 3.006Downtown/Small Business/Entrepreneurship 1,406 CRM Software Annual Fee H 206 $28,784 200 Work shirts, ID badge holders, jackets, name tag pins FY2020-2021 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BUDGET TOTAL PERSONNEL: TOTAL ADMINISTRATION: TOTAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BUDGET: 20 $187,5211 $28, 785 $216,306 19 20 10 6/17/2020 Robin Collins Economic Development Director 21 11