Minutes - 1988 - City Council - 03/08/1988 - RegularEAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 8, 1988 The Eagle City Council met in regular session on March 8, 1988, 1988 at 7:30 p.m. Mayor GUERBER presiding. Roll call showed the following members present: TOM MINOW, STEVE MATLOCK, GARY WALKER, STEVE HAMMONS. Moved by WALKER and seconded by HAMMONS to approve the minutes of the February 9, 1988 meeting. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. Moved by HAMMONS and seconded by WALKER to approve the minutes of the February 11, 1988 meeting. ALL AYEs MOTION CARRIED. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Moved by MATLOCK and seconded by HAMMONS to approve the Findings of Facts and Conclusions of Law/Bass. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. Moved by HAMMONS and seconded by MINOW to approve the Findings of Facts and Conclusions of Law/1988 Comprehensive Plan. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. SENIOR CITIZEN LEASE: Discussion by City Attorney and Councilman MINOW & WALKER reiterated a meeting earlier in the day. The Mayor met with the president of the senior citizens, and the senior citizens legal counsel regarding the lease, those items discussed were: the renewal clause, the liability factor, the percentage split of sewer and water and the responsible entity to finish the building and site. RESOLUTION 2-88: A resolution accepting the 1988 Eagle Comprehensive Plan. Moved by MINOW and seconded by MATLOCK to approve the resolution as presented. ALL AYE.' MOTION CARRIED. Moved by MATLOCK and seconded by MINOW to dispense with the three day ruling Idaho Code, section 50-902 and that Ordinance #131, a rezoning ordinance, zoning change from A, Agriculture to C-l, Neighborhood Business District be adopted. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. Moved by MINOW and seconded by WALKER to dispense with the three day ruling Idaho Code, section 50-902 and that Ordinance #132, be adopted, amending Ordinance Nos. 30, 45, and 71 as amended by 126 to correct legal descriptions of real property annexed by said Ordinances and repealing Ordinance No. 130 ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. CITY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 8, 1988 PAGE 2 PARKING ORDINANCE DISCUSSION: Public input: referred to increase space problems increasing the traffic violations and risks rather than minimizing them, requests for a master plan for parking, the belief that more pedestrian traffic exposure with no parking in those areas will create hazards, and suggestions of cross walks painted in the middle of the block (Eagle Rd/First Street) with a blinking light for a safety factor without hampering the parking areas. MATLOCK and WALKER expressed their objections to this ordinance, and it was moved by MATLOCK to table the ordinance, the motion was seconded by WALKER, an amendment was added that the safety factor should be addressed at a later date and that a hearing be established to get input on the safety factor. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. Moved by MATLOCK and seconded by MINOW to have a first reading on Ordinance #134, an ordinance regulating trash pickup, application and fees, further that the motion is amended to include that the city apply the State of Idaho inspection guidelines to be inserted under our requirement for inspection and certification or that the hauler provide proof of insurance naming the City of Eagle as named beneficiary of public liability up to $500,000. with a minimum of damage and liability umbrella of $1,000,000. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. APPOINTMENT: Moved by MATLOCK and seconded by WALKER to ratify the appointment of Fred Wilson to the APA Citizens Advisory Committee. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. AD HOC COMMITTEE: MINOW putting the committee together and will report at a later date. STATE OF THE PARKS: Dr. Peterson advised council that the anti syphon valves are not state approved and will have to be replaced and put underground in Friendship Park. Ok Park does pass the requirements as is, but should be placed underground also. We have received a bid of $24. per hr on repair and maintenance of the sprinkler system from Dave Spriggs. Dr. Peterson will obtain more bids. Dr. Peterson has already obtained fertilizer and with EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 8, 1988 PAGE 3 the aid of a young man from Community Services was able to take care of the parks. Dr. Peterson does not believe that pest control is needed at this time. Dr. Peterson requested the funds in order to move the fountains and purchase the hardware that is included in that expense. Moved by MATLOCK and seconded by WALKER to provide the funds for the park fountain project. ROLL CALL ON THE MOTION RESULTED AS FOLLOWS~ AYE: MATLOCK, MINOW, WALKER, HAMMONS. MOTION CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS: Newby Cab Co. requested of council the permission to establish bus stops in Eagle in order to transport to Boise and back again. Council expressed approval and suggested areas for the bus stop. ADA COUNTY TRANSMITTAL 88-01-PD: Moved by MINOW and seconded by WALKER to approve the transmittal with the conditions that Eagle Planning and Zoning recommended to council. That condition is that the Eagle Comprehensive plan designating density in the Eagle Impact Area as one single dwelling housing unit per 5 acres be noted. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO SUMMER RECREATIONAL PROGRAM: Mayor GUERBER will establish a meeting in order to discuss the contract provided by the program and a director to address council on the proposal for summer rec. within Eagle. Mayor GUERBER requested Mike Moore to give council guidelines at the next meeting regarding carrying out a bond issue. Mayor GUERBER changed liaison positions with MINOW moved to P&Z and WALKER to Library. Moved by MINOW and seconded by MATLOCK to go into executive session regarding personnel matters. ROLL CALL ON THE MOTION RESULTED AS FOLLOWS: AYE: MATLOCK, MINOW, HAMMONS, WALKER. MOTION CARRIED. Council adjourned from executive session and returned to regular session of the council meeting at 9:35 p.m. EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 8, 1988 PAGE 4 Moved by MATLOCK and seconded by MINOW to approve the claims against the city with the exception of the $503.00 for Ada County Civil Defense. ALL AYE.. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor GUERBER will be meeting with that entity and establish what the budgeted payment is for. City Council meeting adjourned at 9..55 p.m. Respectfully submitted.. Eagle City Clerk ~ Approved ~ Steve Guerber Mayor of Eagle