Minutes - 1971 - City Council - 11/07/1971 - Regular PAGE 2 OF THE REGULAR ~EETING MINUTES NOV. 7, 1971 /( elected be passed: "that the 2 canidates for council holdinp; the hip;hest number of votes serve for 4 years; and the elected Ba. Ad. two remaininp; canidates serve for 2 years." '10tion passed. The council found the tally of ballots to be correct. The council directed the Clerk to write thank you letters to all those serving on the election board. A special study will be made later in the month by the acting council to determine what administrative ordinan- ces will be needed for the orderly functioning of the elected Council. Meeting adjorned at 8:30PM. APPROVED: r!)~ OTIS Y ~~ ACTING '-!AYOR ~gE~ ACTING CITY OLERK If CITY OF EAGLE IDAHO November 7, 1971 The 01tT of Eagle. Idaho held their first off1- 01al eleotion November 2. 1971. Below 1s an off1cial and cert1fied tallT of votes. canvassed by the acting oounoll. There were 156 votes cast of 171 reg1stered voters. MAYOR J. Marv1n Adams 10::' COUNCIL'fBJi II~ d~ Elmer L. Bacus '-I <t.-o Leroy J. Pearman 1~.:2. 4 Delbert (B1ll) Taylor. Jr. 117 cJ-r¡w Otis A. Young S7 (Signed) ~ .(/~ Acting MaTor. (j () Act~~r~ Sent to Clerk of the Board, Ada County Commissioners November 7, 1971