Minutes - 1972 - City Council - 06/12/1972 - Regular REGULAR MEETING JUNE 12, 1972 / I' the regular Eagle City Council ~eeting was held June 12th at 7:30P~ at the Eagle Library. Present were Mayor Adams and Councilmen Bacus, Young and Taylor. The minutes of the special June 5th meetin~ were read by the Mayor and approved by the Council. 'Ir. David Richey of ACOG appeared before the Council to discuss at length all phases of future planning for the city of Eagle. know 1. Subjects covered were: 1. 2. vfuat was valuable about Eagle as a city Residential classification 3. Degree of desireability of low income rentals for retired residents 4. 5. Tax 3ase Keeping city as close unit, not spread out in relation to small lots. Similar or variety 6. 7. 8. Regulating effects of land use Trees a factor Getting Ada County Zoning advice. 9. Legal authority to require developer to provide land and handling capacity for sewage and water and sidewalks. Mr. Richey stated that an ACOG survey would need to Sewer needs, 2. population estimate 3. soil information, 4. '-,later plan of city zoning. The council agreed to hold a meeting in the future with the larger land owners inside the city, and closed the discuss. At this time Mr. Richard Smith presented plans for the council's approval, for a mobile home park tñ~t would be situated adjacent to the Otis Young ~roperty. Dis- cussion followed but no action taken at this time. The question of a parade permit for the 7th Day Adventist church was referred by council to the State Highway Dept. by unaminous vote of the council. Bacus,Y~ung the ~ The council requested that ~ rent be paid to the Eagle Library Board. The meeting adjorned at 9:40 PM. APPROVED: 1'~ Q~ ATTEST: ÒrL2£1J~ g¿ð)~£~ TTY CLER (j