Minutes - 2014 - City Council - 06/30/2014 - Regular EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Minutes June 30, 2014 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Reynolds calls the meeting to order at 5:05 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: MCFARLAND, BUTLER, KUNZ, RIDGEWAY. All present. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Reynolds leads the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. ADDITIONS,DELETIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE AGENDA: McFarland moves to add discussion of Noise Waiver for Bill McCarrel at the Gathering Place that was on the Agenda last week. There are some issues of timing for him to procure his band and he has requested that we discuss this. Seconded by Kunz. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES 5. PUBLIC COMMENT: None This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding subjects not on the agenda. At times,the City Council may seek co mnents/opinions regarding specific City matters during this allotted time. This is not the time slot to give formal testimony on a public hearing matter, or comment on a pending application or proposal. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three(3)minutes. Noise Waiver Request: Bill McCarrel with the Gathering Place(50 E. State Street) is requesting a noise waiver for July 11 & 12, 2014 until 1:00 a.m. to accommodate his activities for Eagle Fun Days. This item was to be continued from the June 24, 2014 meeting. General Council discussion. McFarland moves to approve the noise ordinance waiver. Seconded by Butler. Three AYES: Ridgeway: NAY: MOTION CARRIES Further Council discussion. Council asks the Mayor to contact Mr. McCarrel and tell him to get into City Hall to take care of his other issues because Council will not be lenient in the future. 6. FISCAL YEAR 2014-2015 BUDGET DISCUSSION: General budget discussion including but not limited to discussion on the following Departments/Funds: General Fund—Revenue and Expenditures Property Taxes Executive Department Budget City Clerk Department Budget Building Department Budget Planning& Zoning Department Budget Parks and Recreation-Facilities Budget Park Fund Budget Library Budget Page I K:\COUNCIL\MWUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-06-30-14spmtgbdgtdoc Water Department Budget Arts Commission Budget Historic Preservation Commission Budget All other City Departments/Funds Mayor: does anyone have issues with the following Budgets? Hearing none the discussion continues on the remaining Department Budgets. City Clerk Department Budget Executive Department Budget Building Department Budget Water Department Budget Historic Preservation Commission Museum Some general Council discussion on these budgets but Council has no changes. Arts Commission Budget: General Council discussion. Kunz moves to fund the Arts Commission from the General Fund to the tune of$10,900 rather than $20,900. Discussion. Kunz amends the motion to have the Boise Philharmonic Funding of $5,000 be moved to the General Fund. Seconded by Ridgeway. Further discussion. Council requests that Kunz restate his motion. Kunz: my motion is as follows: that we modify or amend the General Fund funding for the Arts Commission from a total of$20,900 down to $10,000. That would be the sum total of my motion at this time. Discussion. Seconded by Ridgeway. McFarland:NAY; Butler:NAY; Kunz: AYE; Ridgeway: AYE: Mayor: ABSTAIN: MOTION DIES Further Council discussion. Ridgeway: I would like to see the City be in charge of the Philharmonic and I would recommend that the Sculptural project be every other year at least and substitute that with a different project that they would come to get approval for. McFarland: I would second that if that is a motion. Ridgeway: Yes. That would leave the budget as it is. McFarland: AYE; Butler: AYE; Kunz: NAY; Ridgeway: AYE: MOTION CARRIES Mayor: does anyone have issues with the remaining Budgets? Planning and Zoning Department Budget: Council has no changes. McFarland: Building Department Budget I just have one comment and it follows the entire budget and that is as far as raises go I am in favor of COL raises, however, if we are looking at individual raises above and beyond that, I would like to schedule an Executive Session to discuss specific raises within any budget that are beyond cost of living. General discussion. McFarland asks that we add Executive Session to the next City Council meeting to talk about personnel issues. This doesn't affect the budget it is just a motion. Park Fund: General discussion. Council concurs to fund the following: Construction Projects: Mace Park$150,000, Guerber Park $250,000, Eagle Sports Complex Developments Storage/Bathroom Building$200,000 and Skill Park$47,550. Library Budget: General discussion., This discussion is continued until after the rest of the department budgets. Parks and Recreation-Facilities Budget: General discussion. Page 2 K:\COUNCIL\MINU'ES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-06-30-14spmtgbdgt.doc General discussion on the Sheriff's Departments Budget. McFarland: I am happy with the budget the way it is and I agree that the Trails Coordinator/Maintenance salary should be boosted up to $41,000 plus benefits and I am happy to approve the Budget as submitted with that increase and have that amount come out of the operational reserve. I make this a motion. McFarland: I amend the motion to replace operational reserve with excess revenue. Discussion. Motion dies for lack of a second. Butler moves to approve the Budget with a$50,000 cut in the Library Budget and reduce the Park and Rec Budget by$100,000 but not cutting any staff and raising the one staff pay to $41,000,that the Impact Fee expenditures be as we stated earlier,that the Arts Commission expenditures be as we stated earlier,and any reduced funds or any funds that are different be put into an operational reserve. Discussion. Seconded by McFarland. Discussion. Butler amends the motion to be an additional reserve fund (instead of operational reserve). Second concurs. Discussion. Butler amends the motion: the uncommitted Hill Road $122,629 would also go into the Reserve. Second concurs. General discussion on adding an administration fees to the attorney and engineering fees for the collection of the attorney and engineering fees charged to Developers. McFarland: AYE; Butler: AYE; Kunz: NAY; Ridgeway: AYE: MOTION CARRIES Further general discussion. 7. ADJOURNMENT: Butler moves to adjourn. Seconded by Ridgeway. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted: ••••••w••AG�'E•.,,,,,,0.0 SHARON K. BERGMANN •-•'i A. • CITY CLERK/TREASURER 144 t c �• Es.1' ;PPROVED: '•., TA'fE0 ••'��, JAMES D. RE 0 S MAYOR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE AT CITY HALL UPON REQUEST. Page 3 K_ACOUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work AreaVCC-06-30-14spmtgbdgt.doc