Minutes - 2014 - City Council - 02/25/2014 - Regular • EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Minutes February 25, 2014 PRE-COUNCIL AGENDA: 5:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m. 1. Parks and Pathways Development Commission Report: Charlie Baun, representing the Parks and Pathway Committee, displays a power point; discusses the proposed Lakemoor Park; and provides Council an overview of the RFP for the Master Plan. General discussion. 2. City Engineer's Monthly Report: Casey Kettering, Holladay Engineering, provides Council an overview of the February 25, 2014 Engineer's Report. Discussion on the Dry Creek Underpass. 3. Mayor and Council Reports: Butler: Reports on the Transportation Committee meeting held today. Committee is sending a letter to the Council requesting the Council for reconsideration. Discussed need for a safer crosswalk near the high school on Park and ACHD agreed to look into this. Discussed Beacon Light Road. I went to testify on the bill before the Legislature on the city's design review authority and they cancelled it. Ridgeway: I missed the first meeting of the Library Board. Reports on the Senior Center Board meeting. They are working to upgrade their current van. They are working with the Valley Ride Program. Senior Center went into the hole last year about$6,000.00. They would like the Council to think about funding them again. They would like to have a light pole at the parking lot. General discussion. Kunz: Reports on the February 14th ACHD meeting where a presentation on the tutorial on the Travel Demands Model was presented. On February 18th the Ada County Commissioners held an open meeting at which they discussed the City's counteroffer of$500.00 for the BMX 6.61 acre area. The Commissioners accepted the City's offer of$500 an acre. They also chose to combine 42.22 initial acres purchase with the BMX acres into a single purchase. The County is proposing that a revocable license on the water tower access road be pursued and a deed restriction for 25 years be put into place and that the land lease will terminate on the execution of the purchase agreement. The ACHD Eagle Road State Street Intersection Draft Study that was scheduled for February 26th has been rescheduled to March 26th at 6:00 p.m. and public comment will be held. February 27, 2014 at 9:30 a.m. the Industrial Development Corporation will hold a meeting for the election of new officers at Eagle City Hall. General discussion. Larry Maneely,Ada County Commissioners Chief of Staff, it is my understanding that Susie Mimura and Justin Cafferty, representing Ada County, are working on the wording of the contract. This should be presented to the Board next week and this would give us a chance to close on March 31st. General discussion. Mayor: I have been contacted by another Eagle magazine. Last year they came to us asking for $2,500 and that wasn't approved. They are going to don one on Eagle this year at their expenses. Reports on the Compass meeting. I continue to get letters on the cell tower. Reports on the Treasurer Valley Partnership meeting. General discussion. 4. City Hall Department Supervisor Reports: Planner Baird-Spencer distributes copies of an overview of Sen. Winder's Local Option Sales Tax Legislation and provides Council an overview of the legislation. General discussion. Page 1 K\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-25-14min.doe Discussion on the scope of work for the Beacon Light area and the scope of work that Compass will be doing. This will be on the Compass Board meeting in March. PR/Facilities Director Aho: Reports on the repair of the Eagle on the arch over Eagle Road. General discussion. Building Official Nash: No report PZ Administrator Vaughan:No report City Clerk/Treasurer Bergmann: No report Library Director Bumgarner: No report 5. City Attorney Report:No report INVOCATION: REGULAR COUNCIL AGENDA: 6:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Reynolds calls the meeting to order at 6:40 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: MCFARLAND, BUTLER, KUNZ,RIDGEWAY. McFarland is absent. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: A Boy Scout Troop present at the meeting leads the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. ADDITIONS,DELETIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE AGENDA: None 5. PUBLIC COMMENT: This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding subjects not on the agenda. At times,the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters during this allotted time. This is not the time slot to give formal testimony on a public hearing matter, or comment on a pending application or proposal. