Minutes - 1972 - City Council - 11/14/1972 - Regular ~, JIer;u-l-<v< (lJee1..ù'I/} 0/ ¡Vovembelt 74, 7972. 1M. 1le[}111aA mee:titvJ vi the (agJe Cu.!/- Co'ULC.i1/lXUJ he-ld ,VoveÎnbelt 7 J, 7972 rd 7: JO J>. d. at.tAe CiA! ¡¡all. Alt. LeRolf J'eaAJTl£llt UM-'I ab-ðent. 7.'.e mùwte-ð ottíe Octobelt mel't.ùl:f welte Itead ami ap,OIwved. The cle¡¡}< 1tl','7olÚed a balance of brznh accoun;t. ¡~It. I/ood o.n;l ¡'lit. (oAlep, developelt-ð 0/ 1/ &: é CorwUtllc1i.nn plte-ðen.ted a /-i-nn-l ,'JÙdf: .Jhetch on ¿¡'Le ¡'/aJ),'elt -ðllbd¡v.wùm.. ./lrkJtù>n UXl-ð made b!l 'IOWtJ and -ðec¡¡:u{e,! b.'l VaC.:L-1 b.J ap,"lWve the pial am! lhe vo,te ilfWfw¡o'lðl;¡ pa44ed. ¡'h. ,Jill Tay-lolt Iter{'ll'-ð-ted a~I1.ÙüJ ceIt-Ü!¡ca1e !JWmthe COWtc¡L D.wcLlð-ð.wn UXl-ð en.J:eltecL iAio on -<Jeveltrzl v/- iAe 411bcI..Lrz-W.LOn cmd bu.J.d-Ùù) tho;/: .w lakiJ1J} p cace ¡IIi_101m 6l' Cu.y- ! iY>.Li4. /1rz!fO1t AdatM wa-ð rL.ùteUl'd :to taJ<e aU.Lon on aItfftJUJ1J} I)e_in.;¡ done w¡.t}wid -tAl' pe-'I.fItiA4.wn ot .tAl' colll'-cd_. "Ia,fillt AdatM Ileac! a .Lettelt ,lJwm ,J11t. I~o-ðe {Jfù.{ 4ubm.i..t.:ted a 4Re1ch of 'J/Woo4e'! mob¡.Le "~wine !Xllù!, !'vlt52 <111.-iJA. The CJ.J/1nW " I ' , lteque41ed a .Le:l::l:.eIt f;wm th. !?04e 4,trz1in.J lluzt ¡t [I)(}J..ld bl? an acLaLt mob.i1e h.ome ,'XV/.J~ and rw clLi.lJAen pell/T1Lt1ed. ¡11t. !Je-Lbl'ltJ; T aflolt a,'pltvac,íedtAe co /lTLW :to en 'vltce beiA. o/Uli.nance concellIU.m} 4abd¡v.w.wrw, 4la-tùtg. tluz1 he /lXUJ W-U'W?/'!I- w.uA wha1 1')(14 develop.ùt;} -Ù1. lhe ':'all!clt 4'lbd¡v.w.w'1.. }1 UX14 decided :to iÆ;¡ and IuÆe a builcLùv;;. ÙwpewJlt. ,)!It. iJaCLlð .w 10 Œ") J/Wach -ðOlneone on Hew ma1.t_elt. Thelte be-Ùl1¡ no ,!.ult-iAe,,- b'L4iA.e-ð4 -tv come be/olte 1he CO/llLW, 1he mee1Ln.;¡. WlA rzdþ'L/Uled. -Ù1. 1he cil;¡ lip/,ltoved: ALte41: iì1a:fJ/t C dy. C lellh.