Minutes - 1972 - City Council - 08/14/1972 - Regular , , I' II \~ Eagle City Council Millutes of the Regular Meeting August ILl 1972 !'resent were tile mayor a.md all the councilmen except >:ir Dacu~ !/rs L"llis FelÌ.diolal Judie) "'as app"intcd by the council to replace Ers Johll. j"autrow who resigned the cldrkship at the rc gular meeting in July, (VI<lf-<T<) Almost all of the aeiting time was consllaed bY/~1r harold 11ol,an anet h.4i3 salesm,ou:¡ and or Hn!k'\cial ~r agent]¡Ir Gordon of Salt !,ake City. They pd,itioncd , orally, for annex.'ltion of tl10 1£a1",le Hills Golf CO3_rse Sllbdj visj,_on to the Co, ty of ~aq;lc and offered to sell the city the [(a.'\o playing -~ vi' i;ò,e p~rtion of tho sllbd:i.vision f,'r aDproxirntely :;~50(),()()o.J:). Th re -.-,-a'J no dis;usc:i_on of their p" ic:Ltion "lor their -..ffer of sale after the visitors loft. 'fhc ',1ayor was instructed to '1l'oceed with the or ::i_nance recinding the bo"r ord-¡ nance and thA ordinance ;¡ccepting the county zoni!!f,' plan. U:',m armU ~ation fDr a copy of the cour:ty plan:'t<!'.rs zontng regulat""nB as ,""vised that he could n~\ oroc?ed u'ILi11 ama,'p, and furLl,wr "lans 1'.1"'1' f.,Orc1l1""l, "ted anAAcai\e"d lnto a sp"cial c nr-ultatiol1l advising him th.:t '~:)r" prcssJ'11r; ol-,-,-n a ,',oncIn,.; plan was Ute I'l,:ed øf a tentattve b -unlbry for the city of t;agle to cnable the C hiJ" cnr;ineering consulL:mts till kno\', -,¡h"t what "ras exoected.,f them in the ",at tel' ef se;,er I'mrvey anti C) tans. ~'ollm¡iJl/"-. I'W' -the agreelllent,read1ed in the ,lug 9 th m:.eting , for tne reorganizing of the plaIDling group, the l'eBponsibility for the call of a pla.'1l'Üng t;I'crop llIeGt;-¡:¡g ,"" ,,1"0;""'-' vv .,"'s~.J.d-jo'Jú:cl:).a,-,,",:::LL1'-n. ',::lJ ..:r; ',Ce. 1':1' Dave ¡-(itchie who Tfas assigned to nssistb;acle by tho AGOG c cLod and the first meeting called., by lIrs De ChaJ!1beau. J!.r Ritchie advised, at the ACOG Bpecial con!!Ultation, that we delay ~')ne>ing Bince the AGO') is workin[; on a county wide zo.eill.g pIa.