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three(3)minutes. Teri Murrison, Chair of the Friends of Beacon Light Road, reads part of the February 18, 2014 letter that was sent to the Mayor and City Council into the record. Discusses the Compass Community in Motion. Discussion on a plan to annex Avimor. Joann Butler, representing M3 Eagle, provides Council a quick overview of the M3 development and the Development Agreement especially as it addresses transportation. Provides an overview of what M3 Eagle is doing in regards to transportation. General discussion. 6. CONSENT AGENDA: ♦ Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. ♦ Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Page 2 K\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-25-I4min.doc Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. • A. Claims Against the City. • B. Minutes of February 4,2014 special meeting. ♦ C. Minutes of February 11,2014. ♦ D. Re-appointment to the Arts Commission: Mayor Reynolds is requesting Council confirmation of the re-appointment of Meg Glasgow to the Commission. Ms. Glasgow will be serving a three(3)year term. (JDR) ♦ E. Saturday Market Manager Contract for 2014 ♦ F. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for FPUD-06-13 & FP-15-13— Final Development Plan and Final Plat for Mace River Ranch Subdivision No.2 — Gardner Mace Company,LC: Gardner Mace Company, LC, represented by Weston Arnell, is requesting final development plan and final plat approval for Mace River Ranch Subdivision No. 2, a 37-lot(30-buildable, 7-common)residential development. The 12.11-acre site is located adjacent to the north side of Mace Road at the intersection of Mace Road and North Eagle Road(SH-55). (WEV) Butler removes Item#6D from the Consent Agenda. Kunz removes Items#6 B, C, and E from the Consent Agenda. Butler moves to approve the Amended Consent Agenda,Items#A and #F. Seconded by Kunz. Butler: AYE; Kunz: AYE; Ridgeway: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES 6B. Minutes of February 4,2014 special meeting. Kunz: I have one minor correction on Page 1 the third paragraph in says "Those books are Roberts Rules of Order,Newly Revised the 11th edition and Mastering City Council Meetings by McFarland." The"d" should be changed to an"e". Kunz moves to approve Consent Item #6B with the correction. Seconded Butler. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES 6C. Minutes of February 11,2014. Kunz: On Page 5 of the February 11"' minutes under Agenda Item #6M the third paragraph here I am being paraphrased here. The last part of the sentence says: "and that there are no anticipated responses." I would ask that the work "responses" be stricken and replaced with the following phrase: "that there are no anticipated problems with fulfilling the "noted Site Specific Conditions of Approval." Further, on Page 7 at the very top the third line in says: "Butler amends the motion to add another condition that we adopt the ITD condition that Jeff just read." I would ask the work"Jeff"be changed to my last name "Kunz". With those two corrections Kunz moves to approve the amend Consent Agenda Item #6C. Seconded by Ridgeway. Butler discussion: I won't vote in favor because this is a word for word transcription of the motion and you are basically changing the word to a word that wasn't said. Kunz withdraws his motion as to the name change. Kunz moves to approve Consent Agenda Item#6C with the one amendment. Seconded by Ridgeway. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES 6D. Re-appointment to the Arts Commission: Mayor Reynolds is requesting Council confirmation of the re-appointment of Meg Glasgow to the Commission. Ms. Glasgow will be serving a three (3)year term. (JDR) Butler: I want to recuse myself on this as Meg Glasgow leases space from me or abstain. Page 3 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-25-14min.doc Ridgeway recommends that we reappoint Meg Glasgow to the Arts Commission for a three year term. Seconded by Kunz. Two AYES: ONE ABSTENTION: MOTION CARRIES 6E. Saturda Market Mana r er Contract for 2014 Kunz: There is a Confidentiality Clause, Section 12, and I want to make sure that in proposing some minor corrections that I am not in any way violating Section 12 Confidentiality. General discussion. City Attorney states that he would not. Kunz: In Section 4 the second sentence in reads: "The City of Eagle agrees to pay the Manager five hundred and no/00's dollars($500.00)each month for the months of March and April, 2012". 