Minutes - 2020 - City Council - 05/14/2020 - Special EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Special Meeting Minutes May 14,2020 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Pierce calls the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: PIKE, GOLD, PITTMAN. Absent: BAUN. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Pierce leads the Pledge of Allegiance Baun arrives at meeting at 1:02 p.m. 4. FY 2021- FY 2025 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN WORKSHOP: Workshop on the FY 2021-2025 Capital Improvements Planning process, review of the capital projects request list. Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Planner III, Nichoel Baird-Spencer presents the draft Capital Improvement Plan and the purpose for the same. General discussion. 5. ADJOURNMENT: Gold moves to adjourn. Seconded by Pittman . ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 2:26 p.m. Respectfully submitted: rups OF�.qG+{ tor1 :� ay * _ TRACY Ell :(]RN, CMC 1 SEAL / SR DEPU CITY CLERK/TREASUIV4 , �,,IP.'� APPROVED: QA9'N PIERCE MAYOR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT W W W.CITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page 1 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-OS-14-20min doc /yip INTER City of Eagle Zoning Administration OFFICE To: Mayor Pierce and City Council Members From: Nichoel Baird Spencer, AICP, Planner III Subject: FY 2021-2025 Capital Planning Process Date: May 14, 2020 Attachment(s): Capital Projects Master List Below is an overview of the capital planning process the City has undergone to date. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me at 484-8772 or nbaird cti ofeal-Lie.orJ• City of Eagle Capital Planning Process: The goal of the capital planning process is to provide the City- its citizens, elected official,and staff-a road map for major investments and maintenance within the City that is collaborative and fiscally constrained. A Capital Improvement Plan(CIP) contains all the individual capital projects, equipment purchases, major repair and replacement, and major studies for the City, including construction and development timelines and financing plans. The plan provides a framework for maintaining and improving the City's infrastructures. The CIP is the alignment of planning, finance, and construction. A complete and thoroughly vetted CIP provides the following benefits: • Coordination and alignment of capital and operating budgets, • Evaluation of competing demands for resources based on City's prioritization and the City's long-term goals and objectives, • Identifies, prioritizes, and optimizes coordination of capital projects and maintenance across departments • Establishes anticipated financing options: Pay-as-you-go, Federal and State grants,Bonding, savings/set-aside, • Provide a means for the implementation of strategic and comprehensive plans within the City's fiscal capacity, and • Provide an opportunity for community involvement and informs the public about the City's planned timelines and investment in infrastructure Page 1 of 6 K:\Planning Dept\Base Documents\MEMO Nichoel.doc The City of Eagle has never had an adopted Capital Improvements Plan. Capital projects have been prioritized and funded at the direction of the Mayor and Council each budget cycle. Individual larger projects of interest historically were funded as a"strategic annual goal", a multi-year budget set-aside, however this process fell to the wayside during the recession. If additional revenues were received during a fiscal year,they were prioritized based on departmental requests and the Mayor's recommendation. While this process works for a city that has limited capital projects and improvements it does not work for a City with robust capital needs and aging infrastructure. The City's current capital funding process places a large burden on the current year's budget and on the construction of new infrastructure and amenities. Current practice is to complete a large construction project each year, which may consume all or most of the available funding for that year, and as such precluding/limiting the construction of additional projects,project development/planning and/or critical capital maintenance needs. Funding a project in a single fiscal year limits the City's ability to participate in partnerships with both private and other public entities as there is no guarantee for funding/construction in a future year. In times of economic weakness,the City is forced to stop all capital investments (projects and maintenance) as there is no reserves, increasing the likelihood of disrepair of the City's assets and increased future costs. Further,the current practice creates project silos and