Minutes - 1971 - City Council - 10/12/1971 - Regular
The Eagle city council met Oct. 12th at 7:30 PM., at
the Eagle city Library.
Present were Mayor Otis Young
and Councilman Bacus, Cullen and Adams.
Meeting with the council were Elmer Sommieville,
Ada County Road Engr. and the newly appointed Ada Co.
Road Commission.
Mr. Sommieville asked the council
what county roads and streets would need servicing
in the near future.
Mr. Leon Fairbanks, Mr. Robert Day,
and ~r. Leon Holt of the Road ø~~~~tþ~ Commission discussed
specific road areas and annexes with the council in re@ard
to future water and sewer facilities.
The possibilities
of a local improvement district were also discussed.
Mayor Young reported that there has been no word as
yet from the state Highway Dept. on the changing of the
speed limit through Eagle or the changing of the population
The council designated 2 judges and 2 clerks for the
coming city election.
Judges will be ~rs. Pat Hicks and
Mrs. Florence Cullen and clerks will be Mrs. Mabel Potter
and ~~rs. Shirley Beautrow,
Because of no Eagle city office
facilities, there were two new registrars appointed by the
council to finish registering Eagle residents.
Mrs. Florence Cullen and "rs. Otis Y~ung.
They are
The council agreed to have liquor by the drink placed
on the Nov. 2. ballot.
Having no further business to come before the council,
the meeting was adjorned at 8:35 PM.
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