Minutes - 1972 - City Council - 08/14/1972 - Regular
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Eagle City Council Millutes of the Regular Meeting
August ILl 1972
!'resent were tile mayor a.md all the councilmen except >:ir Dacu~
!/rs L"llis FelÌ.diolal Judie) "'as app"intcd by the council to
replace Ers Johll. j"autrow who resigned the cldrkship at the
rc gular meeting in July,
Almost all of the aeiting time was consllaed bY/~1r harold 11ol,an
anet h.4i3 salesm,ou:¡ and or Hn!k'\cial ~r agent]¡Ir Gordon
of Salt !,ake City. They pd,itioncd , orally, for annex.'ltion
of tl10 1£a1",le Hills Golf CO3_rse Sllbdj visj,_on to the Co, ty of ~aq;lc
and offered to sell the city the [(a.'\o playing -~ vi' i;ò,e
p~rtion of tho sllbd:i.vision f,'r aDproxirntely :;~50(),()()o.J:).
Th re -.-,-a'J no dis;usc:i_on of their p" ic:Ltion "lor their -..ffer
of sale after the visitors loft.
'fhc ',1ayor was instructed to '1l'oceed with the or ::i_nance recinding
the bo"r ord-¡ nance and thA ordinance ;¡ccepting the county
zoni!!f,' plan.
U:',m armU ~ation fDr a copy of the cour:ty plan:'t<!'.rs zontng
regulat""nB as ,""vised that he could n~\ oroc?ed u'ILi11
ama,'p, and furLl,wr "lans 1'.1"'1' f.,Orc1l1""l, "ted anAAcai\e"d lnto a sp"cial
c nr-ultatiol1l advising him th.:t '~:)r" prcssJ'11r; ol-,-,-n a ,',oncIn,.;
plan was Ute I'l,:ed øf a tentattve b -unlbry for the city of t;agle
to cnable the C hiJ" cnr;ineering consulL:mts till kno\', -,¡h"t
what "ras exoected.,f them in the ",at tel' ef se;,er I'mrvey anti C) tans.
~'ollm¡iJl/"-. I'W' -the agreelllent,read1ed in the ,lug 9 th m:.eting ,
for tne reorganizing of the plaIDling group, the l'eBponsibility
for the call of a pla.'1l'Üng t;I'crop llIeGt;-¡:¡g ,"" ,,1"0;""'-' vv
.,"'s~.J.d-jo'Jú:cl:).a,-,,",:::LL1'-n. ',::lJ ..:r; ',Ce.
1':1' Dave ¡-(itchie who Tfas assigned to nssistb;acle by tho AGOG
c cLod and the first meeting called., by lIrs De ChaJ!1beau.
J!.r Ritchie advised, at the ACOG Bpecial con!!Ultation, that we
delay ~')ne>ing Bince the AGO') is workin[; on a county wide
zo.eill.g pIa.