Minutes - 1971 - City Council - 09/13/1971 - Regular REGULAR ~ONTHLY ~EETING Sept. 13th, 1971 II The regular meeting of the Eagle City Council was held at 7:45 PM at the Eagle Fire Station. ~ayor Otis Young and Councilmen Pearman and Adams were in attendance. The minutes of the August meeting were read and approved. Councilman Adams displayed the new Eagle city map for the council to inspect and, approve. A motion (otis and Pear.) was made & sec. to accept the map as the official map of the City of Eagle. One copy of the map was sent to the Idaho State Tax Commissioner and another copy sent to the Idaho State Tax Assessor's office of Virgil King. The other copies are an file with Councilman Adams. "ayor Otis Young reported that the State Hiwghway Dept. has been notified of the official population tabulation for the City of Ea~le so that the highway signs can be changed.tÞlt~ß/i Mayor Young then questioned the council on their feeling about the hazardous conditions of excessive speed through downtown Eagle. After some deliberation, the Council decided to send a letter to Mr. William Sacht, State Engineer requesting a change in speed signs and reducing speed limit from 35 miles ph to 25 miles ph through the town of Eagle. The Council agreed to have Mayor Young act as the Eagle City representative to the Ada Council of Governments. The meeting was adjorned at 9:30 PM. Approved: ~~~~ £u.~~~/u- . Eagle y Clerk