Minutes - 1972 - City Council - 09/11/1972 - Regular 1?e[l-ui.aA. ¡¡lee~ 0/ Septembe.'/. 77, 7972 14 Tlte 1I.e;7-lilrvt f'/eetuu]. 0/ i~e (rz:ì-¿e Cü;¡ Co'Lnul met rzt 7: JtI P. ,I). Septembelt 77t-h., 7972 cd the C-'--t:/ /IrzlL ?lteðerd. /lJelte ¡'hI/a It Æll1J7Ul and CouncLimen T a!llolt. /kCUA '111J! ¡)e'VU'1fLn. Tile mi.n.u.:teð 0/ tlte /1'L9-ILðt f'/eetùtiì.4 welte lteŒ! aru! a.~,')ftoved. I~k. Temple /load, !}eve,!opelt 0/ // J ¿ ConA f_'1.uc.t.wn met wdh. tAp counc.iJ. to Mf, a,","/UJval to /l.twd CO'1.4tlt'LCÜOn aJl.r! develo,"merd. 0 / 7" '1.C/teð on tlte weðt ðitie o! town. ,'1ft. ilood UlM að/,ed -to ftnve ILiA attoltne!l- I¡Jr. ¡!jeliw" wute up a C.orUlUlct ð,"eu/!Ji-n-9- ,h.ÙJ njAeemenfA will,. tAp e-U:.:I clHnc.il :6J 6e ð-,--;;/teJ 6_/ tile c.oiLnc.il ,VY! ,'11t. !load aru! ¡1IIt. {M.te,", paJt:tn.eM -Û1. /10m! C°nAtltuetvJn.. Jt /1)(1.4 aL,¡o dew!ed tlvtt ¡'lit. /load ðet up a (,oru!. lIte nmlhlnt to be ,eeitløl on. bilt,h.e eorLn.c.il, (,e!.olte Cf}(L1Út:Lcti."n. be;þJft. Ii motLon. wað Inn,!e ant! ,~eeoru!ed ,to ÙJ~ILe a beelt /i.eel1Ae hJ ,lilt. 80, ruJW opeltnt~ J.i.m-/3o I ð Ca/e m {aç;.1e. A lettelt wa1 ,'/.e(ll! b:l -tile ,1ayo,'/. /,.11.01" Sh.iÆleý fJerLVWW Cf},LcellJl-i.n;;. Itelt lteð-L;¡.nn-iÙJI1. /-/1I)m tlte C -'--t;¡ (01Lftc.iJ.. ne ,1o;Jolt -1trdedt'u1t ,:)It. /?i.cluz-u/ ,J. 5,.,ilh. II)(JilU I,e wi.lli.n.;J. -bJ ,'Jut Ii," a ði.;;.n- at tile O'ltAhUt-1:.4 0,' {f';¡..Le we_Leomm;¡. ,'Jeo?Le ,tv tiLe h"JJn.. rite coiLnci.l deeded CU)t to luzve ¡lilt, S~ilh. ifLvo.Lved, but d.ùl eoMdelt a ð¿j.n. n ').ood it!erz rznd ¡-t ¡<HI-1 deeded to .Looh mto tlte eoðt 0/ ðliCIt ði.;;.n- ði. :;e,l /1 .~;¡ 1\. :IÙJcwJð.wn woð m(llle on. t-~e mobi./e /wme -~ o! ¡{¡eltallL! ß. S,.,LtA. !?eaLt!l-' .'it WM no¡i.ce,! tltnt -1ome "JOIt/' !-co/> been. ðtoJder/ on th-ÙJ ði.;7-ld and .th.,-Lf. lteðtItLeÜ,¡nA lwve cud :let (Jeen ðet. DeðCÙJð.ùm 'oM mOJle .to .t:Mn t'L_Lð matJ.elt ovelt t'J .lite fJ.L'lnn../J'-;l- ru?J.l z,)(UJlJ.I- c.ommi...ð..ði.o1. o,~ [a;)..Le. (!Lelte (,emJ. no /Uft-tlc].? ,lnWLœð..ð -b¡ come ',e!-.olte .the Cf}un.cU, tAe ,neeÜfL;1 IlKlA Il<lþhl/lJ'ted. IIp?lWved: il Ue..ð.t: ¡J1a!fOIt [it:! CleM.