2012 needs to be changed to 2014. The second matter immediately follows. The sentence reads: "The City of eagle also agrees to pay the Manager five hundred and no/00's dollars ($500.00)for thirteen dollars($13.00)for each vendor booth, whichever is greater for the coordination of Eagle Country Christmas." My concern is the wording doesn't make it clear that is either or. I'm wondering if it wouldn't be wise to make this an either or condition,the greater of the two. Council concurs to have the City Attorney to draft the correct language to make it clearer. Kunz: with those two corrections I would move to approve Consent Agenda Item 6E. Seconded by Ridgeway. Butler: AYE; Kunz: AYE; Ridgeway: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Consider continuing downtown flower basket program for May-September 2014 in cooperation with Eagle Chamber of Commerce. This item was continued from the January 28, 2014 meeting. (MA) Mayor introduces the issue. P/R-Facilities Director Aho provides Council an overview of the 2014 flower basket program and discusses the cost to the City for the flower basket program in 2013. Discussion on the FY 12/13 amended budget funds for the Park/Rec Department in the amount of$7,220. Further discussion on the FY 12/13 flower basket program and the possibility of expanding the program. Ridgeway: My proposal is that we take some of that money,if we can,I know that we can't spend it all because it will require more staff time but expand the program as much as we can. Seconded by Butler. Discussion. Kunz: My question to Councilman Ridgeway— would you consider amending your motion to say if that$4,000.00 is not specifically earmarked in the current budget; would you consider making a motion that is two level: 1st to approve the$4,460.00 and if the additional $4,000.00 carry over is available then pursue an expansion of the program so we can get this program approved in this meeting. Ridgeway so moved. Seconded by Butler. Butler: AYE; Kunz: AYE; Ridgeway: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES B. Discussion of Lakemoor Park: The Parks and Pathways Development Commission would like Council to prioritize the development of this park land so that the Commission can proceed in an approved manner. (PPDC) Mayor introduces the issue. P/R-Facilities Director Aho: The Parks and Pathways Development Commission would like to know if the Council is considering moving forward with this park before the Commission moves forward on the development of this park. General discussion. Page 4 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-25-14min.doc a Kunz moves that the Parks and Pathways Development Commission be directed to prioritize the development of the Lakemoor Park so that the Commission can proceed in an approved manner. Seconded by Ridgeway. Butler: AYE; Kunz: AYE; Ridgeway: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS: Public Hearings are legally noticed hearings required by state law.The public may provide formal testimony regarding the application or issue before the City Council. This testimony will become part of the hearing record for that application or matter. A. PP-14-13—Overton Acres Subdivision William & Wanda Overton: William and Wanda Overton,represented by Jimmie Miller with John L. Scott Real Estate, are requesting preliminary plat approval for Overton Acres Subdivision, a 6-lot(4-residential, 2-common)residential subdivision. The 4.66-acre site is located on the west side of South Locust Grove Road approximately 1,000 feet north of Chinden Boulevard at 3145 South Locust Grove Road. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Mayor: Does anyone on Council have any exparte contact to declare? None Mayor: Does anyone on Council have any potential or actual conflict of interest?None Jimmy Miller, John L. Scott Real Estate, representing the applicant, provides Council an overview of the application. General discussion. Zoning Administrator Vaughan provides Council an overview of the application. Staff and the Planning and Zoning commission have recommended approval. Discussion on the private street and pressurized irrigation. Mayor opens the Public Hearing Ed Fix, I live at the SW corner of the property. I voiced some concerns at the last meeting on the open ditch system. We are not happy with the open ditch. I'm also wondering if there are CC&R's developed for the property. The developer is under funded and is taking short cuts on the irrigation system. General discussion. Kasey Kettering discusses the gravity ditch system for irrigation to the lots and the developer has meant the code requirements. General discussion. Jimmy Miller discusses the open ditch irrigation system. This is only a 4 lot buildable subdivision and for that reason I am asking for the waiver. General discussion. Mayor closes the Public Hearing Butler moves to approve PP-14-13 —'Overton Acres Subdivision William & Wanda Overton with the road