Minutes - 1988 - City Council - 02/09/1988 - RegularEAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 9, 1988 The Eagle City council met in regular session on February 9, 1988, at 7s30 p.m. Mayor GUERBER presiding. Roll call showed the following members presents TOM MINOW, STEVE MATLOCK, GARY WALKER, STEVE HAMMONS. Moved by WALKER and seconded by HAMMONS to approve the minutes of the January 26, 1988 meeting with the following corrections page 2, last paragraph to read Mr. Hallett's name only and to omit Wally Hedrick, president of the school board. ALL AYEs MOTION CARRIED. Mayor GUERBER announced that it was the time and the place for the first public hearing, an application by Glenn D. Bass for rezoning his property East of Eagle from A Agriculture to a commercial zone. Mr. Bass was not present and the issue was tabled until later in the meeting. Mayor GUERBER announced that it was the time and the place for the second public hearing, the semi-annual changes to the Eagle Comprehensive Plan. there were two changes presented to council regarding the plan, land use and population projections. There was no testimony in favor or in opposition to the proposed plan. The public hearing was closed and a motion was made by MINOW and seconded by WALKER to amend the plan to include the changes. ALL AYEs MOTION CARRIED. NEW BUSINESSs BanBury Subdivision, Phase 2. Tom Wright represented Hoff Company for the BanBury project, and advised the council that the 2nd phase would consist of 32 lots, some in excess of one acre. He indicated that the largest lot is 1 1/2 acre, that they would have a second well, sidewalks, gutters and that the burming would continue as well. He asked for a extension of time for the project in order to complete the paperwork and record the plat. Moved by MINOW and seconded time to the BanBury project, AYEs MOTION CARRIED. by WALKER to grant an extension of phase 2 for a 90 day period. ALL City Council Meeting February 9, 1988 Page 2 Carlyle Briggs of B & A ENGINEERS testified that the final plat was reviewed by his engineering firm and that it was found to be in compliance with all requirements in the Eagle Code, that he would recommend that the City Clerk sign off on the final plat and that B&A Engineers would sign the plat too. Moved by MATLOCK and seconded by MINOW to approve the final plat of BanBury Subdivision, Phase 2 as requested. ALL AYEs MOTION CARRIED. A request was made of Mr. Wright to advise the council about BanBury Meadows. Mr. Wright indicated that BanBury Meadows is the lower portion of the 550 acre subdivision and that they are exploring the possibility of development. Mr. Wright indicated that the project would include larger lots, probably 5 acre each, minimum. The subdivision would be more of a ranch style subdivision. They would continue the burming and curbing but no sidewalks. It would have the look of BanBury. PARKS PRESENTATIONs Dr. Peterson. Dr. Peterson presented claims to the city for repair and replacement work he had initiated. He advised council that the plumbing for the fountain in the park was donated by Mr. Trenholm, a plumber that did the work. He said that they discovered that the fountain was in the wrong place and would need to be moved this year. Dr. Peterson suggested that a house be built, perhaps out of cement, around the sprinkler control box to prevent vandalism. Dr. Peterson indicated that he had plans for trees and shrubs in the park and would coordinate it with the youth group hired for the summer. Mayor GUERBER announced that it was the time and the place for the public hearing regarding a rezone request by Glen D. Bass. Mr. Bass represented himself in the request and there was no opposition. Moved by MATLOCK and seconded by WALKER to approve the request for rezone and to accept the recommendation of the Eagle P&Z and zone the property C-1 Neighborhood Business District. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. TREASURE VALLEY MOBILE HOME PARKs Request for extension of time was taken under consideration by council. Bill Renault gave testimony that the project would probably remain a trailer park, although they had explored the possibility of a subdivision. He advised council that financing was a an issue also. Moved by WALKER and seconded by MATLOCK to grant the request for an extension of time to the Treasure Valley project for a period of one year. ALL AYEs MOTION CARRIED. City Council Meeting February 9, 1988 Page 3 EDUCATIONAL FUNDING: Moved by WALKER and seconded by MINOW to send a letter separately and then to advise Meridian of the Eagle City Council support. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. SENIOR CITIZEN LEASE: Discussion regarding the lease resulted in the attorney's suggestion that on page 3, under the section that prohibits charging a fee for building use, that a sentence be added to the effect that a fee may be added, subject to an annual review and approval of the city council. TRASH CONTRACTS: Moved by MATLOCK and seconded by HAMMONS to incorporate in our code licensing of trucks on a per month basis in the amount of $12.00 per truck servicing Eagle. Further that the trucks be inspected for safety once a year. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. JUB ENGINEERING PRESENTATION: Mr. Johnson discussed with council the additional billing presented to the city. Mr. Johnson was assured that the appraisal was very acceptable, however we are not aware of additional charges being authorized. Mr. Johnson will provide the council with documentation regarding same. BYPASS Discussion regarding the letter to Kiebert by Mayor GUERBER~ The mayor indicated that the gas increase would probably be 3 1/2 cents. Mayor GUERBER stated that the report from APA was incomplete and that statistics would have to be obtained from Erv Olen regarding the Eagle, State St. intersection giving figures on State St, as as well as Eagle Road. The Department of Transportation is going to have a meeting on the 18th of March. MINOW and WALKER will attend the meeting and "bring to light" priorities, the question being what is more of a priority than human life. Mayor GUERBER advised the council of a 4H project to institute a project of crosswalks in the city and also told the council about a letter received from the Ron Padgett family regarding the young boy hit in front of the drug store. It is the Padgett suggestion to ban parking in the block in order to try to prevent this tragedy from repeating itself again. Moved by WALKER and seconded by MINOW to regulate parking within the block from 1st Street to Eagle Rd to ban all parking. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. City Council Meeting February 9, 1988 Page 4 CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITYs Moved by MATLOCK and seconded by MINOW to approve the claims against the city as presented. B&A claim will be split to a percentage, and city hall will pay only a portion of his bill regarding a drawing to accompany the lease. The remainder of the bill will be the responsibility of the Senior Citizens. ALL AYEs MOTION CARRIED. Mayor GUERBER requested adjournment in order to go into executive session in order to discuss legal and personnel matters. Moved by MATLOCK and seconded by MINOW to go into executive session as requested. ALL AYEs MOTION CARRIED. The regular council meeting resumed at 9s30 Moved by HAMMONS and seconded by MINOW to The time was 9~35 p.m. adjourn the meeting. tf~bmit~ed a Mon%gom~ry Eagle City Clerk STEVE GUERBER MAYOR