competition between City departments for the limited annual funding. Establishing an annual City-wide vetting of the anticipated 5-year capital investments (projects & maintenance)creates the opportunity for public participation, influence, and understanding of the planning, prioritization, and funding of projects. It increases collaboration between departments allowing projects to be combined and/or sequenced that may result in cost savings. A CIP allows the City to consider and weigh the cost and importance of a capital project versus a capital maintenance project. A capital investment plan decreases pressure on City resources in a single year establishing an expectation that projects will need to set-aside funding over time and that providing time for outside funding sources to be pursued. A capital plan provides guidance to the City on the use of unplanned revenue and the cost to maintain existing infrastructure and investment. The goal of this process, in the short term, is to begin to understand the demands of capital projects and maintenance on the City's annual budget while, in the long term,transition into a formal 5-year project request cycle that allows capital costs to be identified early and phased across multiple budget years. To begin this process, each City department was asked to identify projects that would likely request funding over the next 5-years and sort them into three categories: or Phase 111111 hese 2 - Mt Phase 3 JIM Capital Project: Capital Maintenance Project: Operational Maintenance: New project,facility,or The replacement,upgrade,or The ordinary maintenance of a City investment that costs more than renovation of an existing capital facility and or investment to ensure $20,000 and has a life span of 5 project,facility,or investment that continued day-to-day/annual use for years or more. Customarily these has a cost of$10,000 or more and its intended purpose and function. projects are associated with has a lifespan of 5-years or more. These funds should be part of the maintaining minimal levels of This does not include ordinary appropriate departments'budget service associated with growth or maintenance necessary to ensure request. the annexation of new lands. continued day-to-day/annual use of These projects often have a the facility. Page 2 of 6 K:\Planning Dept\Base Documents\MEMO Nichoel.doc dedicated funding sources(i.e. development impact fees)or are NOTE:This fund is not specific to a NOTE: These requests should be eligible for outside funding project but is established a saving for part of the annual department budget and/or moneys(i.e.state and future capital maintenance projects request. There will be no change to federal transportation grants, that would be in a future year or that this request process. etc.) are unexpected expenditures. Example Capital Projects: Example Capital Maintenance: Example Operational Maintenance: *New parks, *Computer replacements *Painting of buildings *New trails, *Replacement of existing fleet *Screen protectors vehicles *Expansion of existing facilities *Renovation replacement of specific *Sprinkler heads park elements-i.e.Play equipment *Extending water main lines *Replacement of flood damaged *Printer toner/Ink trails *Upgrade booster pumps in wells *Water sampling *Replacement of lid on reservoir *Repair of chlorine equipment *Replacement of onsite customer meter equipment Departments were given 3-weeks to complete the Phase 1, Capital Projects, list with an additional week to prepare capital maintenance requests. This timeline was a bit challenging as the COVID-19 sheltering order limited face to face meetings and resulted in several staff members working offsite. Online training was provided to all department heads on April 6th and April 8th with an additional 12 meetings being held on a one-on-one basis. Final submittal of Phase 1 projects was completed on May 28, 2020 and is the subject of today's workshop. Capital Project Requests: The City departments identified and documented 74 capital project requests with 7 being cross- departmental requests,two or more departments requesting the same or similar projects,resulting in 67 unique projects, see the Capital Projects Master List. In total the city-wide capital projects request is $59,095,856.00. The capital project request by year is: Capital Project Requests from Departments Total Capital FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21 FY 2021-22 FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 Beyond 2025 Requests $59,583,454 $2,791,254 $5,115,700 $2,848,000 $2,812,500 $ 1,359,000 $ 550,000 $28,690,000 48% of the projects identified are beyond the current 5-year capital projects planning horizon(FY 2025) and 22.7% of the project