Minutes - 1989 - City Council - 02/28/1989 - RegularEAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 28, 1989 The Eagle City Council met in regular session on February 28, 1989 at 7s30 p.m. Mayor GUERBER presiding. Roll call showed the following members presents STEVE HAMMONS, GARY WALKER. Absent: STEVE MATLOCK. TOM MINOW, Moved by MINOW and seconded by.HAMMONS to approve the minutes of the February 14, 1989 meeting as presented. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. Mayor GUERBER announced it was the time and the place for the public hearing on the 1989 Eagle Comprehensive Plan amendments. PUBLIC TESTIMONYs opposition. There was no public testimony in favor or MINOW presented the latest amendments to the City Council as recommended by Eagle Planning and Zoning. Those changes are listed on page 9 of the Comprehensive Plan under transportation, numbers 11,12, and 13. The changes deal with the future development of a bypass and airport in the Eagle area. MINOW commented that the direction of the amended plan was to create a guideline and allow the ordinances to provide the scope for development. The new plan provides for 3 designated areas, the City Limits, Urban Service Planning Area and Impact Area, as defined on the policy diagram map. We have an updated Eagle Policy Diagram map outlining these 3 areas. Moved by MINOW and seconded by WALKER to adopt the amendments as submitted. ALL AYEs MOTION CARRIED. NEW BUSINESSs Ada County Transmittal 89-03-CU. Moved by HAMMONS and seconded by WALKER to accept the recommendations of the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission and to approve this transmittal with the stipulation that this private storage/garage is for private use only and not a commercial venture. ALL AYEs MOTION CARRIED. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Beer/liquor license request from Tim McCullough. Moved by HAMMONS and seconded by MINOW. Discussion resulted in questioning the financial statement. It was established that there had been a line of credit established for the business. AYEs HAMMONS, MINOW. NAY: WALKER. MOTION CARRIED. MAYOR'S REPORT: SENIOR CITIZENS: The Seniors have requested shelving, shading of the overhead windows installation of 2 new electrical plugs and a $5.00 adjustment on fees for rental of the building. CITY COUNCIL MEETING FEB. 28, 1989 PAGE 2 Moved by WALKER to allow the Senior fee schedule adjustment as requested. Motion seconded by MINOW. ALL AYE.. MOTION CARRIED. Appointments .' A Trail Committee has been formed for identification of routes in order to accomplish completion of the greenbelt through the Eagle area. Those nominated include.. Pete Cintorino, Gil Simpson, Danny Friend, and Ervin Balou. Don Stockton will be appointed as .advisor to the committee. Mayor Guerber requests approval of those nominations. Moved by MINOW and seconded by HAMMONS to approve the nominations as presented. ALL AYE.' MOTION CARRIED. BUILDING INSPECTOR.. Tabled until the March 14, 1989 meeting. LIBRARY BOARD MEMBER.. 14, 1989 meeting. Will make a recommendation at. the March AUCTION REPORT.. Generated $9,023. REMINDER: On March 14, 1989 the Mayor will be testifying on the two anticipated grants with the Department of Commerce. STOREHOUSE CHURCH.. Will add to the agenda of March 14, 1989 for discussion. RESOLUTION 1-89 - 1989 amendments to the Comprehensive Plan. Moved by MINOW and seconded by HAMMONS to approve the resolution as presented. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. CLAIMS: Moved by MINOW and seconded by HAMMONS to approve the claims. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. Moved by MINOW and seconded by HAMMONS to adjourn. 8:10 p.m. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. The time was ~ pectfully submitted: B~rbara Mont~%mer~ Eagle City Clerk