Minutes - 1982 - City Council - 04/27/1982 - RegularCITY OF COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 27, 1982 The council met in regular session on Tuesday, April 27, 1982. Mayor Jerry Deckard presiding. Roll call showed the following members present: DECEER, HAt~Y, STOPPk~.70, WAkKER. Moved by HALEY and seconded by IECKER that the minutes of April 13, 1982 be approved as print~. Motion resulted as follows: YEAS: DECKER, HALEY, STOPPRLTO, ~I~LKER. Motion carried. Sol Young, Manager, Eagle Ranch Water Cu~any presented the council with preliminary cost estimates for a proposed water system for the City of Eagle. A request for review and rec~'~,,~mdation was received from Ada County Zoning Divisic~ for %81-6-PDR - MDORES SUBDMSION, P~L/_MINARY PLAT. Moved by HALEY and seconded by DECKER to recormnend to the Ada County Zoning Division approval of #81-6-PDR - MDORES SUBDIVISION, PRELIMINARY PLAT subject to c~t~liance with the 18 conditions reccm,~nded by the Ada County Zoning Conmission. 15 Motion resulted as follows: YEAS: DECKER, HALEY, STOPP~JO, WALKER. Motion carried. The Council authorized Mayor Deckard to sign a Notice of Intent to apply for Idaho Cc~L,~nity Development Block Grant for the purpose of construction of and access to a civic center (Combined co~L,,~nity center and library) for the City of Eagle. Mr. Jarvis from the Ada Planning Association presented the council with the ADA COL~qR~ DOS~STIC hI~STEW~TER ~ PLAN. Mayor Deckard appointed Bob Shade as temporary chairman of the Eagle Planning and Zoning Co~ssion. Councilman ~ gave a report on the pa~ks and stated he had awarded a contract for maintenance and repair to O. K. Service (Orval Krasen). Moved by DECKER and seconded by HALEY to ask for unanimous consent to place Design Review Applications 1-82 and 2-82 on the agenda. Motion resulted as follows: YEAS: EECEER, HALEY, STOPPk~IO, WALKER. Motion carried. Moved by STOPPk~.TO and seconded by DECEER to defer this matter until the next mseting. Motion resulted as follows: YEAS: STOPPk~IO, WALKER. NAY: DECKER, HALEY. Mayor's vote was NAY: Motion denied. 16 Moved by HAIg% and seconded by DECEER to approve a temporary Design Review Approval for one year for Stove Toronno at the old ConocoStation with the rec~,L~dations as outlined in the report frc~ the Design Review C~L,~.~ ssion. Motion resulted as follows: YEAS: DI~CKER, HALEY, ~R. ABSTA]/q: Motion carried. Moved by DECEER and seconded by HALEY to approve application DR 2/82 for Gary Drown to build a pizza parlor in the shopping center in accordance with all of the required specifications of Design Review Conl~ittee and that the applicant secure approval of the Design Review Conmission for the sign seperatoly. Motion resulted as follows: YEAS: ~ECKER, HALEY, knkLKER. ABSTAIN: STOPP~T.r 0. Motion carried. There being no ftLrf_her business to come before the council, the meeting was adjourned. Attost: