Minutes - 1981 - City Council - 10/13/1981 - RegularP.O. BOX 477 EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 208-939.6813 October 13, 1981 Mayoc. Jerry Deckard Council: Floyd Decker Carol Haley Orval Kraaen LeRoy Pearman The regular meeting of t_he Eagle City Council was called to order on October 13, 1981 at 7:30 P. M. by Mayor Deckard at the Eagle City Hall. Members present: DECKER, HALEY, KRASI~q, PEA~MA_N. Moved by KRASEN end seconded by PEAl%MAN that the minutes of the previous meeting of September 22, 1981 be approved as printed. Motion resulted as follows: AYE: DECKER, HALEY, KRASEN, PEARMAN. Motion carried. Mayor Deckard reported he had visited with Noger Powell about the 1-84 Interchange and they are attempting to held a public hearing at Lowell Scott Junior High School. Reports should be issued in the next two weeks concerning the study they have made. Mayor Deckard reported that the population draft for the coR~prehensive plan has been written and a meeting will be held with the planning and zoning ~ssion on October 22, 1981 at 7:30 P. M. at the Eagle city Hall. Mayor Deckard reported to the council that the pepsi signs in Eagle were installed before the Design Review Ordinance was adopted and therefore continue to operate under grandfather rights. Moved by KPASEN and seconded by HALEY that in accordance with 50-409 we appoint the following persons to the positions indicated: Judge - Carina Herrick, Clerk - Winnie Chaney, Clerk - Joy Brady end that their compensation be set at $35.00. Rell call on the motion resulted as follows: AYE: DECKER, HALEY, KRASEN, PEARMAN. Motion carried. Moved by DECKER and seconded by PEA~MAN to approve the claims against the city. Motion resulted as follows: AYE: UECKER, HALEY, KRASEN, PEARMAN. Motion carried. There being no further business to .~c.~o~e~be~ fore)the council, the meeting was adjourned.