Minutes - 1982 - City Council - 09/14/1982 - Regular39 CITY OF EAGLE COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 14, 1982 The council met in regular session on Tuesday, Mayor Jerry Deckard presiding. September 14, 1982 Roll call showed the following members present: WALKER. DECKER, STOPPELLO, Moved by DECKER and the previous meeting of August 31, Motion resulted as follows: AYE: Motion carried. seconded by WALKER to approve the minutes of 1982 as printed. DECKER, STOPPELLO, WALKER. Moved by DECKER and seconded by WALKER to authorize the mayor and city clerk to sign a municipal audit-letter of understanding between the City of Eagle and Messuri Bates & Gibbons to audit the books for the City of Eagle for the period from October 1, 1981 to September 30, 1982 for a total fee not to exceed $975.00. Motion resulted as follows: AYE: DECKER, STOPPELLO, WALKER. Motion carried. Moved by STOPPELLO and seconded by WALKER to recommend to the Ada County Zoning approval of zoning transmittal 82-4-PR on the grounds that there is nothing in the comprehensive plan to prohibit this application. Motion resulted as follows: AYE: DECKER, STOPPELLO, WALKER. Motion carried. 4O Moved appointment December 1, 1982. Motion resulted as follows: Motion carried. by DECKER and seconded by WALKER to confirm the mayor's of Bonnie Krasowski as Eagle City Clerk effective AYE: DECKER, STOPPELLO, WALKER. Mayor Deckard announced that there will be a City/County Meeting on September 22, 1982 at 7:30 P. M. at the Ada County Administration Building. Moved by DECKER and seconded by WALKER to instruct Ada Planning Association staff to submit the relevent material of the transportation plan to Ada Planning Association Board. Motion resulted as follows: AYE: DECKER, STOPPELLO, WALKER. Motion carried. Mayor Deckard announced that this was the time and the place for apublic hearing on a rezone request from Irene Mutchler for a change of zone from R-5 to L-O Limited Office District for Lots 1, 2 3 of Block 8 Carpenters 3rd Addition. Orval Nelson, Bill Kessner, David Wolfe, Gerry garrow, 267 1st Street, 237 1st Street, 285 1st Street, Rural Route #1, spoke in opposition to the rezone. spoke in opposition to the rezone. spoke in opposition to the rezone. spoke in favor of the rezone. rezone. Mr. Brown 268 N. Eagle Road, spoke in opposition of the Mr. Bevington, 812 E. State, spoke in favor of the rezone. Winona Buchanan, 365 Eagle Road, spoke in opposition of the rezone. 41 A letter was read into to the rezone. A letter was read into the record from Wayne Crosby in opposition the record from Sharon Allred on Eagle Road stating no objection to the zone change. There being no futher testimony to come before the council, public hearing was declared closed. Moved by STOPPELLO and seconded by DECKER that the rezone of Irene Mutchler from R-5 to L-O for Lots 1, 2 3 of Block 8 the intrusion Carpenters 3rd Addition be denied because of into the residential area of the higher traffic use and the necessity to ascertain what function would be provided within this district that Motion resulted as Motion carried. would be compatible with residential. follows: AYE: DECKER, STOPPELLO, WALKER. the There being no the meeting was adjourned. futher business to come before the council, Attest: