Minutes - 1982 - City Council - 11/09/1982 - Regular46 CITY OF EAGLE COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 9, 1982 The council met in regular session on Tuesday, November 9, 1982, at the Eagle City Hall at 7:30 P.M.. Acting Mayor Carol Haley presiding in the absence of Mayor Deckard. Roll Call showed the following members present: DECKER, STOPPELLO, WALKER, HALEY. Moved by DECKER and seconded by STOPPELLO to approve the minutes of the previous meeting of October 26, 1982 as printed. Motion resulted as follows: AYE: DECKER, STOPPELLO, WALKER. Motion carried. The next order of business for the 1983 calendar year. by Ron Marshall was the renewal of beer and wine licenses A letter was presented to the Council concerning the Bank Club which reads as follows: Theundersigned merchants and property owners wish to make the City Council aware of some of the problems associated with the Bank Club. It is not our intent that the Council deny them a beer license but only that the present owners be more responsible for their patrons. In the past 2 1/2 years two large windows were broken in the Fabco office, the door to the Eagle Insurance office was kicked open and the signs and sign bracket were torn down from Marshall Properties and Coulter & Maile, Attorneys. In addition to the above it is necessary to pick up various bottles and cans left almost daily by Bank Club patrons. Also, because of inadequate parking for the Bank Club most of their patrons park on the street which uses up all of the space for other business. It is suggested that the following conditions be made a part of the issuance of a new beer license: 1. That the parking lot behind the Bank Club continue to be leased. 47 2. That a sign be posted in the Bank CLub advising patrons to use said parking lot. 3. That a sign be posted on the parking lot. 4. That the owners of the Bank Club be responsible for Signed by: Grey Orzco, and Les Cullen. picking up the bottles, morning from the street Wayne broken glass and cans each and the adjoining properties. Crosby, Ron Marshall, D. W. Taylor Motion resulted as carried. Motion by DECKER and seconded by STOPPELLO to approve renewal of beer and wine licenses for the following establishments: 1. Baird Oil dba Go-Fer Mart 2. Richard Yzaquirre dba Eagle Beverage 3. Frank J. Herrick & Jean Jordan dba Jimbo's Cafe 4. Gary Drown, Jay Webb, Gary Shefstall, Chet Knotts, Frank Kessler dba Way Station Inc. Larry Leach dba Eagle Market follows: AYE: DECKER, STOPPELLO, WALKER. Motion Motion by STOPPELLO and seconded by WALKER to deny issuance of a beer and wine license at this time to the Bank Club, to send a letter to the owners of the Bank Club informing them of the complaints against them, and inviting them to our next Council meeting to discuss the matter. Motion resulted as follows: AYE: DECKER, STOPPELLO, WALKER. Motion carried. Acting Mayor Haley announced that for a public hearing to consider Ordinance which reads as follows: this was the time and the place the Amendments to the Design Review 48 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 55, AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 74, ADDING FURTHER PROVISIONS TO THE CRITERIA FOR SIGNS IN AREA "A" OF THE DESIGN REVIEW OVERLAY DISTRICT; ADDING AND DELETING CERTAIN PRO- VISIONS TO THE CRITERIA FOR INDIVIDUAL BUSINESS SIGNS IN AREA "B" OF THE DESIGN REVIEW OVERLAY DISTRICT; PROHIBITING CERTAIN SIGNS IN AREAS "A" AND "B" OF THE DESIGN REVIEW OVERLAY DISTRICT; ADDING A REQUIREMENT FOR THE SUBMISSION OF A MASTER SIGN PLAN FOR AREA "B" OF THE DESIGN REVIEW OVERLAY DISTRICT; ADDING A DATE WITHIN WHICH ALL SIGNS IN AREA "A" OF THE DESIGN REVIEW OVERLAY DISTRICT MUST CONFORM TO THIS ORDINANCE; PRO- VIDING FOR APPROVAL OF MATERIAL CHANGES TO EXISTING SIGNS IN AREA "A" OF THE DESIGN REVIEW OVERLAY DISTRICT; ADDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. No written testimony was submitted concerning this amendment, Ron Marshall gave oral testimony in favor of the amendments. Moved by DECKER and seconded by STOPPELLO to have the amend- ments to the Design Review Ordinance put into Ordinance form and have ready for the December 14th Councilmeeting. Motion resulted as follows: AYE: DECKER, STOPPELLO, WALKER. Motion carried. Acting Mayor Haley announced that this was the time and the for a public hearing to consider the FloodPlain Ordinance: AN ORDINANCE FOR THE CITY OF EAGLE, REPEALING ARTICLE VIII, FLOODPLAIN ORDINANCE NO. 40, ZONING ORDINANCE; TION B, MEANING OF TERMS OR WORDS, place ADA COUNTY, IDAHO, OVERLAY DISTRICT (FP) OF AMENDING ARTICLE I, SEC- OF ORDINANCE NO. 40; 49 SETTING FORTH FINDINGS OF FACT STATEMENT OF PURPOSE, METHODS OF REDUCING FLOOD LOSSES, AND DEFINITIONS; SETTING FORTH GENERAL PROVISIONS; CREATING A FLOODWAY DISTRICT AND ESTABLISH- ING BOUNDARIES THEREOF; PROVIDING FOR OFFICIAL MAPS; PROVID- ING COMPLIANCE AND FOR ABROGATION AND GREATER RESTRICTIONS, INTERPRETATION, AND WARNING AND DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY; ESTABLISHING A DEVELOPMENT PERMIT; DESIGNATING A ZONING ADMINISTRATOR AND HIS DUTIES; PROVIDING FOR APPROVAL OF DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATIONS BY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AND CITY COUNCIL; PROVIDING FOR APPEALS TO THE DISTRICT COURT; PROVIDING FOR VARIANCES; ESTABLISHING PRO- VISIONS FOR FLOOD HAZARD REDUCTION, SPECIFIC STANDARDS AND FLOODWAYS; PROVIDING FOR ENFORCEMENT AND PENALTIES, CONTENT OF APPLICATIONS, APPROVAL OF AND EXPIRATION OF DEVELOPMENT PERMITS; PROVIDING FOR A SCHEDULE OF FEES; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. No written or Oral testimony was submitted concerning this ordinance. Moved by DECKER and seconded by WALKER to have this put into ordinance form and ready for the next council meeting. Motion resulted as follows: AYE: DECKER, STOPPELLO, WALKER. Motion carried. Under unfinished business was a discussion about the conditional use permit for Farmer & Merchants Bank. Acting Mayor Haley said she would send a letter to them informing them that their exten~ ion on the conditional use permit has expired and inviting them to the next council meeting to discuss the matter. Moved by DECKER and seconded by WALKER to pay the claims against the City. Motion resluted as follows: AYE: DECKER, STOPPELLO, 5O WALKER. Motion carried. There being no further business to come before the council, the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: Carol Haley /~ Acting Mayor/