Minutes - 1972 - City Council - 05/08/1972 - Regular
The regular meeting of the Eagle City Council
was held ~'onday May 8tll at 7 :30 P'I with a special
hearing conducted at B PM.
Members present were
"íayor A.dams and Councilmen '3acus, Pe'lrman, Taylor
and Young.
The minutes of the April meetin~ were read and
The hearing in regard to the Zoning of the
'3uchanan Sub. was opened at 8PM.
The'Tayor read
the zone classifications for R-2 and R-3 and
defined the term transitional use permit.
The '!ayor then asked for discussion from
citizens in regard to the zone change and parking
problems at the existing 4-plex.
At the recomrnenda-
tion of the citizen's group, a motion was made
by otis Young and seconded by Leroy Pearman to
rescind the previous motion made at the April meeting
to change R-2 to R-3 in the Buchanan Subdivision.
The motion was unanimously passed.
A motion was made by otis Young and seconded
by Leroy Pearman to issue a conditional use
permit to Bill Taylor, Jr. for the existing
four-fiex on "ission St. in the '3uchanan Sub.
and that provision for parking be made on the
north side including a part of the adjacent
The motion passed with "1ayor Adams and Councilmen
Young, Bacus, and Pearman voting yes.
At this
point the hearing was concluded.
The council then approved Ord. ¥11 TO ANNEX
rqE E~LE RANCq SUBDIVISION as drawn up by
Young - Bacus
A motion was made and seconded to approve the
Legislative Council to conduct a census of Eagle
if there is no cost involved.
~~otion unanimously
Young- Pearman
A motion wäs passed to delegate authority to Ada
County to exercise the county fire ordinance in regard
to firecrackers and fireworks in the city of Eagle.
The motion unanimously passed.
A-motion was made by Otis Young and seconded
by Leroy Pearman to pay Robert Robson, Atty. ~25.00
per month and to pay Valley News Times ~25.00 per
monthLon account.
The motion unanimously passed.
The council agreed to delegate all Building
Inspection for Eagle to Mayor Adams and otis Young.
The date of )-îl$..' 1.)3 at 7 :30P;1 was set by
the council as the daf: for a public hearing to view
the future sewer expansion needs for Eagle.
The meeting
will be held at the Eagle Fire Station.
A letter was read by the Mayor from Dist. Director
Soniville, Ada Co. Highway Dept. concerning the sewer
I development for the line on North Eagle Road for the
Eagle Ranch Subdivision.
The ~'ayor then called for a meeting at his home
~ay 9th at 7:30PM between the sewer Dist. and the
Council to discuss this sewer development.
Discussion followed with Robert DeShazo in regard
to the Eagle Ranch preliminary plans.
This was followed by the council's review of
the Sierra Subdivision, Temple Hood developer.
matter was tabled until further stUdy could be
Page 3
made at the meeting with the Eagle Sewer Board.
A motion was made by Otis Young and seconded by
Elmer Bacus to approve the preliminary plans for the
first 30 lots in the Eagle Ranch Subdivision.
motion unanimously passed.
The meeting adjorned at 10PM.
Respectfully submitted,
~'ch#; <J&.JW~