Minutes - 1972 - City Council - 08/09/1972 - Special )1 Minute" "f s,)"cia1)1e etinr; of City e:1UllCil of t:ag1e August 9 1972 l~ayor ad Cwl'\cil a11 oreS!mt . tæ C1erk not present. The special meeting was caned at the requellt of Mr. Harold Hoga who stated by teleoho!te that he wisb.ed to discuss annexation ad lIewage prob1elJ'Is aIIseciated wità tAe Eag1e Hillll G..U Ceur!!e Jk1e t. the iaability of l!r Hoe;:¡s!! fbacia:!. clmsu:ttats )IT HogaJl .ras ul'lab1e to keep the appointll.el\t. te be present other bulliness CaM before tM counc-i.l aJl.d decisi.n!! were made all fellow!!: L Tð recbd that pertin t) ! OrdiJWI.ce ,12, cellcerJ\ing the Retail sale of to permit the 1I<1].e ðf beer witA dinners ad to caJI.ce1 IIl!!ctiøn 18- 204 la) ~I '$ W-, whiCh ljfllits the issubg "f bel!!r Hcenses te not !!lore tl:lan "ne for each UJl,it of 1250 people ,Jr portio. tltc ,-eof, ill t.\:II' city. Beer, 3 2 To recill.d that portioJ!l of '¡rdinamce if 4 cønccrning the f£a le ofVfiae section 18-308 that lindts the issuace <!If wine sale :lenlits tit hol<ìers of Liquor by the drillk licensot!. To approach Atty Røbson for a reduction of hit! bill to ;1250. JQ ~ if paid c'o.sll.. !w~ 4 Is""e a.', permit to D, an, AI' lea for the loc:ation of a t" railer house on the ~ I\orth ene1 of the Kietlt Alle. Property, with the col'1ditiøn t!\at the "fJ' appearance of the trailer hOll",~ m,lllt be kept neat and attractive ~ . \J' ~mis permit in.o way implies that other trailer houses ~"1 be p1aced on the s:.me property 5 The Eagle plam'linl'. and zo1l.eing cor"lIdttee to be reorganized without tae presence I!)f ......,-' city councilJ'llen ~;~ ether th,,-.n the chaiman of the committee. 6 Marvin Adar~s requested to draw up a description I)f the proper-ty ;1.d,i:.cent to the Fire J rotectio \ District Property, aRc! an estimated value, fer the possible sale of the property to the Gity of J::agle fer the site of a 6Uy Hall. Ul'\till such sale is made ~. ,,--. - F ' ),"'~ ðr <!Ithd:! aJld different arrai.ngements agreed -,¡non, the city -,dll occupy the premises as tennants. The present rental agreement being the use of the pro~"rty for ;;70.00 per 1IIontli, The ,owner to turnsh the heatiBf, e luipaeJII.t -- the \fater, the sewage monthly charge,- the city to furnish the hoating fuel and the electric po-,ver. The Miner wi 11 do the yard work and furnÍ<'h such furniture as he ha" available. Other furniture ",ill be aquireì by tae city or by ,omatio. or loa. ~¡Þ ¿(p~'