Minutes - 2014 - City Council - 03/25/2014 - Regular EAGLE CITY COUNCIL
March 25,2014
PRE-COUNCIL AGENDA: 5:30 p.m.- 6:30 p.m.
1. Historic Preservation Commission Report: Frank Thomason: The pre-screening of the movie
Bronco Billy will be held at Eagle City Hall in the Council Chambers on April 23, 2014 at 6:30
p.m. We would like to have the Mayor send a letter to Clint Eastwood inviting him to the pre-
2. Ada County Sheriff's Office—Monthly Report: Chief Bartlett provides the Council an
overview of the Monthly Report and the Code Enforcement Report which has been distributed to
the Council. General discussion. May 24, 2014 is the Cops and Bobber at Eagle Island State
Park. Discusses the Emergency Operation Plan.
3. City Engineer's Report: Vern Brewer introduces Mike Davis, one of the principals in the firm,
who is taking over Eagle's work. Mike Davis stands for any questions the Council has on the
City Engineer's Report.
4. Mayor and Council Reports:
Mayor: Discusses the dates for the Town Hall Meetings. Council concurs that the Town Hall
meetings will be held on April 28, 2014 at 6:00 p.m.; June 23, 2014 at 6:00 p.m.; and September
22, 2014. Discussion on changes to the Agenda.
Kunz: Tomorrow evening at 6:00 p.m. ACHD will be holding a public hearing on the Eagle
Road/State Street intersection decision. They will be taking public comment. It's at the
auditorium at ACHD headquarters on 3775 Adams Street in Garden City.
Butler: No report
McFarland: No report
Ridgeway: No report
5. City Hall Department Supervisor Reports:
City Clerk/Treasurer Bergmann: discusses setting the Public Hearing on the Budget. The City
needs to notify the Assessor's Office by April 30, 2014 of the Public Hearing date or the City
will not be able to collect taxes for FY 14/15. Council concurs to have the Public Hearing on the
FY 14/15 Budget on August 11, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. I have provided you the February Financial
Report and will stand for questions.
PR/Facilities Director Aho: Displays overheads and reports on the upgrade to the mics in the
Council Chambers,the work on the front door mag lock has for the most part been completed;
reports on the fence at OK Park and the roof replacement on the shelter. Discusses the Firewise
Garden at the Eagle Sports Complex. General discussion.
Building Official Nash: No report
PZ Administrator Vaughan: No report
Library Director Bumgarner: No report
6. City Attorney Report: No report
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1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Reynolds calls the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m.
is present.
3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Boy Scout Troop#77 leads the Pledge of Allegiance.
This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments
they would like to provide to the City Council regarding subjects not on the agenda. At times,the City
Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters during this allotted time. This is
not the time slot to give formal testimony on a public hearing matter, or comment on a pending
application or proposal. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each
speaker limit their comments to three(3)minutes.
♦ Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one
motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a
Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed
from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda
will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council.
♦ Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval
from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design
Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda
approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise.
♦ A. Claims Against the City.
♦ B. Minutes of March 11,2014.
♦ C. Noise Waiver Request: Whitney Sparks is requesting a noise waiver to be
utilized on June 21, 2014 at The Winery (formerly Wood River Cellars) in order to
accommodate her wedding reception. The waiver is requested until 11:00 p.m.
♦ D. Noise Waiver Request: The Parks &Recreation Department is requesting a
noise waiver to be utilized on July 12, 2014 for Eagle City limits in order to
accommodate the sound associated with the fireworks display for Eagle Fun Days.
The waiver is requested until midnight. (MA)
♦ E. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of law for FPUD-01-14 & FP-01-14 for a
Final Development Plan And Final Plat Application for SCS Syringa
Subdivision No. 1—SCS Brighton,LLC.: SCS Brighton,LLC, represented by
Mike Wardle, is requesting final development plan and final plat approvals for SCS
Syringa Subdivision No. 1, a 56-lot(52 buildable,4 common) residential
subdivision. The 22.88-acre site is located on the north side of West Floating Feather
Road approximately 2,100-feet west of the intersection of North Lanewood Road
and West Floating Feather Road.
Kunz moves to approve Consent Agenda Items#A,B,the minutes of the March 11th
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meeting as corrected, C,D and E. Discussion Ridgeway: I had a correction to the minutes
other than what was handed out. I was hoping to ask the Clerk that under J.Motor Sports
Complex I would like for the Clerk to review the tape and put the comments in there I
brought up for the reason why we were having that. This doesn't have to be verbatim.
General discussion on the Motor Sports Complex. McFarland: Point of Order: I believe
that you should be pulling those minutes from the Consent Agenda addressing those
changes and then we would address those later and then we would approve the Consent
Agenda with the minutes pulled and then you could make your changes to the minutes.
Discussion. McFarland: I would move that we remove the minutes from March 11th from
the Consent Agenda. Seconded by Kunz. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES
Kunz: I would make an amended motion to approve Consent Agenda Items#A, C,D and
E. Seconded by Ridgeway. McFarland: AYE; Butler: AYE; Kunz: AYE; Ridgeway: AYE:
6B. Minutes of March 11,2014.
Mayor introduces the issue.
Ridgeway: It doesn't have to be verbatim,just the general content of what I was saying and if
Sharon could just take those from the tape that would be great.
Kunz moves to approve the minutes for the March 11,2014 City Council meeting including
Councilman Ridgeway's discussion and comments relating to Item J,discussion of Motor
Sports Complex as well as the additional corrections previously supplied to the City Clerk.
Seconded by Ridgeway. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES
A. Ordinance 716—2"d Reading-Annexation and Rezone for Creek Water Subdivision
and the Hazen property: An ordinance annexing certain real property situated in the
unincorporated area of Ada County, Idaho, and contiguous to the corporate limits of the City of
Eagle,to the City of Eagle, Idaho; changing the zoning classification of said real property from
RUT(Rural-Urban Transition) to R-3-DA(residential with a development agreement); amending
the zoning map of the City of Eagle to reflect said change; directing that copies of this ordinance
be filed as provided by law; and providing an effective date. (WEV)
Mayor introduces the issue.
Kunz: Mr. Mayor I would note that on the Agenda for this particular Agenda item it was not
specified the general location of this particular property as normally published on the Agenda.
This was brought up by one of our constituents and they asked that it be added or made available,
it's missing from this agenda item. Planner Baird-Spencer: I will address this at staff level so
that all future ordinances will list the location.
Planner Baird-Spencer: this is the 2nd reading of Ordinance No. 716 annexing the Hazen
property. This is the 2nd reading,three readings are required for the adoption of the Ordinance
and it is the Council's discretion on whether to make this the 2nd and 3rd reading or if you want to
leave it as the 2"d reading we will then bring it back to you at your next meeting.
Butler moves,pursuant to Idaho Code,Section 50-902,that the rule requiring Ordinances
to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with,and that
Ordinance#716 be considered after being read once by title only. Butler reads Ordinance
#716 by title only. Seconded by Kunz. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES
Butler moves that Ordinance#716 be adopted. Seconded by McFarland. McFarland:
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B. Request approval to expend funds from reserve to cover cost over run for the repair of
the City of Eagle entrance sign over Eagle Road.(MA&SKB)
P/R-Facilities Director: we have budgeted$12,500 for the repair of the Eagle. Once we got the
Eagle down we found that there were numerous cracks and breakage. Neither one of these
Eagles are repairable. We are proposing to replace it with a single 3" layer of HDU. This is
going to cost an additional $10,474 and we are requesting these funds from the Capital Reserve
Account and that would put this project at a total cost of$22,975.00. General discussion.
Ridgeway moves to approve the additional money for the Eagle. Seconded by Kunz with
confirmation that it is an additional $10,475 bring the project total to $22,975.00.
Discussion on tabling the motion. Kunz: In addition to the tabling I would ask City Staff to
obtain detailed information including costs and durability on alternative composite items for the
proposed Eagle. Ridgeway tables his Motion to the next City Council Meeting.
Public Hearings are legally noticed hearings required by state law.The public may provide
formal testimony regarding the application or issue before the City Council.This testimony will
become part of the hearing record for that application or matter.
A. CU-09-13/PPUD-08-13/PP-15-13-WyCliffe Estates Subdivision- Northside
Management: Northside Management,represented by Scott Noriyuki, is requesting conditional
use, preliminary development plan, and preliminary plat approvals for WyCliffe Estates
Subdivision, a 48-lot(42-buildable and 6-common)residential subdivision. The 14.93-acre site
is generally located on the northwest corner of N. Echohawk Way and E. Mariposa Drive.
Mayor introduces the issue.
Mayor: Does anyone on Council have any exparte contact to declare? None
Mayor: Does anyone on Council have any potential or actual conflict of interest?None
Scott Noriyuki, representing the applicant. I agree with the Staff Report and the ACHD Staff
Report. I would stand for questions. General discussion.
Planner Baird-Spencer: Displays overheads and provides Council an overview of the
application. General discussion.
Mayor opens the Public Hearing
Dewain Glubay, 500 Rene Place, I want to know why Eagle does not have a Department of
Motor Vehicle Office. My property is west of Wycliffe and next to the Golf Course and I am
landlocked and several years ago Mark Butler and myself sat down and made a preliminary plan
of my property and it was stated that I would need 2 stub outs. My request is that you approve a
second stub out. I talked to the Highway Department and they said it is up to you people to
approve a second stub out. The other problem is the water runoff and it has been a problem for
years. I would also like a 6' vinyl fence between my property and WyCliffe. General discussion.
Carl Bryant Peck, 2425 E. Floating Feather, the North property line has been a problem forever.
The corner pin was moved many years ago, surveys were done and it is a mess. What bothers
me about the current survey is that the pins are located exactly where George Louts had them.
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This is something I really want to have checked. The Echo Hawk survey is wrong also. General
Ann Pardew-Peck, 2425 E. Floating Feather, at the Planning and Zoning meeting there were a lot
of folks from Echo Hawk and we submitted written testimony and because of that our voice I
didn't feel I was heard at that time. The concerns about the water and the boundary were over
looked and I feel this is a legality that the City should be aware of.
Jeff Herold, 2709 E. Windrose St, I am on the Board of the Echo Hawk HOA, my wife and I are
not adamantly opposed to the development; our concern is the traffic and the safety of kids in the
Echo Hawks Subdivision and we are also concerned about the speed limit in the subdivision.
We would like to have a speed limit of 20 mph instead of 25 mph. ACHD said the speed limit is
set by the City Council. General discussion.
Amelia Loomis, 821 N. Echo Hawk Way, I am on the Board of the Echo Hawk HOA, discusses
the Staff Report and the Conditions. Mr. Noriyuki said he would do a bulb out and he would put
$500 in a trust for speed issue, there is not a reference to these in the Conditions. Councilman
Butler: In the new report mentioned by Planner Baird-Spencer tonight, the $500 in the trust fund
and the bulb out are in the report and are tied to our conditions by Standard Conditions #1.
