Minutes - 1982 - City Council - 08/17/1982 - Regular29 CITY OF EA~.~ COUNCIL MINUTES AU~JST 17, 1982 The coEnlcil met in regular session on Tuesday, August 17, 1982. Mayor Jerry Deckard presiding. Roll call showed the following members present: DECKER, STOPP~.TO, ~bved by E~CKER and seconded by WALEER to approve the minutes of July 13, 1982 as printed. Motion resulted as follows: YEAS: EECKER, STOPP~.~O, Motion carried. Moved by EECKER and seconded by STOPP~.ro to adopt Resolution No. 5-82 A RESOLUTICN ESTABLISHING A E~SI{~ REVIEW APPLICATION ~'~.'~.', AND ESTABLISHING A PNOCEDgRE FOR THE POSTING OF A PERFOi~DlqCE BOND BY DESI~ ~EVIEW APPLICANTS AND PNDVIDING AN ~'~'~.CT/VE DATE. Roll call on the motion resulted as follows: YEAS: DECKER, STOPP~LTO, WALKER. Motion carried. Dick Machbar, ra~nager of environmank~l affairs for Boise Cascade Corporation and Helen Rigg fr~m A~]a Planning Association spoke to the council on emission control. Moved by E~CIfER and seconded by S~OPp~r.rO that the Eagle City Council 30 recognizes the severe carbon manoxide air quality proble~n in Ada County. That Eagle City Co~cil endorses the concept of the mandatory vehicle inspection and m~ntenance program in Ada County and that we request a meeting with the ~la County C~,u,~ssioners at the earliest possible date to review with thsm the joint powers a~t and ordinance that was provided to us tonight for the purpose of working with tham to achieve implementation of such a program. M~tion resulted as follows: YEAS: E~CEER, STOPP~IO, ~%LKER. AN ORDINANCE FOR 5~E CITY OF EA~.F., ADA (DUNTY, IDAHO, PRDV-IDING PROCEDURES FOR THE fI~q~JCT OF PUBLIC HEARINC~; ESTABLISHING REQUIS~ENTS FOR WRI'i'£~N TESTIMDNY; ESTABLISHING REQUI~MS~TI~S FOR ORAL ~STIMDNY; ESTABLISHING STANDARDS OF C~NDUCT FOR PARTICIPANTS IN THE PUBLIC HEARING PN~[:,:i lURE; AND PNCTv-/DING AN ~'~'~CTIVE DATE received its first reading by title only. The council asked Attorney Riceci to put a conditional use procedure in the floodplain ordinance. A revised draft of the Design Review Ordinance was presented to the council by Attorney P~ceci and a ~Drkshop was scheduled for ~bnday, August 30, 1982 at 7:30 P. M. with concerned businessmen. Moved by EECKER and seconded by STOPP~.TO that the City of Eagle join the Ada Planning Association on a one year trial basis. That the City of Eagle APA dues be the same dollar amount as the dues paid to the Association of Idaho Cities, that they be paid on a monthly basis, and that the Ada Planning Association agree, as a condition of our membership to review 31 rezone applications and applications for any changes or modifications to our comprehensive plan upon request at no oost to the City of Eagle and that APA agrees to send a representative to any city council meeting, upon request, without charge. Moved by DECRER and seoonded by STOPIZ~IO to ~n~nd the previous motion to add that the City of Eagle's APA dues be the same dollar amount as the Association of Idaho Cities dues to be paid on a monthly basis and that the City of Eagle reserves the right to withdraw from the Ada Planning Association at any time it feels its interests are not being served. Boll call on the amendment resulted as follows: YEAS: DECKER, STOPPk~.TO, ~ALKER. Motion carried. Roll call on the notion resulted as follows: YEAS: DECKER, STOPP~.TO, WALKER. Motion carried. Jim Hill, Chairman of the Eagle Planning and Zoning Association asked the council for guidance as to how the draft comprehensive plan should be presented to the council. Mayor Deckard appointed a con~ittee of Jim Hill, Frank Stoppello, Pat Riceci and Phil Hanson to determine the cost of a person to put the plan on a word processor and how it will be accomplished. Mayor Deckard presented the names of Ron Marshall and Pete Centorino as m~nbers of the Design Review Board for a term of 3 years. Moved by DEC~ER and seconded by WALKER to approve the appointments of Ron Marshall and Pete Centorino to serve as members of the Design Review Board for a term of 3 years. 