request do not have a year or cost identified. In 2018,the city began the process Page 3 of 6 K:\Planning Dept\Base Documents\MEMO Nichoel.doc of placing capital projects into a dedicated fund to begin a savings process of roadway and trails projects. The average annual funding for the capital account, while limited, is $2M. The annual average request for the FY21-25 is over$2.5M with the savings peaking in fiscal year 2020-2021, at$5.11 M to fund construction in FY24 at$6.14M. For the past two years the City has utilized a capital projects account that is funded by the general fund for cost share contributions to ACHD, large construction projects, and some trails projects. In the current fiscal year,the City holds approximately $2.4M in this account. As you can see in the graph above the City's investment would need to significantly increase to fund all the departmental requests in the years they have been requested. The departmental capital projects requests have been provided for your review. This list includes a summary of the request, and the departments initial funding timeline as prioritized by the Department Head. The current capital projects funding process in the City is heavily reliant on the general fund. The City's budgeting process establishes the general fund as a clearinghouse for the mixing and redistribution of most funds that enter the City. While a few funding sources like water and impact fees are directed into specific accounts,most projects rely on the general fund for funding. City Budgeting Model Z +°ministraeioz ,'dater I ... Capital Projects •-' Public Works FLOW . __,—,j city Functions • Contracts Reserves Page 4 of 6 K:\Planning Dept\Base Documents\MEMO Nichoel.doc As the City expand to a city-wide capital projects plan, additional sources of income and or policy establishing the dedication on specific income streams must be identified to offset the capital requests. One advantage is new capital projects tend to have more opportunities for funding-impact fees, state and federal grants, and agency partnerships like the Eagle Urban Renewal Agency (EURA). Additionally, as part of the CIP process the City may choose to establish funding policies that help direct when and how a project is funded,this may include policies for the prioritization for impact fees, construction contingencies based on state and federal grants, and cost share agreements or private contributions. It is conceivable that each project will have a unique blend of funding and triggers for advancement/construction. Based on the preliminary department requests an example of some of the sources are shown below: 'Capital Projects with Known/Committed Funding 'Department FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 FY24 FY25 Request 5.1,930 $ 600,000 $ 580,000 $ 738,000 $ 810,000 $ 330,000 115,675 162,250 198,300 198,300 198,300 General Fund 51,930 484,325 417,750 539,700 611,700 131,700 Request 165,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 - Peirre,s.. - 38,850 94,350 66,600 66,600 66,600 General Fund 126,150 55,650 83,400 83,400 - tibrary Request 30,000 155.000 155,000 - - Friends of the Library Property Tax increase!2 -.-. 17 - -. 30,000 155,000 155,000 - 1Watec :._.� Request • 495,300 544,200 40,000 40,000 40,000 - Enterprise Funds 495,300 544,200 80,000 40,000 40,000 Request 120,000 2,150,000 325,000 10,000 300,000 190,000 25,000 100,000 - Sale of Landing 1,650,000 Set-aside/Earmark 288,000 General fund 120,000' 212,000 300,000 10,000 200,000 190,000 Eco Dev/URA Request 98,719 - - - - - URA 11,500 General Fund 87,219 Planning Request 1,574,926 1,404,000 1,493,000 1,593,000 134,000 - I URA 38,500 380,000 380,000 380,000 , State&Fed grants 136,000 500,000, J Capital Projects 1,225,680 I General Fund 174,746 1,024,000 1,113,000 713,000 134,000 OSRequest 0 285,000 160,000 201,500 30,000 t:r-..1=1-1 f.,:-.• i 285,000 160,000 201,500 30,000 General Fund 0 - - - - When the plan accounts for the potential/additional funding sources the demand on the general fund decreases by 50% over the 5-year planning horizon. Page 5 of 6 K:\Planning Dept\Base Documents\MEMO Nichoel.doc Capital Projects With Known Alternative Funding Source-Request list FY 19-20 FY20-21 FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 Impact Fees - 439,525 441,600 466,400 364,900 294,900 Property Tax - 30,000 155,000 155,000 - - Friends - - - - - - Enterprise 495,300 544,200 80,000 40,000 40,000 - Grants 136,000 - - 500,000 - - URA* 50,000 380,000 380,000 380,000 - - Safe of Landing 1,650,000 Set-aside/earmark 288,000 General Fund 433,895 • 1,846,475 1,886,400 1,346,100 ' 1,029,100 321,700 Even with the inclusion of alternative funding sources the annul general fund set aside in FY20-21 & FY21-22 is over$1.8M and this cost does not account for the capital maintenance costs associated with the"replacement, upgrade, or renovation of an existing capital project, facility, or investment". With the recent Covid-19 issues, it is likely that revenues in FY 2020 and FY2021 will be less than previously anticipated, as these numbers do not represent the 10-15% reduction in the account balance that should be anticipated. Additional saving can be found by: • Delaying projects that do not have a time sensitive funding partner, • Removing projects if they are not consistent with the City's vision, • Establishing construction triggers based on outside funding, and • By using the adopted Level of Service standards in our impact fee ordinances to guide investment. Next Step: Staff will be preparing a similar master capital maintenance list for consideration by the Council. Page 6 of 6 K:\Planning Dept\Base Documents\MEMO Nichoel.doc Capital Projects Master List - May 14, 2020 Planning/Project Develop Engineering Savings Construction Dept New Funding Requests by Year Mayor Dept. Rank Description Location Cost X-ref 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026+ Notes: EAGLE 1 RECREATION/COMMUNITY/PERFORMING TBD TBD 0 Preliminary plan and engineers ARTS CENTER Study estimate,x-ref with previous study Project needs to be established as a regional partnership through resolution or interlocal agreement in 2020-2021, 2 Regional Park-Plan/Study TBD 200,000 100,000 100,000 PW-13 request help from COMPASS through he UPWP in 2021 for 2022,Savings from 2023 to construction once an engineer's estimate is established- contingent on outside partnerships Ada/Eagle Preliminary scoping in 2022 and 2 3 Dog Park Sports 151,500 50,000 101,500 mPW- 10 engineering in 2023,preference is 7- complex acres just larger than Nampa Planning and Engineering should be completed prior to 2023 when the park will be closed for the State&Eagle Heritage Intersection. This will allow 4 Heritage Park Expansion-Plan/Study Park 50,000 50,000 Pail/ renovations of the existing park at the same time and the potential relocation of facilities to address the eventual expansion plan. Ada/Eagle 5 EAGLE ICE RINK Sports 235,000 235,000 complex 6 MOTOCROSS FACILITY-Plan/Study Eagle TBD Foothills Edgewood 7 CHARLIE WOODS PARK-Plan/Study at 30,000 30,000 Design only in 2025 greenbelt Capital Projects Master List - May 14, 2020 Planning/Project Develop Engineering Savings Construction Mayor Dept. Dept Description Location Cost New Funding Requests by Year X-ref Rank 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026+ Notes: 8 Foothills Shooting Range-Plan/Study Eagle TBD Contingent on partnership with Foothills Foothills developers and BLM Beacon 9 Terra View Park (22 Acres ) Developer Light& 10 000 10 000 Coordination of facilities and standards Donation during planning and design process. Hartley Parks & Recreation Subtotal:I of 285,0001 160,0001 201,sool l 30,0001 I I I Capital Projects Master List - May 14, 2020 Planning/Project Develop Cngineenng Savings Construction j New Funding Requests by Year Mayor Dept. Rank Description Location CostI X-ref 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026+ Notes: Plaza Drive U/C Palmetto Street Extension to SH 44 518,426 518,426 Out for Bid-in current FY 19-20 Budget I i - 1 Eagle & ACHD to Construct in 2023, Potential 1 Eagle &State Intersection State 2,016,000 16,000 670,000 670,000 670,000 PW-1 URA match and cost share. Project was submitted as part of the Eagle, Eagle annual IFYWP in 2020 to ACHD,Goal is to 1A Sidewalk Safety Improvements Sr. Center TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD improve as part of ADA safety to Stierman improvements or as part of the State and Eagle Intersection improvements in 2023. Cost Share with ACHD possible $335,000-currently set aside,ACHD to Aikens& construct in 2023,potential URA Match 2 Aiken Street Extension 2nd Street 615,000 335,000 89,000 89,000 89,000 and cost share. 5/13 reicieved a cost estimate from ACHD at$858,000 Received Engineering funds in FY18-19 Eagle @ N. and have$500,000 from ITD in 2023. If 3 Eagle Road Ped/Bike Bridge Channel 3,083,000 683,000 600,000 600,000 700,000 we do not complete project in 2023 will need to pay back$315,000 SH 44 E. of Complete preliminary design and then 4 Grade Separate Crossing SH-44 Eagle Road 7,500,000 25,000 reprioritize c E a 1- - Linder f 5 Linder Road Median Road, SH- 420,000 20,000 7.34,000. 