Minutes - 1982 - City Council - 03/09/1982 - RegularP.O. BOX 477 EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 208-939-6813 March 9, 1982 Mayor:. Jerry Deckard Council: Floyd Decker Carol Haley Orval Kraaen LeRoy Pearman The regular meeting of the Eagle City Council was called to order at 7:30 P. M. by Mayor Deckard on March 9, 1982 at the Eagle City Members present: EECKER, HALEY, SROPP~.TO, ~ntLKER MDved by ~AL~ER and seconded by HALEY to approve the minutes of the previous meetings of February 9, 1982 and Febln:ary 23, 1982 as printed. Motion resulted as follows: AYE: E~2IfER, HALEY, STOPPk~.TO, ~JJKER. Motion carried. STOPP~.TO will chair a Conmdttee of HALEY and members of the Eagle Planning and Zoning Cc~nissic~ to compare the new draft subdivision ordinance with the existing subdivision ordinance. Pon Marshall and Wayne Crosby visited with the council concerning a new water syste~ in downtown Eagle. Moved by E~CEER and seconded by HALEY to approve the claims against the city for the month of February. Motion resulted as follows: AYE: DECKER, HALEY, SROPP~.rO, ~n%LKER. Motion carried. There being no further business tocome_before was adjourned. test: Y the council, the n~eting