Minutes - 1972 - City Council - 10/09/1972 - Regular ~-;;,) J?eg.uio.A. ¡r¡eef..i.n9. 0/ Oci:.obell. 9, 7972. The lI.e~u.lwt mee.tùu¡ 4 i:Áe tœ;l-e CUif COUflcU l1XLð ,I¡,eld OdobelL 9, 7972 a:t 7: JO 'P. t!I. a:t i:Áe Cd:; Hall. All membeM WeA.e p"-e4enL The miJude4 0/ i:Áe 5ep:tembell. mee.tùu¡ welLe Itead and app;r.oved.. Th.e cle_M Itepolti.ed a balance 011784.72 in. :the cli;i!- baM accoun;t. A mo.ti.on UJM made b:; IfOUfu¡. and 4econded bi!- ßacU4 hJ fXLd4 a lte401u.i.Lon hJ adopi. i:Áe 79"Øbud~e:t 4 18260.00. /1111.. &Cu.ð 4l.lf}9-e4:ted i.h.a-t 40meone need :to c.hech. on i:Áe wew beiJu; dUt} and devel.o fX"en.i. wdhin. :the cli;if l..i.m.i..M :tha:t .Lð ~iJU; on w.uJwui. pellRl.Ì.-tA. ¡n", lfou'UJ .Lð :to iake Cl2I/.e 0/ :t.h.i..ð. The ClJUflc.i.l. 09Aeed :to meei. will i:Áe 'Pl.annllr.r; an.d Zon.i..ru¡. C°rrmiA4,Wn on Oc.:bJbM 76, 7972. t!l1I.. éd z.úrrmelU7lDJ'l. (Anm i:Áe A440c..úLt.úJn 0/ Jdalw Cdif4 will be i:Áe '}ue4t 4peakell.. X /fVt. 5fJ1U-Lie þwm the pl.annllr.r; an.d ;?JfLÙt'} commùM'wn, al.o'UJ will /ryl/." 5htvtp an.d t1'k. 5i.epheMOn aliended :the mee.tùu¡ an.d a4Þ.ed i.h.a-t :the COUflcU decl.rvte a moll.O.hJJÚum on 4ubd.i..v.Lð,WM in. i:Áe c..i.:b¡. 0/ éar;l.e {olt i:Áe pll.e4en.i. :lime. A mo:ti.an. IlKLð made bi!- IfOUf1.f} an.d -1eCIJnded bi!- Pea/lJ'flafl hJ adop:t :t.h.i..ð moJW.;/.ottLum and a1ðo :to adop:t i:Áe un..LVeMal blLi.1.cL.ùu; code. A mof..i.nn UX14 made b:l- !/OLtrV} and 4eCIJnded bil- &CU4 :to ado p:t i:Áe Land U4e ¡'flap <Lð plte-1en.i.e({ hI} :the P l.annllr.r; an.d Zon.i..ru¡. C°rrmiA4,Wrr.. A mo.ti.on UX14 made bl} Pea/lJ'flafl and 4econded bl} lfol.lfU} hJ accep:t i:Áe lte40.Lu.t..wn 1IIIlI7Ii.n1f i:Áe ¡> l.annllr.r; an.d ZofLÙt'} C°rnm.i...ð4,Wn membeM and lI.e~M. /lJaifOlt I1d.am-" a4Þ.ed pellnliA4'wn jolt plywood :to buLld a map CiZ<le. ¡'r/aifOlt I1d.am-" UX14 a4Þ.ed bJ dA.n.w up a lea4e pU/tc.ha4e a'}l/.eemen.i. {olt i:Áe COUflcU be{olte i:Áe nex:t mee.tùu¡ on i:Áe Cd!/- Hall. ¡"-Me IlKLð a d.LðCu.ð4,Wn ClJncell.l!.-Ú1J} :the f-a-d i.h.a-t i:Áe 5eWCII. fJ.LðtA..i.d ,oal} Iten.i. hJ i:Áe Cd!/- 0/ éa'.P-e {olt 'i.<Je 0/ the Cilf/- HaLL {olt mee.tùt;;4 an.d lteco;uL,. Thelte beiJu; n.o ,lWr..tAM bli.<Jin.e4-1 :to come be,lolte i:Áe CfJUflcU, i:Áe mee.tùu¡ IlKLð adþ/J//J1.ed a:t 70 'p. /II. AppIWvedo' Ati.e4:t: /lJaifOlt Cdl} CleM