134,000 134,CfG0 Identified in the Comprehensive plan. 44 to FF At City's discretion to add or not. Capital Projects Master List - May 14, 2020 Planning/Project Develop fngineer'ng Savings ConStruction Mayor Dept. Dept Description Location Cost New Funding Requests by Year X-ref Rank 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026+ Notes: SH-44 E. of Design only-Construction should be 4 6 Olde Park Extension Eagle Road 1,500,000 11,250 shared by URA/Developer 111 Idaho St, Design only-Construction is 7 Idaho Street Extension Olde Park 2,411,000 11,250 URA/Developer ACHD IFYWP Request to Stierman 8 Floating Feather Ped/Bike Gaps FF, SH 55 TBD to SH-16 BLR, SH-55 9 Beacon Light Road Ped/Bike-Study TBD ACHD IFYWP Request to SH-16 SH 55, SH Need regional process, UPWP request 10 Three Cities River Crossing-Study 44 to TBD to COMPASS US20/26 Planning Subtotal: 1,574,926 1,404,000 1,493,000 1,593,000 134,000 0 0 . . ---.111=111111=11 Capital Projects Master List - May 14, 2020 Planning/Project Develop Engineering Savings Constrwcklon Dept New Funding Requests by Year Mayor Dept. Rank Description Location Cost X-ref 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026+ Notes: Baptist 1 Baptist Church Parking Lot Church W. of Stierman Downtown 487,598 487,598 Engineer cost estimate 4/2020, need to request a URA cost share a ' 1 Downtown Parking Study Planning 95,000 0 URA Request from URA, CC denied on o� 8 Area 1st Street URA paying for design, requires a 2 1st Street Aiken to 11,500 11,500 TBD TBD i TBD URA request from URA,will require an Idaho expanded cost share agreement. Economic Development/URA Subtotal: 499,098 _ Mb Capital Projects Master List - May 14, 2020 Planning/Project Develop Engineering Savings Construction 1 Dept New Funding Requests by Year • Mayor Dept. Rank Description Location CostI I X-ref 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026+ Notes: I t' State Street 1 Downtown Sidewalks and Street Lighting & Eagle Improvements See PN21 Above f Road II 1 i 3 l 2 City Owned Shop TBD 550,000 250,000 300,000 W8 Combined with water department. This is City Contribution I I City Hall Expansion OR Maintenance Current Mayor request Engineer in 2020 1 I 3 Schedule location 2,000,000 100,000 1,900,000 construct in 2021-Construction contingent on sale of Landing Mission Engineering and plan design to allow 4 Museum Relocation- Engineering Drive to 100,000 100,000 for relocation based on the sale of the City Hall Landing SE Corner 5 Plaza Drive Pocket Park Plaza & 20,000 20,000 2nd Current 6 Library Expansion 3,000,000 100,000 LIB 3 Design only after completion of Library Master location Plan SH-44 W. of " — "°W 7 Relocation of E Entry Sign Linder 400,000 10,000 200,000 190,000 11 ! Capital Projects Master List - May 14, 2020 Planning/Project Develop Engineering Savings Construction Mayor Dept. Dept Description Location Cost New Funding Requests by Year X-ref Rank 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026+ Notes: 3 Planning and Engineering should be completed prior to 2023 when the park will be closed for the State& Eagle Intersection. This will allow Heritage renovations of the existing park at the 8 Heritage Park Expansion-Plan/Study See P&R 4 Above Park same time and the potential relocation of facilities to address the eventual expansion plan.Has a corresponding capital maintenance project. Potential Cost share with URA Eagle Road Requires coordination with ITD about 9 Mace Parking Lot-Plan/Study and N. 25,000 25,000 access to the property, establish uses if Channel more than parking and trail head. mu_ Ada/Eagle 10 Dog Park Sports See P&R 3 Above Preliminary scoping in 2022 and engineering in2023 complex . • Dennis Baker donating design work in 11 Pamala Baker Park-Plan Lake moor 'TBD Developer TBD 12020-will phase development Donation according to final plan Edgewood 12 CHARLIE WOODS PARK-Plan/Study at See P&R 7 Above Design in 2025 greenbelt Project needs to be established as a regional partnership through resolution or interlocal agreement in 2020-2021, 13 Regional Park-Plan/Study TBD See P&R 2 Above request help from COMPASS through he UPWP in 2021 for 2022,Savings from 2023 to construction once an engineer's estimate is established- contingent onoutside partnerships Public Works Subtotal: 120,000 2,150,000 325,000 10,000 300,000 190,000 Capital Projects Master List - May 14, 2020 Planning/Project Develop Engineering Savings - i .r,lcr i Mayor Dept. Dept Description Location Cost New Funding Requests by Year X-ref I Rank 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026+ Notes: 1 Master Water Plan System 80,000 40,000 40,000 wide plan HSB under 2 Horseshoe Bend Line ext. 2 SH55 to 400,000 45,800 354,200 Janie tai4 "v!:•c RcrJ.ccc::1cniliin�b� 29,500 ?9 � Hills Move to Capital Maintenance SH44& 4 Line Relocation/Expansion 40,000 40,000 Riverwalk 3 5 Fencing of Well Sites City wide 315,000 35,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 6 Upsizing STL Reimbursement to