Minutes - 2020 - City Council - 06/04/2020 - Special EAGLE CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES June 4,2020 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Pierce calls the meeting to order at 1:01 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: PIKE,GOLD,PITTMAN,Absent: BAUN. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Pierce leads the Pledge of Allegiance 4. FY 2021-FY 2025 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN WORKSHOP: Workshop on the FY 2021-2025 Capital Improvements Planning process, review of the capital projects request list and Draft FY 2020-2021 Capital Budget. Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Planner III, Baird-Spencer reviews the draft Capital Improvement Plan. Baun arrives at 1:05pm Discussion regarding prioritization of projects, phasing and funding of the same. 5. ADJOURNMENT: Gold moves to adjourn. Seconded by Pittman . ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES Hearing no further business,the Council meeting was adjourned. Res ectfully submitted: TRACY S ORN, CMC SR DEPU Y CLERIC/TREASURER APPROVED: S N PIERCE YOR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT W W W.CITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page 1 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\cc-06-04-20spmin.docx FY 2021 Capital Budget -June 4th Draft Capital Maintenance Mayor's Project Rank Dent Type -Rank Description � - c PW CM-5 Guerber Park 2200 Hill Road $ 20,000 GF LIB CM-3 Staff Computers $ 6,000 x GF LIS CM-4 Public Computers $ 12,000 x GF IT CM-3 City Hall Backbone infrastructure 660 E Civic Lane $ 1,900 x GF IT CM-4 Staff PC Replacement 660 E Civic Lane $ 15,000 x OF IT CM -5 Monitors & Displays 660 E Civic Lane $ 32,200 x GF IT CIA Plotters & Printers 560 E Civic Lane $ 2,000 GF TftL CM-2 FEMA Trail Repairs#2 $ 1,423,724 FEMA #1 Capital Maintenance Request Subtotal: $ 1,512,824 #2 Capital Maintenance Annual Set -Aside Subtotal: $ 1,261,992 #3 Carry Forward from FY 2019-20 €. Capital Maintenance Total: $ 2,774,816 #1 FY 2020-2021 Total Capital Maintenace (CM) : $ 1,512,824 #2 Capital Maintenace Set Aside $ 1,261,992 #3 CM Carry Forward from FY 2019-20 TBD #4 Capital Projects (CP) : $ 4,299,000 #5 Alternative Funding Sources $ (2,739,250) Capital Fund from General Fund Transfers $ 4,334,566 Alternative Funding Sources Water Fund $ 115,000 FEMA Reimb. $ 349,000 Landing Sale $ 1,600,000 Park impact Fee* $ 50,000 Path Impact Fee' $ 165,250 Police Impact Fees— $ 55,500 URACost Share" 5 404,500 *Assumes 500 Ras Aid,. Per o in 2020 -A-- adoption & 450 Res. Permits -.'Requires URA approval Capital Projects Mayor's Project Rank Deot TVDe-Rank Description 3 1 5 E ME CP-4 Heritage Park Expansion- Plan/Study Heritage Park $ 50,000 IF PZ CP-1 Eagle& State Intersection Eagle&State $ 670,000 x URA/ GF PZ CP-2 Aiken Street Extension Aikens & 2nd Street $ 89,000 x URA/ GF PZ CP-3 Eagle Road Ped18ike Bridge Eagle @ N. Channel $ 600,000 x GF/ ITS CP-2 City Owned Shop TBD $ 250,000 x GF/ H2O CP-3 City Hall Expansion 660 E Civic Lane $ 1,900,000 x Sale /GF H2O CP-1 Master Water Plan System wide plan $ 40,000 H2O CP-4 Line Relocation/Expansion SH44 & Riverwalk $ 40,000 H2O H2O CP-5 Fencing of Well Sites City wide $ 35,000 LIB Y CP-1 Library Facilities Master Plan City wide $ 30,000 GF CP-1 NW Police Substation (co -located with EFD) SH-16 & BLR $ 165,000 x IF/ GF TELL '" CP-1 Eagle Island State Park Trial - Phase 2 5 230,000 x IF/ GF TR CP-2 Eagle Island State Park Trial - Phase 3 $ 60,000 GF TRU CP-3 Eagle Island State Park Trial - Phase 4 $ 40,000 GF T >- 1CP-4 North Channel Center Trail $ 100,000 GF #4 Capital Projects Subtotal: $ 4,299,000 E Maintenace to Capital Funding Ratio I Increase Annaul Maintenace Set -Aside 0.65 $ 113,661.72