Minutes - 1988 - City Council - 08/30/1988 - RegularEAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 30, 1988 The Eagle City Council met in regular session on August 30, 1988, at 7~30 p.m. Mayor GUERBER presiding. Roll call showed the following members present: TOM MINOW, STEVE MATLOCK, GARY WALKER, STEVE HAMMONS. Moved by MINOW and seconded by MATLOCK to approve the .minutes of the August 16, 1988 Budget meeting., ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. Moved by MATLOCK and seconded by ~~N~ to approve the minutes of the August 16, 1988 regular meeting. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING: BUDGET. MAYOR GUERBER started the public hearing by reading a letter into record that was submitted to the local newspaper. Speakers regarding the budget were: Members of the Library board: Mike Covault, Ada Costanzo, Christine Gaston, and Librarian Ann Gallinger. Members of the Building Association: Wayne Crosby, Jim Heath, Milt Rose. Those items that were discussed were Library revenues and how much the city will be responsible to provide in the future, how much the library will be responsible to provide through donations. Other items discussed were separate line items on the budget. Those of concern of those in attendance were, salaries and benefits. Motion to approve the budget made by MATLOCK, seconded by WALKER. ALL AYE: Moved by MINOW and seconded by WALKER to dispense with the three day ruling and to consider Ordinance #141, th~ Annual Appropriation Ordinance immediately. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. Moved by MATLOCK and seconded by HAMMONS to approve the Ordinance City Council Meeting August 30, 1988 Page 2 as presented. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. ATTORNEY REPORT: Mona Dobaran reported some apprehension regarding the "hold harmless" portion of the Block Bros. Lot presented to the city. The City Attorney believes that clause should be modified as there are items dealing with the pond that the developer is and will be responsible for in the future. MAYOR'S REPORT: Mayor GUERBER announced that Wayne Crosby had received the outstanding Pharmacist award for the year. The Mayor also asked for input as to awarding A1 and Lilly Courtial for their contribution of their home to Cecilia, the Rec=eation Coordinator, for the summer. It was the general ~pinion that they should receive a letter of recognition and a Certificate of Appreciation. CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY: Moved by MATLOCK and seconded by WALKER to approve as presented. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Respectfully ~,~bmitted: Eagle City Clerk ~-~ ~3 Approved .' MAYOR STEVE GUERBER