being built as a public road but if for some reason the design has to change that a private road would be permitted upon submittal of final plat and that a condition be added that the applicant work toward providing a pressurized irrigation system for the lots with a pond on one of the lots to operate the pressurized irrigation system and if this dysfunctional or unreasonable that the applicant present this information to the City Council at the time of the final plat and then at that point the Council would then decide whether or not they would like to implement 94191C2 allow the irrigation to be just gravity. Seconded by Ridgeway. Discussion on reopening the Public Hearing. Butler withdraws his motion. Butler moves to reopen the Public Hearing. Seconded by Ridgeway. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES Page 5 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-25-14min.doe Mayor reopens the Public Hearing Ed Fix discusses the irrigation to the property. There is not a ditch now. The property is already plumbed for pressurized irrigation. Discusses the lateral that is available to the property for irrigation. No pond would be necessary. Kasey Kettering, this application had a professional involved in preparing it and I don't have any evidence that would suggest that that's not correct. I don't know if the City has anything in their files to support the information at this time. General discussion. Mayor closes the Public Hearing Jimmy Miller discusses the irrigation system and the road. This is a preliminary plat I'm seeking approval of so I would like to move forward with approval. Things that are not settled will come out and be done. Butler: I move that the Council approve PP-14-13 — Overton Acres Subdivision with the Planning and Zoning Commission Findings, the Planning and Zoning Commission Site Specific Conditions of Approval with a condition that the road be public and another condition that says the applicant's engineer shall work towards providing an enclosed pressurized system and if that is unfeasible that evidence be provided to the City Council upon submittal of the final plat and at that time Council may decide to allow an open system as allowed by Eagle City Code. Seconded by Ridgeway. Discussion. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES 8. NEW BUSINESS: A. Eagle Fun Days: Parks&Recreation Director Aho is seeking direction on the possibility of closing State Street from Eagle Road to Stierman on July 12th. Also inquiring if the City Hall and Library campus area could be utilized to accommodate Fun Days activities on July 11 and 12th. (MA) Mayor introduces the issue. P/R-Facilities Director Aho displays an overhead and discusses closing State Street for Eagle Fun Days and also utilizing the City Hall and Library campus. Discusses the events for the day. General discussion. Gretchen Gilbert, Eagle Chamber of Commerce,the businesses are used to doing this and we are hoping to expand the events and bring in more business. We are going to do a community meeting at City Hall to hear from the businesses and the community on expanding Eagle Fun Days. General discussion. Kunz moves to defer the submission of the permits to the Police Department until we have direct feedback from the potentially affected businesses on State Street for Eagle Fun Days, all day all night closure. Seconded'by Ridgeway. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES B. Modification to the Procurement Agreement between The City of Eagle and CCI Construction,Inc.—Doug Clegg: CCI Construction, Inc.,represented by Doug Clegg, is requesting a modification to the procurement agreement with the City to change from Plan A to Plan B to accommodate conditions of development associated with the development agreement and to accommodate additional gradient for the sewer service. The 25.9-acre site is located near the northwest corner of Hill Road and State Highway 55. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Page 6 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-25-14min.doc Planning and Zoning Administrator Vaughan you did not get anything in your packet because this is done with a presentation. Doug Clegg, applicant,I'm here tonight to discuses the procurement agreement we have with the City. Displays a power point presentation and discusses the same. Council concurs to have public comment. Angela Deckers, I'm sure the people on Sadie would like this but the older house on Sadie would still be affected by the berm. Why is the berm being taken down if it is not going to be used? Why is all of the dirt being removed if it is not going to be used? Discusses the pathway. General discussion. Terry Pershner, I agree with everything