Minutes - 1972 - City Council - 02/21/1972 - Special SPECIAL ~TEETING FEBR~~Y 21, 972 Iv The Eagle city council held a special meeting Febr~ry 21, 1972 at ~:30 PM at the Eagle Library. Present were Mayor Adams and Councilmen Bacus, Pear- man, Young and Taylor. The need to find a new attorney was discussed at Length and the council decided to report upon the matter at the regular council meeting in March. The council then reviewed the probable expenses Younf"--, Pearman for the year 1973. A moti6n was unanamously passed by the council to set the 1973 budget at the figure of ~8,260.00. A resolution was passed to approve the Publication of the 1973 Budget in the Valley-News Times for '1arch 2nd and March 9th. The date of the public hearing will be March 13th. After final discussion of the Zoning Ordinance, Young Pearman a motlort was unanamously passed to accept the ordin- ance in total. The meeting was ad,1orned at 9 P',~. ATTEST: APPROVED: ~ 5t&4/~CITY' C ?, -c,/¡1t¡{UA,V{.,1 12dß"t!.--. ./-~' /11AYOR