32 Mmtion resulted as follows: YEAS: EECEER, STOPP~.TO, RFq/{ER. Motion carried. A letter was distributed from Dennis Baird representing Baird Oil Company to override the building inspector in allowing Baird Oil to operate four video games without two bathrooms and without access to the back door. Mayor Deckard asked Mr. Riceci to investigate what constitutes a gathering for the purposes of providing restroom facilities in a public building, and visit with the building inspector, Mr. Vern Schoen end ask him what part of the building code he is basing his decision on. Mr. Baird told the council that there would he a maxin~m of 8 people allowed in the loft area at one time. A transmittal was received Ada County Zoning Division (82-21-CU for BDnald Young to operate a heliport approximately 1/4 mile west of Ballantine l%Dad, on the north side of Beacon Noad. A letter will be send to the Ada County Zoning Division stating they are in violation of the Area of Impact Agreement between Ada County and the City of Eagle, specifically Sectic~ 2.0 Processing of Zoning and Planning Matters in the Eagle Area of Impact which states that all referrals will be sent to the Mayor end Eagle Planning and Zoning Cc~nission allowing 30 days after the date the referall was transmitted by the County for a reply. This transmittal was not sent to the Eagle Planning and Zc~ing C~,,~,~ssion end a public h~aring date has been set 24 days from the date of the transmittal. Mayor Deckard anno~ced that this is the time and the place for a public 33 hearing ~o be held on revenue sharing fund of $10,551.00 expected during FY 1982-83 %0 be spent on the Eagle Public L~hrarf. There being no public testimony, Mayor Deckard declared the public hearing closed. A letter was received fmom Block Bros. concernJ_ng the park on Eagle Ranch Drive which they own. Mayor Deckard declared a 5 minutes recess. Mayor Deckard recc~ned the meeting. A letter will be written %0 Block Bros. stating that they accepted responsibility for the park when they bought it, the City of Eagle has no funds %0 take care of the park and it would be in their best interest %0 maintain the park in a nice rmanner in order that the saleability of your lots be enhanced. Moved by EE(I~R and seconded by RLALKER %0 accept the following budget and set a public hearing date for August 31, 1982 at 7:30 P. M. at the Eagle City Hall: 1982 F%~d Balance $35,000. General Property Tax~s Building & Inspection Fees Penalty & Interest on Taxes Alcoholic Beverage License Sirls Grant Liquor Revenue Sales Tax Annexation, P & Z, DR Fees Sewer Revenue Library Services Interest Earnings Printing Franchises other $28,990. 10,000. 300. 1,360. 1,200. 17,671. 400. 775. 200. 960. 4,200. 900. 4,485. 50. $71,691. 106,691. 34 $10,551. $ 117,242. EXPOSES: Legislative Executive Financial and Administative Legal General Gove~t Buildings Street Lighting Library Parks and Recreation PlannJ_ng and Zoning Building Inspector Comprehensive Plan Senior Citizens Building Fund $ 9,278. $ 8,675. 25,605. 5,000. 5,288. 2,300. 10,790. 2,500. 1,750. 5,000. 2,000. 1,000. 27,505. T.~hrary 10,551. TOTAL ALL FL~DS $ 106,691. $ 117,242. Motion resulted as follows: YEAS: D~CKER, STOPPFLTO, WALKER. Motion carried. Moved by DECKER and seconded by STOPPP/IO to approve the claims against the city for the m0~th of July. Motion resulted as follows: YEAS: DECKER, STOPPFLrO, WALKER. Motion carried. was adjourned.There being no further busineSS_ ~_ __.re the council,~the meeting Attest: