Minutes - 1988 - City Council - 03/01/1988 - SpecialCITY COUNCIL PUBLIC MEETING MARCH 1, 1988 The Eagle City Council met in special session at the Eagle Primary School at 7~30 p.m. on March 1, 1988. The purpose of the meeting was to receive input from the different public entities within the impact area of Eagle in the process of planning for the future of Eagle. MAYOR GUERBER called for discussion from the audience. MERIDIAN SCHOOL DIST: Susan Liehe, the school system has no immediate plans, within the next 5 years, for the City of Eagle. They have classroom availability in the schools at this time, but must have adequate teachers to use them if necessary. IDAHO DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION: John Sharp, the bypass is no longer on the 6 year program. The plans for the upcoming season is the extension and widening from the Interstate to Fairview and to Chinden. The Plan now is to begin the Interstate to the Fairview section in June, 1988, with the remainder of the project to be completed next year. The bypass depends on priorities and money budgeted in coming years. It is estimated that the Eagle intersection passes 7,500 cars a day. MATLOCK stated that he understood that with the finishing of the Interstate to Eagle that the load would number 27,000 a day. The engineer said the intersection would face "gridlock" with that many vehicles. Projection for 44 and 55 from State Street to dry Creek is 4 to 5 lanes and is a short term project. ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY~ John Stolley, ACHD plans no major changes at this time. When asked about "private" streets vs. "public" the answer was that there are no problems with the highway department as far as streets are concerned as long as all streets meet highway requirements. BANBURY DEVELOPER: Tom Wright, stated that he believes that there is a "market resistance" to private roads. The public wants a street that will be county maintained. EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 1, 1988 Page 2 DARRYL WATSON, EAGLE P&Z: Would like to see a lower speed limit between Stierman and State St. as it is a bus stop for school children and is too fast and dangerous. The speed limit is now 45mph. APA: Dale Rosebrock, said they deal with long range planning through projections through population estimates forecasts, economic development, & mapping. They Just completed a forecast for Eagle, they estimate a population of 9,100 by the year 2000, a 2% increase per year in Ada County, which is double that of the rest of the nation. ADA COUNTY SHERIFF: Ted Bowers, advised the council on response time. He said that they have 4 patrol officers, 1 trainee. That it is advisable to contract a patrol officer for a certain vicinity in order to respond quicker. The department is understaffed and, therefore, response calls are an estimated 30% longer time period. He estimated that in the near future Eagle might look at contracted police patrol officer and that it would have to budget to maintain that officer. The budget would include salary, benefits, insurance, car, maintenance, gas and dispatch services. Mayor GUERBER estimated that the budget to maintain an officer would be approximately $30,000. EAGLE SEWER DISTRICT: Jim Heath, stated that they are adding hookups now to the Riverview district of town, about 70 houses, and have the capacity for future growth. The Sewer District is working on a grant to incorporate Roundy Trailer Park annexing to the Eagle Sewer Dist., with that and the Treasure Valley connections, about 85% of the capability for expansion would be used. The Sewer District would like to enlist council help in discouraging septic tanks, as it will be a future problem and they are willing to work with the council regarding same. EAGLE RANCH WATER CO.: Robert DeShazo, improvements in the company have been, the adding of Eagle Hills West and Eagle Hills East. They have been negotiating with Eagle Ridge and Eagle Rim, also Treasure Valley Mobile Home Park. Last year they refurbished well #3 and still have capability for growth. EAGLE RANCH WATER CO.: Tom Gilbert, talked about the Clean Water Act, the chlorination of all ground water. This act will eventually effect all public entities, schools, etc. The act will increase rates about 20%. It requires upgrading of water EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 1, 1988 Page 3 systems. He estimates that Boise will have to upgrade their system about $20,000 worth. All ground water will be regulated and will take effect by the Idaho Dept of Water Resources and EPA. Water Resources will do the testing. The other measure of the same law is that as of June, 1988, there will be a ban on ALL LEAD PIPES. BOISE RIVER TRAIL FOUNDATIONz Meredeth Carnahan, estimate that they will be from Lucky Peak to Eagle Island by 1990, that it will be built in sections, as money is available. They want to complete from Eagle State Park to Eagle Road this year. Financially speaking, the estimate of expenses are $50,00 to $60,000 for one mile. The money will come through grants and donations. This is not a short term project, as there will always be maintenance, which is projected to be paid for by endowments. EAGLE PUBLIC LIBRARY~ Ada Costanzo and Ann Gallinger, the Library recently took a survey and received back 13% answers. The survey was to find out how many residents use the library and what the estimate would be for future use. They discovered that many Eagle residents did not know about a Eagle Library. They estimate having a new building within 5 years, and hope to receive a grant in order to build. EAGLE PLANNING AND ZONINGs Fred Wilson, Chairman, stated that P&Z is looking at a 10 year goal, that consideration in the 10 projection is environment, and controlled growth. Mr. Wilson wants a recommendation to go to Ada County that the City of Eagle plans as well as zones the urban area and the impact area of Eagle in order for Eagle to plan its own destiny. Planning and Zoning is looking at land use and zoning ordinances now and will work with the water, sewer, highway, etc in order to provide a long term growth projection in an orderly manner. Boise River Ordinance (draft form) has been an issue P&Z has dealt with. He reminded council of the state statute (local planning) that Eagle can zone its own area, or conjunction with Ada County or Ada County alone. That there are 3 alternatives. He believes the City of Eagle should have that responsibility and govern the zoning apart from Ada County. EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 1, 1988 Page 4 SHERRY SHARP: Believes that the speed limit on Eagle Road should be reduced further out from the city limits than it is now. The speed limit is now 35 mph, it should be 25 mph. EAGLE FIRE DIST: By Mayor GUERBER, is in the process of annexing BanBury to its district, it is within 4 miles and Meridian is further away. Eagle can provide better protection of the subdivision. MAYOR GUERBER~ Talked about the new drainage district in Ada county, newly formed and that requirements of funds may be forth coming from Eagle residents. The Senior/Community Center still needs $10,000 to finish to a point of occupancy. To order to occupy the building floors and parking are priorities. The City is negotiating a lease agreement with Seniors now and expect to sign over the building to them in May, 1988. MAYOR GUERBER spoke of a summer recreation plan through U of Idaho administrated through grants. The recreation would be for all ages and would take place in our parks and the center. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 9515 P.M.  spect fullY/~bmitted: Eagle citY~ Approved ~ Mayor Steve Guerber