Discussion on Condition #24 of the Staff Report, Notices to the Contractors. I am also
concerned about the plan for waste water and the speed limit in the subdivision.
Wilma Beeheimer, Terrace Place, discusses the speeding on Echo Hawk Way and I also want to
support what Amelia just said. General discussion.
Jeff Herold, we have requested a sign from ACHD saying Children at Play and they said they
don't provide these types of signs. General discussion.
Scott Noriyuki discusses the "strong opposition" stated on the Petition; and discusses the traffic
concerns stated in Echo Hawk. Displays an overhead and discusses the traffic issues. Discusses
Dewain's concern about being land locked. He is not land lock, he has rightful access.
Discusses the drainage on Dewain's property; the vinyl fence that is going to be provided; the
boundaries and the surveys; the traffic issues in Echo Hawk and the bulb out; and the signage
and traffic during construction. General discussion.
Dewain Glubay: Scott says I'm not land lock; he is wrong. Discusses the access to his property.
I cut hay off from my ground every year.
Scott Noriyuki: Apologies regarding farming, I didn't realize that you were actively farming
alfalfa. That reinforces everything I'm talking about in figuring out this irrigation and this
drainage. If he is actively farming this behooves me to keep everything in tact where historically
water has come into his property. Discusses the water and drainage issues and also
discusses the secondary access for the Fire Department.
Mayor closes the Public Hearing
General Council discussion.
Butler moves to approve CU-09-13/ PPUD-08-13/PP-15-13 - WyCliffe Estates Subdivision
with the Site Specific Conditions proposed by the Planning and Zoning Commission with
Condition #3 having a sentence added that the property boundary between WyCliffe and
the Glubay property shall have a 6' high vinyl fence with design and color to be determined
by the Design Review Board and the applicant. Just as a side note: that the city staff work
with Echo Hawk to try and help ease the speed and potential safety issues with regard to
the long road and the park, with that being said that is a separate item and not part of the
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plat requirement. Seconded by Ridgeway. Discussion. ALL AYES: MOTION
Mayor calls a recess at 8:25 p.m.
Mayor reconvenes at 8:35 p.m.
A. Resolution 14-05—Agreement to purchase 48.83 acres of Ada-Eagle Sports Complex: A
resolution approving an agreement for purchase and sale of property between the City of Eagle
and Ada County for approximately 48.83 acres of the"Ada-Eagle Sports Complex;" authorizing
the Mayor and City Clerk to respectively execute and attest said agreement; and providing an
effective date. (SM)
Mayor introduces the issue.
City Attorney Mimura provides Council an overview of the Agreement for Purchase and Sale of
Property between the City and Ada County. General discussion.
Butler moves to approve Resolution 14-05—Agreement to purchase 48.83 acres of Ada-
Eagle Sports Complex with the Resolution as stated and submitted and the Agreement for
purchase and sale of property between the City of Eagle and Ada County be amended as
follows: the second WHEREAS be changed so that it says"Buyer desires to purchase a
portion of the Sports Complex in order to protect their development interests in the land";
the fourth WHEREAS be changed so it says that"Seller finds that the Buyer should be
able to protect their investments in the property"; Page 4 Item B Quitclaim be changed to
Bargain and Sale; Page 4 Item#9 eliminate the part that says"or 2) May 1,2014,
regardless of whether this Agreement closes,is terminated, or otherwise. The Parties agree
this Agreement shall operate as a modification/waiver of the six(6) month advance notice
requirement found in the Lease Agreement,and shall govern over any terms found within
the Lease Agreement which may be inconsistent herewith." ,that all be eliminated; that the
Bargain and Sale Deed itself,Section 2 Item a.,be amended to read"Grantees use,
maintenance,and development of the Property shall comply with and be limited to and
consistent with uses specified under the public semi-public zoning classification to which
the property is presently subject as per Title 8 of the City Code of the City of Eagle, City
Code to wit as per City Code 8-2-3 Schedule of District Use Regulations and so on and so
forth"; that c. on Page 2 be eliminated. Seconded by McFarland. Discussion. Butler
amends his motion to change the two WHEREAS: So the first WHEREAS instead will
read"Buyer desires to purchase a portion of the Sports Complex in order to develop the
land for use as a public park,for other recreational opportunities,and potentially for uses
specified in the Bargain and Sale Deed and to protect their development interests in the
land"; and that the WHEREAS for the County be left as apparently the County wrote it
"Seller finds that(Seller being the County),Seller finds that having developed regional
parks is in the public interest." That is my amended motion; all of the other items would
remain the same Seconded by McFarland. Discussion. Ridgeway's Amendment to the
Motion: I would like to see the exact dollar amount the City has paid on the park,not on
maintenance but investing in improving the park,not counting what other people have put
into it and volunteers but what the City has put in it because I think the public needs to
know that figure. Discussion. Ridgeway: I would like this document to reflect the real
cost that we are paying for this property. Not the sale price but all of the costs,the surveys,
the closing costs and anything that goes into it; surveying,appraisals,attorney's fees,
conflict attorney's fees,every penny that we are paying because I'm sure now we are close
to$225,000 to$240,000 not the$175,000 that is in the document. Discussion. Ridgeway's
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Amendment Seconded by Kunz. Roll Call on Ridgeway's Amendment to Butler's
Amended Motion: McFarland: NAY; Butler: NAY; Ridgeway: AYE: Kunz: AYE:
Butler calls for the question on the original motion as I have amended it.Discussion.
McFarland: AYE; Butler: AYE; Kunz: NAY; Ridgeway: NAY: MAYOR: AYE: MOTION
General Council discussion on having a total cost of the purchase of the Sports Complex
property from Ada County.
B. Lottery selection of municipal park vendors. Per Resolution 04-13,the City Council will
randomly select vendor's with whom they will enter into lease agreement negotiations so that
they may conduct sales within the City owned park system. (MA)
Mayor introduces the issue.
P/R-Facilities Director Aho provides Council an overview of the process to pick the vendor's for
the parks. General discussion.
P/R-Facilities Director Aho has Teri Sayer draws the vendor names for all three parks.
P/R-Facilities Director Aho: Merrill Park—#1 is Eagle Tropical Snow and#2 is the A Shaved
Ice Barn; Heritage Park-#1 is AM Enterprises and#2 is Eagle Tropical Snow and#3 is the A
Shaved Ice Barn; and for Guerber Park-#1 is Eagle Tropical Snow and#2 is the A Shaved Ice
Barn. We will contact these Vendor's and ask what their preference would be and negotiate the
General discussion.
C. Request approval to expend funds from reserve to cover replacement of the Senior
Center HVAC system.(MA& SKB)
Mayor introduces the issue.
P/R-Facilities Director: the Senior Center HVAC broke down in mid-January this year. This
HVAC system was installed in March of 1987, so it is 27 years old. We are having a hard time
finding replacement parts for it. Our concern is that we are entering into another stressful season
for the HVAC. I'm requesting$20,000.00 for replacement of that HVAC from the Operational
Reserve Funds. This $20,000 is from one quote and we will go out to bid on that project.
McFarland moves to approve the requested authorization of$20,000.00 from the
Operational Reserve Fund to replace the Senior Center's HVAC system. Seconded by
Ridgeway. Discussion. McFarland: AYE; Butler: AYE; Kunz: AYE; Ridgeway: AYE:
Kunz: Mr. Mayor, I would like to go back to Agenda Item#9B. I would request that on
the section of the Application for the Vendor Application where it says "list the name(s)
of the parks"; where it types Eagle Sports Complex facility provided, I would ask that this
application be amended to strike the Eagle Sports Complex type listed there at least for
the next two years to avoid confusion.
D. Request authorization to send out Request for Proposal (RFP)to potential
vendors for the City Wide Parks Master Plan. (MA)
Mayor introduces the issue.
P/R-Facilities Director provides Council an overview of the RFP for the Parks Master Plan.
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Discussion on proposed changes to the Parks Master Plan. Further general discussion.
McFarland moves that we approve$40,000 to send out the RFP for potential vendors for the City
wide Master Plan. Seconded by Ridgeway for discussion purposes. Discussion. McFarland
rescinds the motion.
Further Council discussion.
Kunz moves to approve authorization to send out the Request for Proposal (RFP)for the
Parks Master Plan absent any upper limit on what sort of costs the City may or may not be
willing to take on at a maximum level. Stipulate the RFP with absolutely no upper bound
on costs,focusing specifically on the scope of work and specifically requesting a firm bid
for the scope of work as currently expressed in the RFP. Seconded by Butler. THREE
Further Council discussion on the RFP.
10. EXECUTIVE SESSION: §67-2345 (c)Acquisition of Private Property & (f)
Lagerstrom vs.Eagle/M3 Litigation.When authorized. (1) An executive session at which
members of the public are excluded may be held,but only for the purposes and only in the
manner set forth in this section. The motion to go into executive session shall identify the
specific subsections of this section that authorize the executive session. There shall be a roll
call vote on the motion and the vote shall be recorded in the minutes. An executive session
shall be authorized by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the governing body. An executive session
may be held:
(c) To conduct deliberations concerning labor negotiations or to acquire an interest in real
property which is not owned by a public agency;
(f) To communicate with legal counsel for the public agency to discuss the legal
ramifications of and legal options for pending litigation, or controversies not yet being
litigated but imminently likely to be litigated. The mere presence of legal counsel at an
executive session does not satisfy this requirement;
Mayor introduces the issue.
Kunz moves to go into Executive Session pursuant to I.C. §67-2345(c)Acquisition of
Private Property and(f)Lagerstrom vs.Eagle/M3 Litigation. Seconded by Butler.
McFarland: AYE; Butler: AYE; Kunz: AYE; Ridgeway: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION
Council goes into Executive Session at 9:45 p.m.
Council discusses Acquisition of Private Property and Lagerstrom vs. Eagle/M3 Litigation.
Council leaves Executive Session at 10:40 p.m.
Kunz moves to adjourn. Seconded by Butler. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES...
Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 10:40 p.m.
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Sharon Bergmann
From: Stephen Bartlett <sbartlett@adaweb.net>
Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 4:27 PM
To: Jim Reynolds; Mary Mcfarland; Mark Butler; Stan Ridgeway; Jeff Kunz; Sharon
Cc: Scott Johnson
Subject: FW: Contract Police annual summary
Attachments: Eagle annual summary 05-13.pdf
Greetings Mister Mayor and Members of the Council,
I hope this warm weather of March finds you well. We are seeing an increase in our citizens out using our greenbelts
and various parks in the city. I have attached the City of Eagle Police Annual Summary. This is the numbers side of
things and the final product including the pictures should be completed in the next couple weeks for the publics
viewing. This year we have partnered up with Eagle High School and their design class to give them a great workable
project and to put a few dollars in to their program. As soon as the finished version is complete I will get copies out to
you and the city.
Exciting stuff going on for EPD Our Greenbelt Volunteer program is up and rolling. We have our first meeting this
Thursday evening with their CPR and First Aid training. The Retail Crime Group, which Officer McCowan spoke about at
the last Chamber luncheon has also been started and we are getting a great response. This last month we also set up a
HOA meeting with the Banbury Subdivision and had a great turn out by the residents to talk about their area.
I wanted to share a couple stories about calls this month. If you happen to have read the Idaho Statesmen on Sunday
this letter was in the paper:
1 would like to thank Deputy D.J. Rupert of the Eagle Police Department for his actions on Monday, March
17. The winds were blowing 30- plus miles per hour and our house alarm went off and no one was home.
Deputy Rupert responded and when I returned home, I noticed our American flag was missing and the lanyard
was in a heap at the base of the pole. My first thought was the wind took it and it was gone. When I opened
my front door there was a note with Deputy Rupert's card. Responding to my house alarm, he noticed my flag
on the ground. He picked it up, properly folded it and placed it on my porch.
As a Vietnam veteran, I make it a practice to fly the flag every day. I cannot tell you the pride I felt to live in
Eagle knowing we have deputies like D.J. Rupert looking out for us. Thank you so much for your thoughtful
act and kudos to the Sheriff's Department for having deputies like Deputy Rupert on the force and looking out
for the citizens of Eagle.
Mike Mastropaolo, Eagle
Read more here: htto://www. idahostatesman.com/2014/03/22/3094156/letter-thank-vou-deputy-di-
Also this past Sunday we had a couple of teenagers that were using the swings at Orval Krasen Park. They were
approached by two subjects who started a verbal altercation with them. One of the males pulled out a knife and told
them he was going to cut them up. This case was turned over to our Person Crimes Detective, Cherie Tucker and
within 24 hours the suspect was located, identified and arrested on the charge of Aggravated Assault. This was a great
example of our police resources working together.
Thank you for your time and support, Steve
Stephen Bartlett Chief of Police
City of Eagle Police
1119 E. State Street Suite 260 Eagle, Idaho 83616
Office: (208) 938-2260
E-mail: sbartlettPadaweb.net
City of Eagle Police Annual Summary
Person Crimes:
Assault, Homicide, Kidnapping/Abduction,
Forcible and Non -forcible Sex Offenses
Property Crimes:
Arson, Bribery, Burglary, Counterfeiting/
Forgery, Destruction/Damage/
Vandalism, Embezzlement, Extortion/
Blackmail, Fraud Offenses, Larceny/Theft
Offenses, Motor Vehicle Theft, Robbery,
Stolen Property Offenses
Society Crimes:
Drug/Narcotic Offenses, Gambling,
Pornography/Obscene Material,
Prostitution, Weapon Law Violations
Crimes per 1,000 population
Eagle Crime Rate (Group A NIBRS Crimes)
5 -yr average = 22.7
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Number of incidents and clearance rates for 2005-2013 is from our Records Management
System. Crime rates are calculated with COMPASS population estimates.
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Group A Crimes 515 532 605 543 468 520 464 461
Property 349 340 389 342 284 301 293 302
Society 75 91 88 79 86 79 67 81
91 101 128 122 98 140 104 78
Clearance Rates 42% 41% 44% 50% 47% 54% 47% 46% 35% 46%
Person 71% 65% 70% 82% 72% 73% 63% 55% 47% 72%
Property 23% 20% 25% 29% 25% 34% 32% 34% 18% 23%
Society 96% 95% 92% 96% 90% 94% 88% 83% 79% 87%
Crimes per 1,000 population
2012 Treasure Valley Crime Rates*
61.5 60.5
42.0 41.2 37.0
1` February 13, 2014
I 1
Garden Caldwell Nampa Boise Parma Meridian Wilder Kuna Star Eagle Eagle
'� City 2012 2013
*Crime in Idaho 2012, Uniform Crime Reporting Section, Idaho State Police available
at http://www.isp.idaho.gov/BCl/ucr/crimeinidaho2012.html
Cit , of Eagle Police Annual Summary
Average response time (min:sec)
3:00 - 2.44
2:00 -
Performance Target < 4:00
3:06 3:08
Dispatch to On -Scene Response Time for Code 3 CFS
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Calls for Service
3,967 4,267 4,607 4,056 4,127 4,133 4,262 4,236 4,271
Total response time 7:09 6:24 6:45 6:39 7:00 7:10 7:23 7:15 7:53
Code 3 calls
119 124 124 98 88 71 86 83 102
Proactive Policing 7,400 8,808 9,774 12,220 11,677 9,651 11,240 11,371 11,353
Traffic stops 3,619 4,945 4,954 6,404 6,823 4,505 4,539 3,956 3,108
Security checks 1,582 1,645 2,684 2,844 2,203 2,792 3,806 4,207 4,122
Arrests 388 414 596 491 422 488 394 277 268
42 53 65 86 79 81 69 38 54
Traffic Crashes
241 238 249 230 204 202 224 240 249
Fatal 5 2 1 1 0 1 1 0 0
Personal Injury 53 88 91 84 72 66 58 63 60
Property Damage 183 148 157 145 132 135 165 177 189
# of calls or contacts
Citizen Calls for Service
4,500 -
3,000 ,
• )
Proactive Policing Contacts
ul LD N 00 Q1 NJ rrl
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
City of Eagle Police Annual Summary
CFS per officer
City of Eagle Police = 329
Kuna City Police = 245
City of Star Police = 296
Boise, Garden City & Meridian
Police in 2012 = 200-230*
Annual Police Cost
City of Eagle = $73/resident
Treasure Valley§ average $215
Officers per 1000
City of Eagle = 0.6 vs. Idaho = 1.7
2005 2006 2007
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Police Budget
# commissioned
Officers per 1000
City of Eagle Population, Police Activity and Commissioned Staff
or residents
20,000 -
16,000 -
12,000 -
8,000 -
4,000 -
MINI Police Incidents
City of Eagle Population
12 12
Eagle Police
13 13 13
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
- 15
- 12
- 9
- 6
- 3
# of commissioned staff
*Calculated using the number of sworn employees reported in Crime in Idaho 2012 at
Includes Boise, Garden City, Nampa, Caldwell and Meridian
I -COMPASS - http://www.compassidaho.org/documents/prodsery/demo/CityPop1990 2013.pdf
#Based on April organizational chart
1119 E. State Suite #260
Eagle, ID 83616
Property Address / Location of Alleged Violation Updated as of March 25, 2014
Newly Received Violations
*401* 5075 W. Clear Field St. - Abandon Vehicle - 3/24 In Progress - follow-up 3/25 vehicle was moved. CLOSED
*401* 2500 W. State St. - 4-2-3/Garbage & Rubbish - 3/25
*403* 1400 W. Chinden Blvd Fred Meyers - Lighting Issue (Garden Center) - 3/24 In Progress
*401* 1700 W. Floating Feather Rd - 4-2-3/Garbage & Rubbish 3/21
*401* Champions Way & Founder Dr. Illicit discharge .75 miles to 6167 W Piaffe St. - 3/20 In Progress -
*402* 846 N. Eagle Road - Robert Deshazo - 4-2-3/Garbage & Rubbish 3/17
*402* 540 E. State Street - Heritage Square - 4-2-3/Garbage & Rubbish 3/17
*404* 1266 S. Lake Point Way Vadim Kochcrgin - 4-1-3/Nuisances-3/10 In Progress
*402* 359 E. Mango Dr. - Abandon Vehicle - 3/4 - In Progress - follow-up 3/5 tag was removed and retagged. 3/6
vehicle was moved. CLOSED 3/10
❑ Follow up *401* 140 S. Cobblestone Way Jordan Queen - 8-3-5/111 Business out of home - 3/3 In Progress
3/10 [spoke with Jordon and explain to him the ordinance and gave him the application. 3/25 Advertisement
still posted on Craigslist.
O Follow up *403* 1400 W. Chinden Blvd Fred Meyers - Lighting Issue - 2/26 In Progress - CLOSED 3/25
All lighting meets code.
O Follow up *403* *401* 1190 Rush Ct. Mike Walker - 8-3-5/111 Business out of home 2/24/14 In Progress -
Been out to the address several tines couldn't see any violations. Set for follow up with property owner.
O Follow up *401* 87 South Olde Park Pl. Jason & Steve - Running a Business out home without permit - In
Progress - Working on paperwork with city to get permit -1/22/2014
O Follow up *404* 2753 S Eagle Rd - Chuck & Kirsten Clowe -Junk Vehicles - In Progress
❑ Follow up *404* 1085 W. Hempstead - Cynthia S Nicholson; -Garbage & Rubbish/Stop building order -
Awaiting Building Permits 12/4/2013 UPDATE: Stop by 2/19/14 no progress Meeting set for 3/27 at
*401* Floating Feather Rd (Middle School Area) - ILL Parking - In Progress
*402* 2382 E. Syringa St. - Garbage & Rubbish - Letter Sent/In Progress
*402* RV/Nonconforming Uses - 50 E. State Street Bill McCarrel Jr. -In Progress
*401 * 12000 N. Horseshoe Bend Rd - Garbage & Rubbish, Junk Vehicles - In Progress Awaiting for L'I'D and
DMV to sign off on titles.
*401* 928 W. State St. Jason Purkuss Weeds - Letter Sent - Spoke w/ Jason 619.518.3544
Page 1 of 2
*401* 1842 N. Tuscolano P1. - Nuisances/ Illegal Parking Problem- In Progress - Working with builders and HOA
members to come up with plan. 1/21/14- Parking issue is getting better almost done with phase one. Will continue patrol,
educate and enforce where needed. Wrote Tickets as of 2/4/14, 2/5/14, 2/26 & 3/4
*403* 3116 E. State St. - Berry (Owner) Aqua Tots - Window Signs - In Progress - Looking to remove signage
from a window to get below the 25% needed. 3/25 owner will remove smaller window covering to be in complaints.
*402* 2250 E. State St. Golf Magic Business - Zoning Violations / RV's Park
❑ Follow un Preparing Second Letter *402* Edgewood Rd & E. State Street; Butch Hall - Garbage, Rubbish
& Zoning Violation - Preparing Letter 1/21/2014
*401* 83 E. State St. — Naomi Preston; Wild West — Enclosed Trash Area/ Building Permits Needed UPDATE: 2/10/14 No
longer needing enclosed trash area (when to trash can) Naomi said she would call Bill about the permit. Application in
awaiting Approval
*401* 3467 W. Flint Dr. Fresco Art School; Kendall Nielsen) - Wall Signs - Preparing Letter 1/21/2014 UPDATE:
Stop by on 2/10/14 paperwork was faxed over to City Hall. Follow up w/ City. - Annlication in awaiting Annroval
*402* 1201 W. Winding Creek Dr- (Jamaica Me Tan; Darin & Kim - Wall Signs - Annlication in awaiting
*402* 50 E State St. Gathering Place; Bill McCarrel Jr. -•Wall Signs - Letter Sent on 11/5/2013 Application in
awaiting Approval
*402* 2372 W. State St (Cross Fit E3 / Patrick Brown) Zoning & Parking - Letter Sent on 10/3/2013
Note: Turned over to P& Z for meeting setup
*402* 99 E. State St. "Ye Olde" Sweet Shoppe; Gloria Maheux & Bob Bruce - Wall Signs - Letter Sent on
11/5/2013/ Citation Issued Fee of $50.00 - Application in awaiting Approval/Citation fee still needs to be paid.
Ston Building Order /Parking Problem Areas
*401* State St. & S. Grandean Way - ILL Parking "No Parking Zone" (Extra Patrol)
*402* Hill Rd / Hwy 55 - Ill Dumping on East & West Side (Extra Patrol)
*403* Edgewood Ln. & Lone Shore Dr. - ILL Parking (Extra Patrol)
*403* 50 E. State St. -ILL Parking (Extra Patrol)
*404* 100 N. Stone Ln. - Stop Building Order (Watch for Violations) 1/27/14
*404* 1085 W Hempstead Drive - Stop Building Order (Watch for Violations) 1/27/1 - New Stop Building
Order 3/24/1
Page 2 of 2
*404* 417 Ashbourne Dr. - Christopher Berg; Weeds - In Foreclosure/ Awaiting Estate Sale 3/4/14 UPDATE: Stop
by 2/19/14 no progress
*402* 3151 E. Green Brook Dr. -Eagle Sport Park- Enclosed Trash Area
*401* 100 N. Stierman Way- Eagle City Recycle Bins - Enclosed Trash Area
*401* 312 E. State St. - Eagle Community Center - Enclosed Trash Area
*401* 293 E. State St. - Corals 4 Cheap - Enclosed Trash Area
*401* 93 S. Eagle Rd - Rembrandts; Mark - Enclosed Trash Area
Page 3 of 3
Good Standing Compliance Report
*401* W. Montage Dr. & N. Livorno Way. - Kevin Amar; Several Violations - In Progress - Streets were cleaned
continued to work through the violations 1/21/2014 UPDATE: Plan is working 2/10/14 CLOSED 3/3/14
*401* 233 Spring Hills Rachel Peterson - Garbage & Rubbish - CLOSED 3/3/14
*401* 668 N. Amanita Parking Problem - In Progress 12/17/2013 - Stop by and spoke with the owner. 1/9/2014 -
Continued to watch property. Prepare letter - if needed -1/23/14, Wrote Tickets 2/5/14 - CLOSED 3/3/14
*402* 558 S. Conover Street Cuevas Criseida - Garbage & Rubbish - CLOSED 3/3/14
*404* 3032 E. State St. II1 Camping - 2/28/14 - CLOSED 3/3/14
*402* 2382 Syringa Street- Animals/Garbage -2/24/14 - In progress - CLOSED 3/3/14
*402* 542 Parkinson St. - Casey Hannaman-Tires, Junk Vehicles, Garbage & Rubbish - Preparing Letter - CLOSED
*402* 544 Parkinson St. - Casey Hannaman - Tires, Junk Vehicles, Garbage & Rubbish - Preparing Letter - CLOSED
*402* 125 Stierman Way Ultimate Fitness Jared Luke - Portable Sign Permit Issued
*402* 605 E. State Street Red -Yoga Jenni Anderson - Portable Sign Permit Issued
*402* 742 E. State Street Tax Service - Grand Open Sign Permitted Exp: May 2014
*404* 415 W. River Trail Court - Parking - CLOSED 3/1/14
*402* Dickey Rd/Hill Rd Evans Construction - Garbage & Rubbish -CLOSED 3/1/14
February 2014
*401* Floating Feather Rd/Eagle Rd - ILL Dumping 2/24/14 - CLOSED 2/27/14
*404* Merrill Park - Abandon Vehicle - 2/23/14 - CLOSED 2/27/14
*403* Hwy 44 & Linder Rd - Mike Dixon - Public Hearing Signs - In Progress - Will need to be removed by 1/27/2014
or citation will issued. CLOSED 2/3/14
*402* CBH Homes 5052 Eagle Landing Court - Broken Concrete/Right away - ACHD & CBH Homes contacted and will
be fixed. 1/22/12 CLOSED - 2/3/14
*402* Domino's 498 E. State Street -Nonconforming Sign - Left Notice 1/22/14 CLOSED 2/3/14
*402* My Master Piece Parties 605 E. State Street- Nonconforming Sign - Left Notice 1/22/14 CLOSED 2/3/14
*402* Red Yoga 607 E. State Street - Nonconforming Sign - Left Notice 1/22/14 CLOSED 2/3/14
*401* 275 S. Payette Pl. Garbage & Rubbish -1/27/2013 CLOSED - 2/3/14
Page 4 of 4
*402* Abandon Vehicle - 208 S Academy Street - CLOSED 1/23/14
*402 * Illegal Parking - Civic Lane & Stierman Street - Left Notice CLOSED 1/22/14
*402* 1000 W. Floating Feather Rd (Schools) - Idaho Youth Ranch /Recycle Bins - In Progress -CLOSED 1/29/14
*401* 250 S. Eagle Rd. - Albertson Parking Lot; Recycle Bins x3- In Progress -CLOSED 1/27/2014
*401 * Abandon Vehicle - 296 E Clearpoint Way - CLOSED 1/27/14
*402* 1447 E. State St - Gem Text /Recycle Bins - In Progress -moved by 1/29/2014 CLOSED 1/27/2014
*401* 4603 W. Montage Dr; Tresidio homes- Blocking sidewalk- Closed 1/21/2014
*403* 6700 N. Linder Rd - Bono's - Nonconforming Signs - CLOSED 12/26/2013
*404* 3236 N. White Post Way - Stop Building Order -Permits Issued - CLOSED 12/23/2013
*402* 222 E. State St. Again Consignment Store; Amy -Wall Signs - CLOSED 12/23/2013
*404* 135 W. Jakona Ln- George Dillard -Junk Vehicles - CLOSED 12/23/2013
*402* 524 N. Parkinson St. - Garbage & Rubbish - CLOSED 12/23/2013
*401* 4695 W. Montage Dr. -Karen (HOA President); Parking Problem - CLOSED 12/23/2013
*401* 576 W. Bosanka Dr. - Tina Handcuff; Garbage & Rubbish - CLOSED 12/23/2013
*401* 250 S. Eagle Rd. - Albertson - Rubbish behind building - CLOSED 12/23/2013
*401* S. Eagle Rd - Rembrandts - Nonconforming Signs - CLOSED 12/23/2013
*401* Racing Water Way & Clearfield Street - Concrete Dumping - CLOSED 12/16/2013
*402*; Anytime Fitness 250 S. Eagle Rd s -Feather Flag Violations- CLOSED 12/9/2013
*401* 1576 W. Kenai Ct. - Abandon Vehicle - CLOSED 12/9/2013
*401* 1935 N. Monterossa Way - Baltimore Homes; Garbage & Rubbish - CLOSED 12/4/2013
*402* 3116 E. State St. - Recycle Bins -CLOSED 12/4/2013
*402* 3032 E. State St. - Recycle Bins - CLOSED12/4/2013
*401* 11 Fisher Park Way Eagle Yugo House; - Wall Signs - Permit Issued CLOSED 12/4/2013
*401* 11 N. Fisher Park Way - Eagle Yugo House - Nonconforming Sign - Permit Issued CLOSED 12/4/2013
*401* 1831 N. Tuscolano Pl. - Garbage - CLOSED 12/3/2013
*401* 4682 W. Montage Dr. - Garbage & Rubbish - CLOSED 12/3/2013
Page 5 of 5
Lisa Marie, 823 West Resigue St, Boise, I am announcing that I will be a candidate on the ballot
for the US House of Representative for the State of Idaho in District las a Republican. We are
also starting a new party in Idaho which will be called Pass For Kids In God We Trust party. I
really appreciate that you say a prayer at your meetings. Displays a poster that will say she is
running for President in 2016. Discusses bringing her companies to Idaho.
Teri Murrison, 2380 W. Beacon Light Road, discusses public participation and the Idaho
Meetings Act. This public expects to be invited or actually speak on any item of discussion.
Refusing to hear us says that your mind is made up. General discussion.
Butler: We have Public Comment on the Agenda and I want it removed because it is not
transparent. The reason why is people can come in say things like I have heard in the past like
the people who run the golf course and the golf course people don't know about it. I would
prefer to remove Public Comment and have a section called Public Comment but there is a time
frame before the agenda is put together that the people provide what they want to talk about to
the Mayor and the topics can be seen on the agenda therefore providing transparency. en _
there-. General discussion.
• Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one
motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a
Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed
from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda
will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council.
• Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval
from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design
Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda
approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise.
A. Claims Against the City.
B. Re -appointments to the Parks & Pathways Development Commission:
Mayor Reynolds is requesting the re -appointment of Charlie Baun and Marc
Grubert to the Commission. Mr. Baun and Mr. Grubert will be serving three
year terms. (JDR)
C. Noise Waiver Request: Alexis Lillie is requesting a noise waiver to be utilized
on July 12, 2014 at The Winery (formerly Wood River Cellars) in order to
accommodate her wedding reception. The waiver is requested until midnight.
D. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for PP -14-13 — Overton Acres
Subdivision - William & Wanda Overton: William and Wanda Overton,
represented by Jimmie Miller with John L. Scott Real Estate, are requesting
preliminary plat approval for Overton Acres Subdivision, a 6 -lot (4 -residential,
2 -common) residential subdivision. The 4.66 -acre site is located on the west
side of South Locust Grove Road approximately 1,000 feet north of Chinden
Boulevard at 3145 South Locust Grove Road. (WEV)
E. Arbor Dav Proclamation: A Proclamation for the City of Eagle designating
April 25, 2014 as Arbor Day in the City of Eagle.(MA)
Page .3
K \CO CNCIUMINLTLS\Temporary MmuRN Wort, Arca\CC.Oj-11-14min dm:
CU -09-13/ PPUD-08-13/PP-15-13 - WvCliffe Estates Subdivision - Northside Manaeement
March 25, 2014
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