that Angela said. If they put three soccer fields put in there is already no parking so we will have more parking problems. People are parking on little tiny street. People also pick our vegetables when they walk along the pathway. General discussion. Teri Murrison, I'm not a neighbor but this could be a community garden instead of soccer fields. Ron Davis, I live on Sadie Drive and I have reviewed the grading plan that Mr. Clegg provided and I think that is the better plan, it is going to require a lot less effort. Discusses the difference in the slopes. Bob Norton, I am a happy home owner since Mr. Clegg decided not to build the homes. Mr. Clegg has been working with everyone. Discusses the pathway and the noxious weeds. The people of the City of Eagle are going to be the beneficiaries of the park. Doug Clegg: discusses the replacement parkway and discuss the removal of the berm. Discussion on the slope. General discussion. Kunz moves to approve a Modification of the Procurement Agreement with the City to change from Plan A to Plan B assuming a 4-1 berm slop to accommodate conditions of development associated with the Development Agreement and to accommodate additional radiant for the sewer service. Discussion. Seconded by Ridgeway. Discussion. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES C. Purchase and installation of an audio/video system to record public meetings,and the technical and infrastructure requirements required to make such proceedings available on the city's website. JK&MA Mayor introduces the issue. P/R-Facilities Director Aho displays overheads and provides Council an overview of the purchase and installation of an audio/video system and the RFP. General discussion. Kunz moves to direct City Staff to prepare a request for proposal and I would like to work with City Staff in finalizing that RFP to include a two page summary of the system requirements that we can use to compare various systems and services. Seconded by Butler. Discussion. Kunz temporarily withdraws his motion for public comment. Council concurs to have public comment. Teri Murrison,this is a very worthwhile and your public will appreciate this very much. I would suggest that when you go out for an RFP that you submit it to Granicus. General discussion. Jaylene Gronager, I agree that this is something that our community really needs. Page 7 K\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-25-14min.doc Kunz moves to direct City Staff to prepare a preliminary request for proposals for an audio/video recording system and related services and that I work with City Staff in preparing that RFP and a two page summary to compare system and equipment requirement to vendor submissions. Seconded by Butler. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES Mayor calls a recess at 9:00 p.m. Mayor reconvenes at 9:15 p.m. Council discussion on having public comment that is requested during the meeting and not noticed on the Agenda. Council member McFarland joins the meeting by telephone conference at 9:18 p.m. 10. EXECUTIVE SESSION 67-2345 (B) (C) & (F) . When authorized. (1)An executive session at which members of the public are excluded may be held, but only for the purposes and only in the manner set forth in this section. The motion to go into executive session shall identify the specific subsections of this section that authorize the executive session. There shall be a roll call vote on the motion and the vote shall be recorded in the minutes. An executive session shall be authorized by a two-thirds(2/3)vote of the governing body. An executive session may be held: (b) To consider the evaluation, dismissal or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent, or public school student; (c) To conduct deliberations concerning labor negotiations or to acquire an interest in real property which is not owned by a public agency; (f) To communicate with legal counsel for the public agency to discuss the legal ramifications of and legal options for pending litigation, or controversies not yet being litigated but imminently likely to be litigated. The mere presence of legal counsel at an executive session does not satisfy this requirement; Mayor Reynolds introduces the issue. Butler moves to go into Executive Session under Idaho State Statute 67-2345(b) To consider the evaluation, dismissal or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent, or public school student; (c) To conduct deliberations concerning labor negotiations or to acquire an interest in real property which is not owned by a public agency; declaring emphasis on private property acquisition that we are talking about; and(f) To communicate with legal counsel for the public agency to discuss the