Minutes - 1982 - City Council - 04/13/1982 - RegularCITY OF EA~.E ODL~CIL MINUTES APRIL 13, 1982 The council met in regular session on Tuesday, October 13, 1982. Mayor Jerry Deckard presidJ_ng. Roll call showed the following members tXesent: DECKER, HALEY, STOPPRLTO, WALKER. Moved by HALEY and seconded by DECKER that the minutes of March 9, 1982 be approved as printed. Motion resulted as follows: YEAS: DEC~ER, HALEY, S~OPP~IO, WALKER. Motion carried. A letter was received frc~ Bernard F. Gratton, president of Farmers & Merchants Bank requesting a six month extension of their Conditional Use Permit to operate a mobile banking facility at the corner of Highway 44 and Stierman. Moved by DECKER and seconded by HALEY to grant a six month extension to Fanner's& Merchants Bank because of pending lawsuits and severe financial losses whichhave had an impact on the banks capit~] and surplus o Motion resulted as follows: YEAS: DECKER, HALEY, STOPPELLO, k~kLKER. Motion carried. Pon Marshall, chairman of the Design Peview Conn~ssion, asked the council to draft an ordinance requiring a fee or a bond upon 10 April 13, 1982 application that would assure completion of the project before an occupancy permit was issued. The council asked t_hat an ordinance tD that effect be drafted. Pon Marshall spoke to the council concerning placing regulations on video games in the City of Eagle, particularly restriction of age without adult supervision. A~a County ~ssioners Vern ~lnery and Bill Gratton and Bob Hilgenberg of t_he Ada Planning Association spoke to the council concerning a restructure and update of that association, and told of the items that would be available to the City of Eagle under membership. Mayor Deckard stated that he would appoint a membership committee from the council to meet with representatives of the A~a Planning Association. The council discussed Darrel Matthews Limited Uso Exen~ption for 20 acres located 1/4 mile north of Beacon Poad, and 1/2 miles west of Eagle Boad. The conlnissioners and Rick Shuck of the Ada Planning Association staff spoke to the council about the countys plan and how it applied bo a limitsd use exm~ption. Richard Johnson, Fred Wilson and Carol Jensen, close property owners of the subject property spoke in relationship bo the application. Moved by SROPP~.TO and seconded by DECKER that the City of Eagle notify the Ada County Corm~ssioners that we deny this application for the following reasons: 1. Eagle has no Limited Use Exemption designation'and any granting of such a designation violates Eagle's Comprehensive Plan and the /ntoact Area Agreement. 11 April 13, 1982 Such a designation violates the Conxm/nity's Design Section ~7, specifically of our Comprehensive Plan which requires that development frc~ the Eagle Inpact Area should grow out from the existing city limits of Eagle. Motion resulted as follows: YEAS: DECKER, HALEY, STOPPFL~O, Ron Hex~n, architect, made an appeal to the council to build an all w~ather w~od foundatio~ home after being denied by Vern Schoen, Building Inspector. Moved by STOPPRLTO and seconded by DECKER that a building permit be issued for an all weather wood foundation home as long as all the requirements of the code are mat to the satisfaction of Mr. Schoen and whatever inspection system he sets up. Mot/on resulted as follows: YEAS: DECKER, HALEY, S'I~P~.IO, WALKER. Motion carried. Cal Williams presented the council with a concept for building 450 mobile home units for senior citizens on a 500 acre parcel in the Area of Impact. Moved by DECKER and seconded by STOPPRIIO to apprDve the claims against the city for the month of March. Motion resulted as follows: YEAS: DECKER, HALEY, STOPPRLTO, WALKER. Motion carried. 12 April 13, 1982 Moved by HALEY and seconded by DECKER to ask for unanimous concent to place a beer license transfer on the agenda. Motion resulted as follows: YEAS: DECKER, HALEY, STOPP~.IO, NALKER. Motion carried. STOPP~T.TO abstained from all discussion and voting on t_his item because he had represented the applicant in a previous matter. Moved by HALEY and seconded by DEftER to approve a beer and wine license transfer from Anderson's dba The Eagle Bank Club to Bar, Ink, Inc. dba The Eagle Bank Club. Motion resulted as follows: YEAS: DECKER, HALEY, WALKER. ABSTAIN: STOPPer.TO. Motion carried. Moved by S%OPpRI.rO and seconded by ~ECKER that pursuant to IC 67-2342 the council go intD executive session to discuss the hiring of a public official. Boll call on the motion resulted as follows: YEAS: DECKER, HALEY, STOPP~.TO, WALKER. Motion carried. The myor announced that the council was in executive session t~ discuss the hiring of a public official. During the executive session the council discussed procedural probl~ns and misunderstandings that had transpired during the interview process for a city attorney. The e~ecutive session was adjoul~ed at 10:15 and the regular meeting Mayor Deckard presented the council with the name of J. Patrick Riceci for the appointment of city attorney. 13 April 13, 1982 M~ved by HALEY and seconded by DEC~ER to oonfirm the mayor's appointment of J. Patrick Riceci as city attorney. Roll call on the motion resulted as follows: YEAS: DECKER, HALEY, STOPP~,T O, WALEER. ~btion carried. ~%ere being no furth~_r business to com~ before the co~cil, the meeting was adjourned.