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Minutes - 2014 - City Council - 06/03/2014 - Special
EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Special Meeting Minutes June 3,2014 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Reynolds calls the meeting to order at 6:35p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: BUTLER, MCFARLAND, KUNZ, RIDGEWAY. All present. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor leads the Pledge of Allegiance. 4 ADDITIONS, DELETIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE AGENDA Kunz moves to consider any additional Department Budgets that may be available for example the Clerks Office, the Executive Office and other budgets that may be available and not listed under Item#6. Council Discussion. Kunz withdraws the motion and reserves the right to make it later. 5. PUBLIC COMMENT: None This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding subjects not on the agenda. At times, the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters during this allotted time. This is not the time slot to give formal testimony on a public hearing matter, or comment on a pending application or proposal. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three (3) minutes. 6. BUDGET DISCUSSION - FISCAL YEAR 2014-2015 Mayor introduces the issues. A. Historic Preservation Commission. Mayor: Because of a technicality we have not reappointed Frank Thomason to the HPC so he is not technically a member. I can tell you that the budget has not changed so it is the same as this fiscal year. Council has no questions on the HPC Budget. B. Museum: Museum Coordinator Alana Dunn provides the Council an overview of the FY 14/15 Budget. One change to the Budget is a request that the Coordinator become a full time employee (40 hrs) which will allow the Museum to be open more hours. General discussion. C. Arts Commission: Meg Glasgow Chairman of the Arts Commission provides the Council an overview of the FY 14/15 Budget. The Arts Commission is asking for funding from the General Fund in the amount of approximately $33,900 to fund two continued programs, the Eagle Sculpture Invitational 2015 and the Public Art Project which would purchase permanent sculpture and New Programs which include funding Performing Arts in Eagle like the Philharmonic Pops Concert, the Nutcracker Page 1 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-06-03-I4spmtgmin.doc Performance and Community Concerts for Fun Days, events in the Park and etc. General discussion. D. Library: Library Director Steve Bumgarner presents a Power Point on the FY 14/15 Budget and discusses the same. The Library is requesting $1,026,259 from property taxes to fund the FY 14/15 Budget. The FY14/15 Budget provides for the expansion of Audio/Visual Materials, Children's Programing, Outreach to the Community, Books, Adult and Child, replacement of outdate computers, and patron's experience expansion General discussion. E. Planning & Zoning Department: Zoning Administrator Bill Vaughan provides Council an overview of the FY 14/15 Budge which is generally the same as the FY 13/14 Budget with an increase in personnel costs. General discussion. F. Tree Fund: Zoning Administrator Bill Vaughan provides Council an overview of the FY 14/15 Budget. The FY 14/15 3udget is the same as FY 13/14. Council discussion on how these funds could be used to benefit the City will additional trees or tree replacement. G. Streamside Fund: Zoning Administrator Bill Vaughan provides Council an overview of the FY 14/15 Budget. Council discusses using these funds for the City's pathway network. General discussion. H. Library Bond Fund: City Clerk/Treasurer Sharon Bergmann provides Council an overview of the FY 14/15 Budget. The Library GO Bond will be paid off in September of 2017 and there is a balance of$694,000. General discussion. I. City Hall Bond Fund: City Clerk/Treasurer Sharon Bergmann provides Council an overview of the FY 14/15 Budget. Council concurs to have the funds for payment on City Hall Bond to be paid out of the City General Fund. General discussion. J. Eagle Economic Development Fund: City Clerk/Treasurer Sharon Bergmann provides Council an overview of tie FY 14/15 Budget. This budget is the same as the FY 13/14 Budget. General discussion. K. Park Development Impact Fund: PR/Facilities Director Mike Aho presents a Power Point on the FY 14/15 Budget and discusses the same. Discussion on adding two additional soccer fields at Guerber Park and additional parking, parking and a bathroom at Mace Park, a Skill Park at the Sports Complex, parking and trails for Lakemoor, and the Westside Park/Sports Complex. General discussion. L. Property Taxes: City Clerk/Treasurer Sharon Bergmann provides Council an overview of the FY 14/15 Budget. Council concurs to use the Maximum Amount of Property Taxes for the Draft FY 14/15 Budget. General discussion. 7. ADJOURNMENT: McFarland moves to adjourn. Seconded by Butler. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES... Page 2 K.\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-06-03-14spmtgmin.doe Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted: SHARON K. BERGMANN G 0100k,%F' CITY CLERK/TREASURER .,♦ `� cti+ •• 'A A•rS,SEAL *c • PROVED: •a..,m,•a•• MES D. REYNO D MAYOR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE AT CITY HALL UPON REQUEST. Page 3 K\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-06-03-14spmtgmin.doe ---3k EAGLE ARTS COMMISSION Meg Glasgow, Chair Eagle Arts June 3, 2014 COMMISSION BUDGET FUNDING 1 FY 14/15 EAC 2015 FOCUS 1 To collaborate with arts non -profits, for profit organizations City Council to create a rich artistic environment and a strong economy in Lagl(-7. COIJi-II'‘IUED PROGRAMS Eagle Sculpture Invitational 2015 Purchase supporting steel plates for sculptures Expand number of sculptures $20,000 Public Art Project I Purchase permanent sculpture $10,000 IEW PROGRAMS Performing Arts Funding (Possible examples listed below) $10,000 Philharmonic Pops Concerts @ Eagle Island Eagle Performing Arts 1 Nutcracker Performance Community Concerts (Fun Days, Parks, etc.) SUMMARY • The purpose of the Eagle Arts Commission is to support all facets of the arts to improve the cultural experience of Eagle's residents & visitors • Funding of this proposal strengthens the arts, anchors the community's sense of place and is necessary to ensure the vibrant culture of Eagle. • We request $40,000 in new budget money to expand and initiate new programs and restore our funding to pre -recession levels. • The total anticipated budget that includes revenue generated from the Saturday Market, additional fund-raising, etc is $70,500 SCULPTURE Outdooi Art Show 1 June — September 2014 0 0 F r� 2� Da• fA —1' .STR66, © E © r Eagle Arts L ■ ODELIA DANTE 1 At Last $8500 Made from vitreous enamel fused to hand hammered and welded copper with distressed wood, copper and steel, Delia's modern twist to ancient art form fuses glass to metal for durable color and long lasting luminescence. OTERESA McHUGH 1 Bud's Ripple $3800 Like a drop of water that creates a ripple, every act or work effects those around us. Bud's Ripple was inpired by BSU welding instructor Bud Gragg and reminds us of new opportunities to send out ripples of goodness and love © JERRY SNODGRASS 1 Aikens Memorial Sculpture O DOUG WARNOCK 1 Singularity $5000 This unique sculpture captures in its straightforward presence, verticality, and interconnected symbolism a universal transcendent singularity: the interdependent parental hope for all children to attain personal authenticity in a universe of chance. ©AMBER CONGER 1 Wonderland $5000 This unique sculpture captures in its straightforward presence, verticality, and interconnected symbolism a universal transcendent singularity the interdependent parental hope for all children to attain personal authenticity in a universe of chance. O AMBER CONGER 1 Serenity S7500 Amber's signature industrial style is infused with history, imagination, & beauty, she re -works materials such as steel, concrete, & cables into sculpture that keeps an industrial edge, while being softened with feminine lines & curves 0 o DONALD COLLINS 1 Pieta $2500 Curve and line blend in harmony; shape and color interact in a spiritual balance. This bronze sculpture is located inside Fusions. STUDENT SCULPTURES 1 College of Idaho Emily Peters, Kolton Shields & Sydney Donaldson. Located inside The Gallery at Finer Frames OC.J. RENCH 1 Hip'd $12,800 Hip'd is fabricated from mild steel and painted with marine epoxy for durability and timeless quality C.J. Rench is a professional sculptor from Hood River, Oregon specializing in large-scale abstract designs that inspire C J. is currently working with Red Bull to create the world's first skate -able public art installation in Seattle. VOTE FOR YOUR FAVORITE SCULPTURE AT www.cityofeagle.org