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Minutes - 1972 - City Council - 12/11/1972 - Regular
'~1- l?e;tul.aÆ iì1e"~ 0/ i)ecembelt 77, 7972 nLe Ite}uinlt "'PP:f:..i..rL} 0/ tiLe Cf2jle [i_t:! [o"-nciL If}CI-JleJ,I ,Vovem(,elt 73. 7972 at 7:JI i'. /'1. 121 tlte 0.1:1 .'/al1. rite ,"ee:f..ù-u¡ lua-J o?ened /);1 .~a:f'l/1. /1c1am,1 IfJ-LL1 a /1.e?o/Ú on tlLe (jovel1JwlL-J (Jß.ru¿-ue1. TAe mmute-J an,! t/1.ea-JIlIt:l- /1.e,'-IO/1.t 1')e/1.e {UJt ¡i-vpn dû w the ba-Jence o/-t.'", U.t,i ¡:l.enJ,. ,I {,Io-tion 1f},7-J 1'/I1_.1e '):1 ,)tw ŸoJ.n} CULl! -Jec w!e,! bJ ¿lme/1. :JaCiM w ,oa;! S6oo. OJ ort accollJuf£Jt'1e ValLey d€L'J-J T -úne-J. liLe mown unA wwnÙnOUA. A f.ette/1. /IJ -J ÆeŒ-L lwm H. II. Cou)(vwn JŒted !\'ovem6e/1. JO, 7972. ,¡a:fo/1. o/'- CounciL .feci.-Led hi -tal"e rw ŒcWm_t exce,~t hi Iteoo/Ú t'UA :to Ked/' Alien. ,1 -J"-r1fe-Jti ,12 1fJa.-J mmle 6:; tlce CfIW?'c.il :to /1.er~ue-Jt ,.,i'li1A ,ûwm tiLe ,.,lann-<jù} and JOn-'--I] oimPlw-J-U)i? /0/1. 'w'De rt'Jm',NU in. file City o/- [a;¡.l.e . T!!e/1.e beim¡. no /'-úI1.¿'te.? ,):1-Ji,,-e-J1 to Cf)me 6e/,-0/1.e tite CfJ/1!?'Cu., tiLe meetiJu;¡. I'Y'--J "li.o 'JJ1.ned. ,4piJ/wved: ¡llajo/1.