legal ramifications of and legal options for pending litigation, or controversies not yet being litigated but imminently likely to be litigated. The mere presence of legal counsel at an executive session does not satisfy this requirement; this item being related to Judicial Review submitted for the approval that Council made for the Development Agreement modification for M3. Seconded by Kunz. McFarland: AYE; Butler: AYE; Kunz: AYE; Ridgeway: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES Council goes into Executive Session at 9:20 p.m. Council discusses personnel matters, private property acquisition and pending or threaten litigation related to Judicial Review submitted for the approval that Council made for the Development Agreement modification for M3. Page 8 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work/Nina\CC-02-25-14min.doc Council leaves Executive Session at 11:15 p.m. 11. ADJOURNMENT: Butler moves to adjourn. Seconded by Kunz. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES... Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 11:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted: moil odd" SHARON K. BERGMANN .�OF EAG4 ,,,••,,, CITY CLERK/TREASURER •' �'� 0RA •-ity APPROVED: = v ��� AMES D. REYNO D•i eft TE •`s� MAYOR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE AT CITY HALL UPON REQUEST. Page 9 K:\COUNCIL'MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-25-14min.doc Date Flower Basket Program One Time Costs 2013 Vendor Item Description 5/7/2013 Evan's Hose, tie downs, pipe strap, funnel Hardware for Watering Tank Amount $28.72 Generator to operate pump, Generator, Truck Chest installation Truck Chest to store generator, 5/6/2013 D&B Supply hardware hardware to install truck chest $1,257.95 Can for generator gas, 5/7/2013 Home Depot Gas can,installation hardware hardware to secure generator 29.99 Fittings and PVC to install hoses 5/7/2013 Home Depot Installation Hardware and spigot for watering $61.75 210 Gallon tank that tits in back of pick up truck, Pump to pump 4/10/2013 American Tank Co Water Tank, pump and shipping water $719.23 Total $2,097.64 Jerry Wood Flower Brackets Paid for with Urban Renewal Funds 37 brackets at $65 each $2,405 Total with General Fund and Urban Renewal $4,503 EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP PP -14-13 — Overton Acres Subdivision William & Wanda Overton February 25, 2014 TESTIFY PRO/ CON or NAME ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL i;:ly wrrrwL.. 24O ,t'J. ¥2w' Li `�2-5 -.0,,t1k.1.574ti I• C' y Friends of Beacon Light Road c/o Teri Murrison, Chair PO Box 471 Eagle, ID 83616 terimurrison@gmail.com February 18, 2014 Submitted electronically Mayor Jim Reynolds Council Members Defayette, Butler, Kunz, and Ridgeway City of Eagle 660 E. Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Mayor Reynolds and Council Members: I am writing for several purposes: first, to clear up any misconception about Friends of Beacon Light Road's (FBLR) involvement with a recently filed petition for judicial review regarding the M3 Amended Development Agreement; second, to advise you of several organizational changes in our group; and third, to make Council aware of the fact that only specific persons are authorized by FBLR to represent the views and positions of FBLR. 1. FLBR discussed participating in the judicial review, however FBLR elected as a group not to participate. That said, FBLR as a group supports the right of the petitioners to engage in the request for judicial review, and encourages all levels of government - including the City — to follow the legally appropriate processes in all planning and implementation actions. 2. FBLR has recently reorganized in an attempt to be more efficient in working with the City of Eagle, ACHD, Ada County, ITD, and the Idaho State Legislature. Going forward, I will continue as Chair of FBLR and the following are subcommittee chairs: Planning: Teri Murrison Analysis: Terry Hoebelheinrich COMPASS: Kathy Pennisi City of Eagle: Steve Purvis Ada County: Cheryl Bloom ACHD: Steve Purvis ITD: Jay Groeniger Legislature: Lynn McKee Outreach: Cheryl Bloom Mayor Jim Reynolds February 18, 2014 Page Two 3. Official positions of FBLR will only be expressed by me as Chair or our media spokesperson, Jaylene Groeniger, although the respective subcommittee chairs are good points of contact. Thank you so much for your continued support of Friends of Beacon Light Road and the greater -Eagle community. We are happy to assist the Council in protecting and enhancing the greater Eagle community in whatever way possible. Sincerely, TERI A. MURRISON Chairman cc: Susan Buxton, City Attorney Friends of Beacon Light Road Jim Reynolds From: Teri Murrison <terimurrison@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2014 9:13 AM To: Jim Reynolds; Mary Mcfarland; Mark L. Butler; Jeff Kunz; Stan Ridgeway Cc: Susan Buxton Subject: Letter from Friends of Beacon Light Road Attachments: FBLR letter to Mayor and Council 2-18-14.pdf Mayor Reynolds and Council Members: I hope you are all enjoying the milder weather. I certainly am! Attached is a letter from the Friends of Beacon Light Road regarding several important matters. I will be at your next meeting to read it into the record under public comment. Thanks, Teri Teri Murrison PO Box 471 Eagle, ID 83616 terimurrison( Qmail.com 1 p'(- -LUfche.'