Minutes - 1982 - City Council - 07/13/1982 - Regular24 CITY OF EA~.F~ C0[~CIL ~ JULY 13, 1982 The council met in regular session on Tuesday, July 13, 1982 ~ting Mayor Carol Haley presiding. Roll call showed the following members present: E~C~ER, HALEY, STOPP~.TO. Moved by [~CKER and seconded by STOPPk~.TO to approve the minutes of June 22, 1982 as printed. Motion resulted as follows: YEAS: DECKER, HALEY, STOPP~.TO. Acting Mayor Haley read proposed "Uniform Building Code Ordinance" by title only. ~ALKER arrived at the meeting. Moved by DfL-~KER and seconded by STOPPELO that in accordance with 50-902 of the Idaho Code we dispense with the rule re~i ring an ordinance to be read on t_h~ee different days, one reading of which shall be in full, and adopt this ordinance and assign Ordinance No. 78 to this ordinance. Boll call on the motion to adopt Ordinance No. 78 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EACr.~. RSX~LATING THE EREC'I'±C~, CONSTRUCTIC~q, ~qLA~GEMENT, ALTerATION, REPAIR, MDVING, REMOVAL, Df~f~ITION, CONVERSICN, OCCUPANCY, EQUIPM~, USE, HEIGHT, ~ A~D MA/NTENANCE OF ALL BUILDINGS OR STRU~ IN ~ CITY CF F2V~.W. PNOVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF PERMITS AND ~OI.T.~;i'£O~q OF ~'~/~S T~ERE~OR: F~FEALING ORDINANCE NO. 57 OF THE CITY OF EAGLE AND ALL OTHER ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ~HE ORDIALANCES IN CONFLICT THEI~-~I'I~{ resulted as follows: YEAS: DECKER, HALEY, STOPP~.TO WALKER. Motion carried. 25 Acting Mayor Haley read proposed "Uniform Fire Code Ordinance" by title only. ~bved by DECKER and seconded by STOPP~.rO t_hat in accordance with 50-902 of the Idaho Code we dispense with the rule requiring an ordinance to be read on three different days, one reading of which shall be in full, end adopt this ordinance and assign Ordinance No. 79 to this ordinance. Roll call on tb~ motion to adopt Ordinance No. 79 AN Ot~DINANCE ADOPTING THE UNIFORM FIRE OODE AND UNIFORM FIRE CODE STANDARDS PRESCRIBING Rt~ST~ATIONS GOVERNING CONDITIONS HAZARDOUS TO Li~'E AND PNOPERTY FROM FIRE OR EXPLOSION, PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF PEt%~ITS FOR HAZARDOUS USES OR OPERATIONS, AND ESTABLISHING A BUREAU OF FIRE PROTE~I'ION AND PROIrIDING OFFICERS THEREFOR AND ~EFINING THEIR POWERS AND DUTIES, REPEALING ORDINANCE No. 58 OF THE CITY OF EA~.W. AND ALL OTHER ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREWITH resulted as follows: YEAS: DS~EER, HALEY, STOPPk~JO, WALEER. MDt_ion carried. Attorney Piceci spoke with the council on segments of the following four ordinances: Design Review, Subdivision, Weed Control end Nuisance. Councilman STOPP~.TO reported to the council t_hat the planning end zoning cc~mission has designated a date of Decenlber 31, 1982 to su~nit their reoonr~ndations to the city council on the draft cc~prehensive plan. Acting Mayor Haley announced that this was the time and the place for a public h~aring to consider an Ordinance removking the Design Review Overlay District Map of Ordinance No. 55; revoking paragraph 4, Signs of Annex "B" to Ordinance 55; end revoking paragraph 5, windows and glass of annex "B" to Ordinance No. 55, adding a new paragraph 4 to 26 alnex "B", and adding a new paragraph 5 to annex "B" Non Marshall representing the Design Review Con~ittee asked that the following typographical changes be made in the ordinance: Page 2 number (7) Sign to ns~e business only be t~derlined. Page 3 number C. (1) a.-cnoss out except time and t~m~perature. Page 4 number E. line three change December 31, 1982 to December 31, 1983. Page 4 nt~nber 5. B. line 4 - cross out "As an alternative to mullion bars, buildings will have covered canopies and walkways." Mr. Marshall further spoke to the changes this ordinance would incorporate and spoke in fair of adoption of this ordinance. Orval Krasen, 641 Steepleview Drive su~uitted a written list of changes he would like to see incorporated into t_he ordinance. Dan Bradshaw, Shadowcliffs Drive rec~,t~nded deletion of page 4 number 5 B. Judy Nossler, Eagle Bank Club asked for clarrification of certain it~us in the ordinance. Larry Leach, Eagle IGA felt th~ ordinance should allow window paper and painted signs. A letter was read fr~u Arthur Oppenheimer, co-owner of Eagle Village Shopping Center opposing the ordinance. There being no further testimony to come before the council, the public h~aring was declared closed. Moved by ~ALKER and seconded by DECKER to hold a work session on this ordinance on Monday, July 26, 1982 and notify all businessmen in Eagle of this work session. Motion resulbed as follows: YEAS: DECEER, HALEY, STOPPk~r.~O, WALKER. Motion carried. 27 Acting Mayor Haley announced that this was the time and the place for a public hearing to consider a floodplain ordinance revoking Article VIII, ordinance 40 in its entirety and substituting a new Article VIII to Ordinance 40. Orval Krasen, 641 Sbeepleview spoke in favor of the ordinance. Susan McColl, Eagle, Idaho spoke in favor of the ordinance but asked the council to cons~r that the issuance of a permit be council responsibility rather than administrative. There being no further testimony to come before the council, the public hearing was declared closed. Moved by DECKER and seconded by STOPP~.~O that we table this ordinance until t_he next meeting and instruct the city attorney to prepare the amendments necessary to implement the policy changes in terms of council involvement in granting of the permits and also allowing the city attorney to check with Boise City to find out if we will be able to adopt the ordinance without specific atta~ts and have him report back at the next regular city council meeting those findings and at that ~ we'll decide whether to take a ~te without the amendments to it or take it forward or what. Motien resulted as follows: YEAS: DEC/<ER, HALEY, S~OPPRLTO, ~LKER. Motion carried. A msmoraDx~n was sutxaitt~d to the mayor and council msmbers from Carol Haley and Floyd Decker concerning Ada Planning Association membership. After discussion it was decided that this matter would be placed on the agenda for the next meeting. 28 MDved by DECKER and seconded by WALKER %o pay the claims against the city for the month of July. There being no further business to come before the council, the meeting was adjourned. Attest: