Minutes - 2014 - City Council - 03/18/2014 - Special EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Special Meeting Minutes March 18, 2014 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Reynolds calls the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: MCFARLAND, BUTLER, KUNZ, RIDGEWAY. All present. A quorum is present. McFarland McFarland would like to create a consent agenda Anthony Moretti Day Proclamation declaring March 20th as Anthony Moretti Day. Seconded by Kunz. Discussion. AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Mark Boothy a teacher at Vision Charter School had submitted a request to the City for a Proclamation declare March 20th as Anthony Moretti Day. Anthony is a 6th grader that has been battling cancer for over a year, and has more challenges ahead of him. He will be participating in the Make-A-Wish Idaho and traveling to Disney World soon. Mr Boothy is trying to get local Cities to participate in the recognition of this courageous young man. CONSENT AGENDA: A. Anthony Moretti Day Proclamation: Declaring March 20th as Anthony Moretti Day in the City of Eagle to honor—. Butler moves to approve the consent agenda. Seconded by McFarland. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 3. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Discussion and recommendation on the State Street & Eagle Road Intersection. Mayor Reynolds introduces the item. Councilmember Kunz reviews his analysis of the Eagle Road/State Street Study. He has conducted some modeling and analysis and reviews results of the same. The basis of the reevaluation is that that how the criteria are prioritized can affect which intersection alternative is most preferred. If all criteria except safety are prioritized equally and the priority of safety is prioritized between equally preferred and extremely preferred,the one-way couplet is the most preferred alternative. When criteria and performance ratings are prioritized consistent with the high-level criteria descriptions provided by Project Management Team and the Stakeholder Committee,the quadrant and one-way couplet emerge as the most preferred alternatives, not the roundabout. Discussion. (A copy of his PowerPoint Presentation is attached to the minutes.) Mayor Reynolds asks if there are any questions for Councilmember Kunz Scott Butler lives in Lexington Hills. He inquires what prompted the discussion of the intersection modification. Doug Demorna 332 Pebble Beach Court Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Demorna questions Councilmember Kunz on how roundabouts would increase safety as it seems to continually have a traffic flow. Council member Kunz states that the data he received indicates that roundabouts safety tends to be 46-50%better under a given set of circumstances. He invites ACHD Traffic Engineer Andrew Cibor to comment. Page I K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-03-18-I4spmin.doc Andrew Cibor, ACHD traffic engineer and project manager for this intersection project. Mr. Cibor comments on roundabout safety and the national statistics that indicate there are generally half as many crashes as a typical signalized intersection, and an even greater reduction in injury and fatality crashes. The Federal Highway Administration has identified roundabouts as one of the top 9 counter safety measures. Mayor Reynolds invites the Mayor of Middleton to speak on what is being done in his community with roundabouts. Mayor Darin Taylor displays a map showing a map of Middleton with existing and proposed roundabouts in his town. Several are planned for Middleton to encourage continuous movement of traffic in their community. They feel it is a good combination to encourage traffic flow and remain pedestrian friendly. Four more roundabouts are proposed near the high school. The majority of the public have been in favor of them. Joel Anderson 34 E. State Street Eagle, Idaho. The information the Mayor of Middleton is conveying is about rural areas rather than in the heart of downtown so it is apples to oranges. Also the all encompassing statement that all is in favor seems unrealistic. He would like an explanation of the quadrant option that Council Member Kunz. City Planner Baird Spencer reviews the quadrant option. Traffic Engineer Cibor attempts to address Council Member Butler's inquiry regarding how many property owners would be affected by the quadrant option versus the roundabout. Discussion. Councilmember Kunz rebuts testimony given by Middleton's Mayor and discusses the difference in the performance Discussion amongst the Council. Butler discusses his preference for the roundabout and explains the problems and/or challenges he finds with those options he is not in support of. If one of the options was selected it would cause Park Lane to be modified and would negatively impact those who live on this quaint residential street. Butler did some investigation on the petition that was and the signatures of the same. He attempted to contact some who signed the petition to gather more input from them and relays the results of the same. (The results of his review of the petition are attached to the minutes.) Butler has also spoken to people at the coffee shop and at various businesses to get their opinions. People have both expressed in favor and opposed opinions, but he hopes he has explained how he arrived at his support of the roundabout. McFarland was on the committee when this process first began and most have already heard her view on the intersection. She comments that the couplet option is $5.8 to $7.6 million dollars, the roundabout is $3.6 to $4.6 million dollars,that is half. She does not feel that ACHD will fund the more expensive option. Councilmember McFarland is in favor of the roundabout it is more pedestrian friendly and believes it will give us a signature look and address a long standing eyesore. Ridgeway states he is somewhat disgusted that this first came to the Council back in August and it was voted on. And now it is March the l lthe and the Council has 2 weeks to change their minds and decide. A lot of people testified against the roundabout, and a limited number testified for it. It is interesting that three members of the Council were on the Committee to make the recommendations. Ridgeway doesn't know why the issue is being revisited. A decision was made, maybe it was a misunderstanding that by not choosing something for that intersection that it ended up being"do nothing"and that is what happened. He has a question for ACHD. There was a lot of discussion last week that if there is no round about that pretty soon traffic will back up to 44. Ridgeway visited local roundabouts over the weekend and in Europe and in the right place they are very good. His concern is that we are doing this to get rid of a gas Page 2 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-03-18-14spmin.doc station rather than doing what is right for Eagle. He disagrees with Ms. McFarland regarding the history of the gas station and the owners interaction with the City. He questions traffic flow with a roundabout and the signalization at Plaza and Highway 44. Andrew Cibor,ACHD Traffic Engineer, refers to the Evaluation Criteria Table for the intersection, the roundabout option was the only alternative that was rated good for traffic operations. All of the others were either fair or poor, based on a detailed traffic analysis that their consultant Kelleton and Associates performed. All factors were taken into consideration and based on their detailed and thorough analysis they believe this is the best alternative for traffic flow. Ridgeway, comments that after saying all of this and watching Council members change their minds, he believes that in his opinion roundabout is the safest but doesn't know how he will vote. Discussion. Butler moves to recommend to the Ada County Highway District that a roundabout be planned for at the intersection of Eagle Road and State Street and that in the planning that ACH D look into ways to mitigate parking loss,if it occurs at the Anderson/Bodacious Pig property,and the gas station/Jackson's Property. And that ACHD additionally,with regard to potential loss of parking spaces,work with the City of Eagle and Urban Renewal Agency to see if there is some joint,collaborative efforts that can be made to provide some sort of a public parking area on the remnant parcels such that the lost parking spaces can be compensated back to these property owners as exclusive spaces for their use. Seconded by McFarland. RIDGEWAY NAY; BUTLER AYE; MCFARLAND AYE; KUNZ; NAY MAYOR: AYE. THREE AYE; TWO NAY: MOTION CARRIES. Ridgeway clarifies his vote and states that it is just too quick to do this and I don't think it is fair to do it in two weeks. Mayor Reynolds this intersection has been studied for quite some time. It may be new to some members of Council but not to others. He has reviewed the traffic studies and the traffic committee recommendations—in which the recommend the roundabout. Safety and traffic flow is ranked quite high with a roundabout. It is his opinion that the roundabout will increase the property value from what it is today. The long term view of this City is what needs to be looked at, and based on these factors is why he voted the way he did. 4. ADJOURNMENT: McFarland moves to adjourn. Seconded by Butler . ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES... Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 6:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted: et OF E SHARON K. BERGMANN = } �POR t CITY CLERK/TREASURER * " ��� R+ •,�PROVED: % SEAL /0 ''' 000000 JAMES D. REYN 0 L h S MAYOR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE AT CITY HALL UPON REQUEST. Page 3 K\COUNCIL\MIN'UTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-03-18-14spmin.doc cc, 5104 Tracy Osborn From: Tammy Gordon Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2014 8:43 AM To: Tracy Osborn Subject: FW: Proclamation Tammy From: Jim Reynolds Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2014 11:35 AM To: Tammy Gordon Subject: FW: Proclamation From: Mark Boothby rmailto:markboothbv@visioncsd.orej Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2014 11:08 AM To: Jim Reynolds Subject: Proclamation Mayor Reynolds, Good morning. My name is Mark Boothby and I am a teacher at Vision Charter School. I teach English and Student Leadership. As you may know, we have a 6th grade student, named Anthony Moretti, who was diagnosed with brain tumors last year and he has been fighting for months now, through many treatments. He was recently diagnosed with some further tumors near his spine and has been undergoing many more treatments. Anthony has just completed five straight, very hard chemotherapy treatments. Make -A -Wish of Idaho is working on sending the family to Disney World in the near future. I am telling you all of this because I wanted to know what it takes to get a mayoral proclamation, possibly proclaiming a specific Anthony Moretti Day? As a school, we are making Thursday, March 20th, "Blue Thursday." We have a dress policy at VCS, so on Thursday, we are encouraging all students and staff to donate $1 and wear all blue, in a show of our ongoing support for Anthony. As my Student Leadership class came up with this idea, I thought it would be a neat addition if we could possibly get a proclamation for Anthony. I know this is short notice, but if you could let me know if this is a possibility, that would be great. KTVB's Maggie O -Mara did a profile on Anthony, this fall, and I would anticipate that if we had a proclamation, I would be contacting the media to help cover it and get the word out. I like to dream big, so I am also contacting the Nampa, Meridian, Middleton, Boise, and Star mayor's offices to see if they will do the same, to possibly make it an Anthony Moretti Day across the Treasure Valley. Caldwell's Mayor, Garrett Nancolas, has already agreed to make Thursday, March 20th, Anthony Moretti Day. 1 You can easily contact me via my e-mail, because I will be teaching most of the day. My e-mail is markboothbvevisioncsd.orq I have a lunch break from 11:20-12:00 and a prep period from about 1:40-2:35, and could call you back. Thanks so much for your time. EC 3J1I1Lf REGARDING - Petition submitted by Jane Kramer on March 11, 2014 regarding a round -about at Eagle Road and State Street It was stated that over 700 people signed the petition however it includes 522 signatures • Only 110 signatures are legible • Those names have been written herein • Each was searched with google to find addresses and phone numbers • Ones with phone numbers were called (comments included in bold italics) Below are those results. 61 names not found in Idaho Elizabeth V Johnsen - not found Dustin Elingsen - not found Carrie Gibson - not found Andrew Grube - not found Donna Lilton - not found Rita Rave - not found Jerry Deciaro - not found Jaeren Hater - not found Drine Moore - not found Brian Moore - not found Tyler Lursey - not found Clay Blake - not found Steven Beids - not found Rick Karaff - not found Rosalie Arenas - not found Allen Bach - not found Sue Mcdermott - not found Sila Parks - not found Kathryn Malmion - not found Taylor Mcquistin - not found Kenz Kelly - not found Mickey Black - not found Jace K Jensen - not found Jamey Carleton - not found Casey Rath - not found Lucy Parnes - not found Jason Mccall - not found Earl Campbell - not found Justin Zarr - not found Ca my Zarr - not found Alexandra Gales - not found Laura Johnsen - not found Kyle Gearhart - not found Jeannette Rult - not found Beth Rudey - not found Jose Alfredo Simenez - not found Aifx Sanchez - not found Sierra Bean - not found Spencer Fan - not found Rand Rees - not found J B Ken - not found Erin Waters - not found Teny Blair - not found William Luna - not found Leo Phelps - not found Sadie Page - not found Hallie Trolbe - not found Michelle Wattle - not found Cody Kellan - not found Renee Gawer - not found Adrian Amador - not found Mary Beth Denna - not found Bailey Suffery - not found Sharmin Reynolds - not found Gloria Stognor - not found Victoria Priu - not found Kevin Youms - not found Larry Craw Forb - not found Rame Seranto - not found Austin Vogel - not found Richard Pukins Emmet - not found 16 names in Idaho with no addresses or phone numbers or multiple of same name David Craft - Boise, Id Joey Smith - Boise, Id William Phillips (10 in Idaho) - outside of Eagle Jim Phillips (7 in Idaho) - outside of Eagle Breanna Allen - outside of Eagle (Rexburg) Emmet Bushman - outside of Eagle (Boise) Tiffany Smith (13 in Idaho) - outside of Eagle Joey Thompson (7 in Idaho) - Outside of Eagle Hailey Black - Preston, Id Jan Byer - Bonners Ferry, Id Chris Dunn - Victor, Id Jason Cunningham (4 in Idaho) - outside of Eagle Stacie Pearce - Nampa, Id Carrie Denney (2 in Idaho) - outside of Eagle Pam Meza - Meridian, Id Derek Standley - Boise, Id 2 names consist of first name only Meg Reese 5 names in Eagle with no addresses or phone numbers Landon Ebbers - under 18, Eagle, Id Holland Hansen - Eagle High School Student Cam Kelly - went to Eagle High, no other info found Taylor Kelly - went to Eagle High, no other info found Travis Johnston - Eagle, Id 12 names in Eagle with Eagle addresses Don Barowsky - 302 E Stonewater Ct Eagle, ID 83616-3872 Katrina Vitley - 2345 Dunyon St Eagle, ID 83616-6137 Daniel Mace - 859 E Brookwood Dr, Eagle, Ada County, ID -83616 - (208) 939-8775 Karla Howard (2 in Idaho) - 1437 E Trevino St Eagle, ID 83616-5286 Marry Mccoy (9 in Idaho) - 1481 E Bogey Dr Eagle, ID 83616-6503 Carl Thomas (5 in Idaho) - 284 N 1st St Eagle, ID 83616-5084 Kara L Hale - 1847 E State St Eagle, ID 83616-6207 Sally Davidson (2 in Idaho) - 1651 N Meridian Rd Eagle, ID 83616-3427 Deborah Koch - 810 E Knoll Ct Eagle, ID 83616-5078 Nate Rich - 393 N Olde Park PI Eagle, ID 83616-4999 Tyler Blakely - 368 Mission Dr Eagle, ID 83616-5040 Debbie Eames - 267 S Neskowin Way Eagle, ID 83616-4964 11 names in Eagle with addresses and phone numbers Garret Kolnes - - 2716 E Hampshire Ct Eagle, ID 83616-6687) 208-570-8901 (Said that if he knew the old gas station would be removed he never would have signed. Said that it looks as ugly as bleep) Sandra Smith - 364 Cobblestone Ln Eagle, ID 83616 -4924 - (Said that round -about would be confusing and takes away from quaint feel - prefers no build) Brandon Boulan - 398 Rene P1 Eagle, ID 83616-5402 - (no answer) Eric Hanna - 1712 Eagle Creek Eagle, ID 83616 - (208) 938-9699 (no answer — left message) Mike Femenia - (The Land Group - 208.939.4041 (no answer — left message) Clara Burkhart - 5806 W State St Eagle, ID 83616-4322 - (Said to just do what you have to do) Jerry Blair- 1453 E Rivers End Dr Eagle, ID 83616 -6385 - (Said he did not sign) Steve Jones (more than 10 in Idaho) - 436 W River Trail Ct Eagle, ID 83616 - (No answer) Shauna Shaltry - 170 E Stonewater Court Eagle, ID 83616 - (208) 938-4087 (Rides motorcycles and said round —abouts are dangerous for motorcycles. Likes one-way couplet best) Judy and Harry Moore - 314 Ever After Way Eagle, ID 83616-4896 - (Round —about is a big project in downtown. Wait to see how the expanded other streets such as Aikens and Plaza change traffic at Eagle/State first) Simone Parker - 1151 N Marsh Hawk Pl, Eagle, Ada County, ID -83616 - (208) 939-3930 (no answer — left message) 3 names in Idaho (other than in Eagle) with phone numbers Kayla Coonse - Meridian, Id - (no answer) Crystal Cristensen - Meridian, Id - (no answer — left message) Kim Olsen - 11784 W Flintlock Dr Boise, ID 83713-4733 - (no answer) TO: EAGLE CITY COUNCIL EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 SUBJECT: EAGLE ROAD & STATE STREET INTERSECTION CONCEPT STUDY RECEIVED & FILED CITY OF EAGLE MAR 18 2014 File; .�, Houle to' OUR NAMES ARE LINDA & JOHN ADAMS. WE LIVE IN THE DOWNTOWN CORE AREA AT 154 OLDE PARK PLACE. WE SUPPORTED THE ROUNDABOUT ALTERNATIVE AT THE MEETING IN AUGUST 2013 AND CONTINUE TO SUPPORT THIS PLAN. WE FEEL THAT IT 15 THE ONLY OPTION THAT WILL MOVE TRAFFIC PROPERLY AS FUTURE TRAFFIC INCREASES. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME AND CONSIDERATION. NSD. -(-L 1 1-2-C11---. 11 EAGLE ROAD/STATE STREET INTERSECTION CONCEPT STUDY: How the criteria are prioritized can affect which intersection alternative is most preferred Presented bv Jeff Kunz, Eagle City Councilor March 18, 2014 Eagle Road/State Street Intersection Alternatives Summary l• • 44444 rileriat• g 1 '''''''' slaalr goal H01.01112t0.1111 anti I ••• ( pt. • I ••r ''''' .1. ,.1. 1.1.1 ••• 1 11 • 11.1,1.1 • 1•• • •••1.11, • •1 ..... • 1.. • . I rwific law•Altura% • 11 I/1, .iNIII•1IIII Al 1.1 .1.1. ...,• ...IN ••norel• • r, a... I ••••II I ',eat ...... 1•...1 I 114,f1 • • ,•••••• 111.1 • .3.3...elliputo. • log • 1 • [It 4111.1...s ...... 3.3,..., al I ..... • Pt,. ,„ 1 'mak.. • 1 .•1.t., • ...1..11t, aratta-tats,1.... Imola ..... • ...1 ..... 1. .... 1...1 The five alternatives are no build. expanded signal. quadrant, /oat - 1 II& IV. .111 kxml • 'I,' ••• ••I roundabout and one-way couplet The six evaluation criteria are land use compatibility, traffic operations, safety, non -motorized travel, physical impacts and implementation. (Each criterion is decomposed into more specific sub -criterion.) The performance of each alternative according to each criterion is rated as poor, fair or good From left to right (except for the no -build alternative denoting the status quo), note that the number of "good" and -poor" performance ratings per alternative tend to increase. All relative performance ratings will be held constant for purposes of this analysis. 3/19/2014 1 Crash data and analysis Treble" S: Crass." ower (70(37-20111) I rt .r...... I•Ili t. t •••• WI t••. • . . 3"ssnta.l II, r• •sr srn • t/s SrarfOr Eagk/State Intersection Concept Stud, Fula( Trak Auah s,s Neport. hittelson A A,,ocuttes Inc (Prepared for Ada Count, Ilighun, Mom. IAHCDI 1 1 ervrts er 2011 Dom Source Idaho Department of Transportnt,on Of the 179 crashes that occurred within the study area from 2007 to 2011, 151 occurred at one of the five intersections and 28 occurred along roadway segments. • Approximately 71% (127 out of 179) of crashes resulted in property damage only; 29% (52 out of 179) resulted in injury. A review of the crash data showed the most common crash type to be rear -end and contributing circumstances included following too close and inattention Most crashes involved vehicles; no trends were identified related to bicycles and pedestrians crashes. Less than 2% of crashes (3 out of 179) involved a pedestrian or bicyclist. Of the 39 crashes that occurred at the Eagle Road/State Street intersection from 2007 to 2011, • Approximately 69.2% (27 out of 39) resulted in property damage only, 30.8% (12 out of 39) resulted in injury Most crashes involved vehicles; approximately 2.5% of crashes (1 out of 39) involved a pedestrian or bicyclist How should the criteria be prioritized? rii*"rte /1 •.(.,A• /r,•/.h•/ /, ,rrrrrrrr, •.•.>J, •r,ar„I. ti It/V 1. ,,. I. . !he., rr.r,...rnr/hn.,v,•1. •. l u,/.ur•hrr,n•/ t/r. Based on these high-level descriptions, how should the six criteria be relatively prioritized? (How did the Project Management Team (PMT) and Stakeholder Committee (SC) prioritize these criteria?( Should all six criteria be pnonuzed equally? • Since safety is a "top" priority, should it be prioritized higher? And, if so, how much higher? • How should the criterion of physical impacts be prioritized to minimize impacts to property? • Since moving traffic should be a priority (but not at the cost of major property impacts or pedestrian safety), how should traffic operations be prioritized? How should land use compatibility be prioritized to enhance the downtown character and sense of place and for consistency with our "land use visions and community values"? How should implementation be prioritized to capture "construction and right-of-way acquisition costs," "constructability and phasing of construction" and "public acceptance"? 3/19/2014 2 Which alternative is most preferred if all criteria are prioritized equally and safety's priority is increased? Fagla• Knurl/\Iola• ht rcct 1nlrr.a•ctiun ( unt•cpt !.t ud:%: Final 4111• ~.•ores 1.111i 1. 111.1.4••. Inrl"vl,la...1N11' 1 1111.11. 1•.rfrr,r1111 1111,, 1 alarnarl. 1•a rfr1..1119.111. \111 /111r, 1 ail., 11,1.)I nn.nn.1 111 1111111. I.1a•1.•1.a 1111.111) If all criteria except for safety are prioritized equally and the priority of safety is prioritized between equally preferred and extremely preferred, the one-way couplet is the most preferred alternative because, based on the aforementioned performance ratings, no matter how highly safety is prioritized, the one-way couplet will dominate all other alternatives. Why do the roundabout and one-way couplet both increase in preference when the priority of safety increases? Because both alternatives share a "good" performance rating on safety, whereas the other alternatives share a "fair" performance rating on safety. The roundabout and one-way couplet increase in preference as safety increases in priority. Which alternative is most preferred if the criteria are prioritized as generally described by PMT and SC? t. ..glr 121.1.1„1>.114. 11 ra•a•1 1..1a•r.a•a• 1 .1.1... 1 ,t...1.: 1-...a.1 ,.111•..11.... ,.rf.,. 1..... 1.1........-..1..11, 1 1 6.....11. 1•.. 1.......1 1 .. 1 ••••••••• 1•.. ,.........•..111. 1 0...11 .,....1..1.1. 11..1.1 1 .. ..1 ♦... '.;1: 1•...1: ...1 )CO). 11...1.:.11...1. 11..1.11 ,.:$ ♦1...... .1. 1•...1.. •:1111 .11.,11..... ...:1..,.. 11.1.11 ...1.'1...1. '.1 1 .1...'11. 1•.. f...era 11. 11;;• Let's model some "what -if" scenarios to understand what happens when the criteria are prioritized as generally described by the Project Management Team (PMT) and Stakeholder Committee (SC). If land use compatibility is prioritized as strongly preferred (for consistency with our land use visions and community values), physical impacts are prioritized as moderately preferred (to minimize property impacts), and all other criteria except safety are priontized equally, The quadrant is the most preferred alternative when safety is prioritized between equally preferred and moderately preferred. The one-way couplet is the most preferred alternative when safety is prioritized between moderately to strongly preferred and extremely preferred. 3/19/2014 3 Which alternative is most preferred if the criteria are prioritized as generally described by PMT and SC and traffic operations are prioritized moderately? I ..gla• Itoad/tilllta• .I...1 Inlcrseclllnl ( ont•rl/l \lulu: P421011,111' Score, I%,Ir1♦ I nrrrn)rnlnlla Imre .r. 1 r 1 .1..1.11♦ I'rrlrrrrd 11.1111..1 ♦Irrn)rl% 1.1'a•Ir 1'Pr.l 1'1.01. 1 ....l 1 .r 4 44444 118111111111 IIrk1 l .. \1 �...... 1•rr ).•rr r.1 I�.nl. 1.x111.x11Midr.. x.111,.NI Impact!.4Impact!.11.1.11 x0.0)..1 \1 \.0 11....,' h11'r. 1'.'....) 4,101. 11,1.1 ( ..0.1410. \1 1 yxxil♦ 16..•1r. tr.' 11.1)11 If land use compatibility is prioritized as strongly preferred (for consistency with our land use visions and community values), traffic operations and physical impacts are prioritized as moderately preferred (to move traffic and minimize property impacts), and all other criteria except safety are prioritized equally, The quadrant is the most preferred alternative when safety is prioritized between equally preferred and moderately to strongly preferred. The one-way couplet is the most preferred alternative when safety is prioritized between moderately to strongly preferred and extremely preferred. Conclusions • How the criteria are prioritized can affect which alternative is most preferred. • If the performance ratings for each alternative are held constant (as defined by the Project Management Team (PMT) and Stakeholder Committee (SC)), then If all criteria except for safety are prioritized equally and the priority of safety is prioritized between equally preferred and extremely preferred, the one-way couplet is the most preferred alternative because, based on the aforementioned performance ratings, no matter how highly safety is prioritized, the one-way couplet will dominate all other alternatives. If land use compatibility is prioritized as strongly preferred (for consistency with our land use visions and community values), physical impacts are prioritized as moderately preferred (to minimize property impacts), and all other criteria except safety are prioritized equally, • The quadrant is the most preferred alternative when safety is prioritized between equally preferred and moderately preferred. • The one-way couplet is the most preferred alternative when safety is prioritized between moderately to strongly preferred and extremely preferred. If land use compatibility is prioritized as strongly preferred (for consistency with our land use visions and community values), traffic operations and physical impacts are prioritized as moderately preferred (to move traffic and minimize property impacts), and all other criteria except safety are prioritized equally, The quadrant is the most preferred alternative when safety is prioritized between equally preferred and moderately to strongly preferred. The one-way couplet is the most preferred alternative when safety is prioritized between moderately to strongly preferred and extremely preferred When the criteria and performance ratings are prioritized as defined herein (consistent with the high-level criteria descriptions provided by the PMT and SC), the quadrant and one-way couplet emerge as the most preferred alternatives, not the roundabout . 3/19/2014 4