/ a-,r/� Overview of Sen. Winder's Local Option Sales Tax Legislation: Print hearing this week in House Revenue and Taxation Committee • Max. 1% combined increase (all jurisdictions combined must be Tess than 1%) • First come first consumed (whomever receives approval first stops other jurisdiction from using LOT within their boundary) • Requires a 60% voter approval, not 66.66% (originally drafted at 50% but increased to higher threshold but not to "super majority" because it cannot be bonded against) • No debt allowed. Spend as you earn (Cannot be bonded against) • Up to 25% annually can go to operations • Can be approved for up to 20 years • Ballot must specifically describe improvements, duration, and tax imposed • Election can only take place in the November general election • Approved uses include (change in purpose requires reauthorization): o Regional Development; o Economic Development; o Common Education; o General Operations; o Capital Improvements; o City Roads; o Weather Modifications; o Other purposes to promote safety, security, & general well being • Projects must be owned by state, county, city or other legally establish political subdivision • Under current revenue sharing based on sales tax collected state-wide, the City received $175,429. These funds would be in addition to those funds. • Can be multiple counties but requires 60% approval in each county The proposed legislation has received general support from the Association of Idaho Cities and COMPASS. RS22832 AAAA AAAA LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF IDAHO Sixty-second Legislature Second Regular Session - 2014 IN THE BILL NO. BY 1 AN ACT 2 RELATING TO TAXATION; AMENDING TITLE 63, IDAHO CODE, BY THE ADDITION OF A NEW 3 CHAPTER 43, TITLE 63, IDAHO CODE, TO ESTABLISH PROVISIONS RELATING TO A 4 COUNTY SALES AND USE TAX, TO ESTABLISH LIMITS, TO PROVIDE FOR AN ELEC- 5 TION, TO ESTABLISH PROVISIONS RELATING TO TWO OR MORE COUNTIES SEEKING 6 TO LEVY A TAX, TO ESTABLISH PROVISIONS RELATING TO AN EFFECTIVE DATE, 7 TO PROVIDE FOR EXEMPTIONS, TO PROVIDE FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TO PRO - 8 VIDE FOR THE DEPOSIT OF REVENUE, TO PROVIDE FOR THE USE OF REVENUE, TO 9 ESTABLISH PROVISIONS RELATING TO A TWO-PHASE TAX, TO PROVIDE FOR DURA - 10 TION, TO ESTABLISH PROVISIONS RELATING TO A CITY SALES AND USE TAX, TO 11 ESTABLISH LIMITS, TO PROVIDE FOR AN ELECTION, TO ESTABLISH PROVISIONS 12 RELATING TO AN EFFECTIVE DATE, TO PROVIDE FOR EXEMPTIONS, TO PROVIDE FOR 13 A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TO PROVIDE FOR THE DEPOSIT OF REVENUE, TO PROVIDE 14 FOR THE USE OF REVENUE, TO ESTABLISH PROVISIONS RELATING TO A TWO --PHASE 15 TAX, TO PROVIDE FOR DURATION, TO ESTABLISH PROVISIONS RELATING TO LOCAL 16 RATE AND BOUNDARY CHANGES, TO ESTABLISH PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE RE - 17 PEAL, CHANGE OR REAUTHORIZATION OF A TAX, TO PROVIDE FOR THE COLLECTION, 18 ADMINISTRATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF CERTAIN TAXES, TO ESTABLISH PROVI- 19 SIONS RELATING TO THE COORDINATION OF CERTAIN COUNTY AND CITY TAXES AND 20 TO PROVIDE FOR APPLICATION OF LAWS; PROVIDING SEVERABILITY; AND PROVID- 21 ING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 22 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Idaho: 23 SECTION 1. That Title 63, Idaho Code, be, and the same is hereby amended 24 by the addition thereto of a NEW CHAPTER, to be known and designated as Chap - 25 ter 43, Title 63, Idaho Code, and to read as follows: 26 27 CHAPTER 43 LOCAL GOVERNMENT NONPROPERTY TAX ACT 28 63-4301. COUNTY LOCAL -OPTION NONPROPERTY TAX -- DURATION -- VOTING 29 AND ELECTION FOR LEVY. 30 (1) (a) A county of this state may levy a sales tax and a use tax in a 31 like manner as provided for by the provisions of chapter 36, title 63, 32 Idaho Code. Such sales tax and use tax shall not exceed one percent (1%) 33 and shall be imposed upon all items in the county upon which a sales and 34 use tax is levied by this state pursuant to the provisions of chapter 36, 35 title 63, Idaho