Developers City wide 60,000 20,000 40,000 7 Emergency Reserves City wide 250,000 200,000 50,000 '1 1 8 Water Shop TBD 225,000 200,000 25,000 P Combined with water department. This iireir:4is water contribution Capital Projects Master List - May 14, 2020 Planning/Project Develop Engineering Savings Construction Dept New Funding Requests by Year Mayor Dept. Rank Description Location 1 Cost X-ref 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026+ Notes: Water Subtotal: 495,3001 544,2001 40,0001 40,0001 40,0001 I Capital Projects Master List - May 14, 2020 Planning/Project Develop F'igineerrrig Savings cr,s-uttio:n 1 Dept - - — Mayor Dept. Rank Description Location Cost New Funding Requests by Year X-ref 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026+ Notes: I 1 Library Facilities Master Plan City wide 90,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 Will extend the need for branch 2 Bookmobile City wide 250,000 125,000 125,000 libraries and/or expansion,Will need to address depreciation and 0/M through fleet management plan with P/W 3 Librax Ex ansion Current Contingent on the completion of a Y P See PW 6 Above location Master facilities Plan > F 4 West Eagle Library NW Eagle 23,000,000 23,000,000 Contingent on the completion of a Master facilities Plan South 5 South Eagle Library Central 5,600,000 5,600,000 Contingent on the completion of a Eagle Master facilities Plan 6 Library Fleet Vehicle N/A 30,000 30,000 Contingent on the construction of a branch library Library Subtotal: 30,0001 155,0001 155,000 1 28,630,000 Capital Projects Master List - May 14, 2020 Planning/Project Develop Engineering Savings Construction Dept New Funding Requests by Year Mayor Dept. Rank Description Location Cost X-ref 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026+ Notes: i t SH-16& 1 NW Police Substation (co-located with EFD)• BAR 615,000 165,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 Co locate with Eagle Fire&n.Ada County,2021-15k design plus set aside t Capital Projects Master List - May 14, 2020 Planning/Project Develop Engineering Savings Construction • Mayor Dept. Dept Description Location Cost New Funding Requests by Year Rank X-ref 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026+ Notes: U/C Eagle Island State Park Trial- Phase 1 27,430 27,430 Ada/Eagle U/C ADA Ramp for RC Stands Sports 24,500 24,500 complex 5 1 Eagle Island State Park Trial - Phase 2 230,000 230,000 2 Eagle Island State Park Trial- Phase 3 60,000 60,000 3 Eagle Island State Park Trial - Phase 4 1,240,000 40,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 � I 4 North Channel Center Trail 316,000 100,000 100,000 116,000 5 BLM Trail plan 60,000 60,000 Ada/Eagle 6 All Weather Trail Sports 120,000 60,000 60,000 complex Capital Projects Master List - May 14, 2020 Planning/Project Develop Engineering Savings Construction Dept New Funding Requests by Year Mayor Dept. Rank Description Location Cost X-ref 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026+ Notes: Ada/Eagle 7 Skills Park Sports 72,000 72,000 complex 8 Wayfinding/Branding -Study City wide 20,000 20,000 Ada/Eagle 9 Trailhead Amenities Sports 150,000 150,000 complex To 10 Canal Trail-Study SH-1550 SH 50,000 50,000 11 Sportsman's Access Shores 250,000 50,000 100,000 100,000 12 Water Trail-Study Boise River 30,000 30,000 13 Equestrian Trailhead -Study TBD 30,000 30,0001 S. Channel Will require coordination/Permitting 14 South Channel Bridge-Study of the Boise 100,000 50,000 50,000 with ITD,Consider COMPASS Project River Development Application in 2022 Capital Projects Master List - May 14, 2020 Planning/Project Develop F.-gir'eering Savings co,v:tr.,r.:•ron Mayor Dept. Dept Description Location Cost New Funding Requests by Year X-ref Rank f 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026+ Notes: S. Channel Will require coordination/Permitting 15 South Channel underpass-Study of the Boise 100,000 50,000 50,000 with ITD,Consider COMPASS Project River Development Application in 2022 N. Channel Ri 16 N. Channel Bridge @ Dry Creek Bo@eDver 100,000 100,000 Y Creek Dry Creek & Dry Creek Canal Trail Dry Creek 17 S. of Clear 30,000 30,000 Connection Creek ACHD plan calls for a detached 2 sided Linder 10-15 ft multi-use pathway across the 18 l:^:i" RVMd Qr dgo T:-.7.!! Road @ N. 1-5,008 15,000 bridge. Requires coordination with Channel ACHD on Linder widening,not currently programed Linder 19 Linder Road Underpass Road @ N. 15,000 15,000 Channel S. Channel Williamson Ranch Greenbelt Bridge- Design of Boise 20 Onl River @ 100,000 100,000 Y Williamson Ranch � � Laguna 24 o._t//_`.c Y: _..r_^.-._ -71g:4riigo 30,000 30,000 Move to Capital Maintenance Point 1 Tr- . . - 51,930 600,000 580,000 738,001 -_ r ; ' I