Minutes - 1981 - City Council - 07/14/1981 - RegularP.O. BOX 477
Mayor:. Jerry Deckard
Council: Floyd Decker
Carol Haley
Orval Krasen
LeRoy Pearman
July 14, 1981
The regular meeting of the Eagle City Council was called to order by
Mayor Deckard on July 14, 1981 at 7:30 P. M. at the Eagle City Hall.
Moved by KRASEN and seconded by PEARMAN to approve the minutes of the
previous meeting of June 9, 1981 as printed.
Motion resulted as follows: AYE: DECKER, KRASEN, HALEY, PEARMAN.
Motion carried.
Jim Collins made a presentation to the council on the State Retirement
Jack Bennet, plant manager for United Cable Television answered questions
from the council concerning the cablevision franchise between United and
the City of Eagle.
A lengthy discussion was held by the council concerning the Eagle
Comprehensive Plan.
Moved by HALEY and seconded by DECKER to proceed with a rewrite of the
entire Comprehensive Plan as expeditiously as possible.
Roll call on the motion resulted asfollows: AYE: DECKER, HALEY, PEARMAN.
NAY: KRASEN. Motion carried.
Mayor Deckard appointed a committee consisting of'HALEY, DECKER, SHARP,
DECKARD, KRASEN and MENDIOLA to proceed with necessary arrangements before
a contract can be let to write the comprehensive plan. HALEY was
appointed chairman.
The council was presented with a letter from the Design Review Board
specifying design review project that have not been completed within
the City of Eagle. This matter was turned over to the zoning administrator
and attorney for further action.
HALEY gave a report on progress at the park.
Mr. Means spoke with the coimcil about the zoning on his property on
State Street.
Moved by DECKER and seconded by HALEY to approve payment of the claims
against the city.
Motion resulted as follows: AYE: DECKER, HALEY, RRASEN, PEARMAN.
Motion carried.
July 14, 1981
Page 2
A draft of the budget was presented to the council and a public hearing
set for August 11, 1981 at the regular council meeting.
There being no further business to come before the council the meeting
was adjourned.
Mayor Deckard reeonvened the meeting of the council to discuss a report
received from the attorney.
Moved by KRASEN and seconded by DECKER to go into executive session for
discussion with the attorney.
Roll call on the motion resulted as follows: AYE: DECKER, KRASEN, HALEY,
PEA_RMAN. Motion carried.
Mayor Deckard adjourned the regular sessions.
Mayor Deckard called an executive session to order.
Mayor Deckard adjourned the executive session.
Mayor Deckard reconvened the regular session.
Mayor Deckard gave a summary of the executive sessions: "Mr. Welsh
advised the council concerning running water lines for fire protection
to the central commercial district and the possibility of condeming the
Eagle Sewer District and disbanning the organization and ramifications
of the comprehensive plan as far as they are concerned and starting a
new sewer district.
There being no further business to come before the council, the meeting
wasadjourned. ~//~__._.~ ~~