Minutes - 1971 - City Council - 12/13/1971 - Regular REGULAR 'ŒETING DEC. 13, 1971 /¿' The regular Eagle city Council meeting was he¡d Dec. 13th at 7:30 PM at the Eagle City Library. Mayor otis Young presided with Councilman Bacus, Cullen, Adams, and Pearman present. Also present was city Atty. Robert Robson. The Minutes of the Nov. meeting were read and approved. A report was given by Elmer Bacus and Marvin Adams of the Planning & Zoning Commission. Discussion followed about the two Nov. meetings. was set for the 3rd zoning meeting. Dec. 20th An ordinance to revise the Eagle City Boundary description was approved by the council. It was unanimously passed by the council to suspend the rules in reard to the reading of the ordinace at subsequent .¡ M meetings. It was moved and seconded by the council to accept the a there be to be stipulation that ":" r. " specifications. A written agreement is to be drawn up between the City of Eagle and La Mar Walker to this affect. The following ordinances were read bY the Clerk: The OFFICE AND DUTIES OF THE MAYOR THE OFFICE AND DUTIES OF COUNCILè~N THE OFFICE AND DUTIES OF APPOINTIVE OFFICERS It was moved and seconded by the council to accept all ordinances as read. It was unanimously voted by the council to suspend the rules regarding the reading of these ordinances at subsequent meetings. page 2 of DEC. REGULAR MEETING II The following building permits were authorized and issued: Church of the Nazarene, Idaho First National Bank, La ~ar Walker, and 7th Day Adventist Church. A motion was passed to accept the revised ordin- ance for an electrical franchise between the Idaho Power Co. and the City of Eagle. The Council unani- mously voted to suspend the rules regarding the read- ing of the ordina.c;e at subsequent meetings. The Council unanimously voted to pay the Clerk $50.00 dollars to compensate for work done in the year 1971. A "œ. Stevenson, Consulting Engr. was invited to meet with the ZQning and Planning Commission at their Dec. 20th meeting. ~ith no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjorned at 9 PM. APPROVED: ATTEST: . ) 1'. ,,"f,.I..." I,;"".. ".(l' /,,:/'CCccy .1 L",,-,c' c<, . SHIRL~ ,;J. BEAUTROW OI TY ù'LERK INSERT IN DECE'ffiER 'HNUTES The council voted unanimously to accept the revised edition of the Idaho Power Company franchise ordinance. There was a unanimous vote by the council to waive the reading of the revised ordinance at subsequent meetings. The revised portion being the addition of a cutoff date of Dec. 13, 2021; and adoption date of Dec.13th, 1971. /1