Code. Before the tax may be levied by the county, the 36 imposition of the tax shall first be approved by sixty percent (60%) or 37 more of the qualified electors of the county voting thereon at an elec- 38 tion called by the board of county commissioners. The election shall be 39 held at the next scheduled general election as provided for in section 40 34-101, Idaho Code. If two (2) or more counties jointly seek to levy 41 a tax authorized pursuant to this section, the tax may be imposed only RS22832 2 1 if sixty percent (60%) or more of the qualified electors voting in the 2 election in each county approves the tax. 3 (b) Any sales tax approved by the qualified electors of a county shall 4 be applicable only when the point of sale is within the legal. boundary 5 of the county. Any sales and use tax levied or any change in the rate of 6 the tax levied pursuant to the provisions of this section shall become 7 effective on the first day of the calendar quarter following approval. 8 by the qualified electors of the county unless another effective date, 9 which shall also be on the first day of a calendar quarter, is speci- 10 fled in the ordinance levying the tax or changing the rate of the tax. An 11 election held pursuant to this section shall be held in a manner consis- 12 tent with the provisions of title 34, Idaho Code. 13 (2) Subject to the provisions of title 63, Idaho Code, all items that 14 are exempt from the state sales and use tax shall be exempt from any sales and 15 use tax levied by a county pursuant to this section. 16 (3) (a) Any tax authorized by this section that may be levied by a county 17 shall be designated for a particular purpose. Particular purposes may 18 include, but are not limited to, projects owned by the state, any agency 19 or instrumentality thereof and the county or any political subdivision 20 located in whole or in part within the county. The projects may provide 21 for regional development, economic development, common education, gen- 22 eral operations, capital improvements, county roads, weather modifica- 23 tion or any other purpose deemed by a majority vote of the county com- 24 missioners to be necessary to promote safety, security and the general 25 well-being of the people. The county shall identify the purpose of the 26 tax when it is presented to the voters pursuant to the provisions of sub - 27 section (1) of this section. Except as otherwise provided in this sec - 28 tion, the proceeds of any tax levied by a county pursuant to this section 29 shall be deposited in the general revenue fund or revolving fund of the 30 county and shall be used only for the purpose for which the tax was des - 31 ignated. Revenue generated from the levy of a tax pursuant to the pro - 32 visions of this section shall be used exclusively to pay for the desig- 33 nated particular purpose on a pay-as-you-go basis and shall not be used 34 to pay bond obligations or other debt. 35 (b) Any tax authorized by this section and presented to the voters pur- 36 suant to the provisions of this section, in addition to complying with 37 all other provisions of this section, may be presented as a two-phase 38 tax in the following manner: the tax to be voted upon may be presented to 39 the voters and, if approved pursuant to the provisions of subsection (1) 40 of this section, may be imposed in the first phase at a rate consistent 41 with the limitation provided for in this section and for a designated 42 duration for the particular purpose designated; and following that du - 43 ration of time, as the second of the two -phases, the tax rate may be low - 44 ered, as presented to the voters, and continued for an additional desig- 45 nated period or may be continued for a period not to exceed twenty (20) 46 years from the date the tax is levied for the purpose of generating rev - 47 enue for the ongoing operations of the designated particular purpose. 48 If a two-phase approach is presented to the voters, the duration, pur- 49 pose and tax rate of each phase shall be clearly described to the voters 5s. on the ballot. Provided however, that the tax rate of the second phase RS22832 aelai 3 r may not exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the tax rate imposed in the 2 first phase. 3 (4) The duration of the tax provided for in this section shall be lim- 4 ited to a period not to exceed twenty (20) years from the date the tax is 5 levied. The county shall identify the duration of the tax when it is pre - 6 sented to the voters pursuant to the provisions of this section. 7 63-4302. MUNICIPAL LOCAL -OPTION NONPROPERTY TAX -- DURATION -- VOTING 8 AND ELECTION FOR LEVY. (1) A city of this state may levy a sales and a use 9 tax in a like manner as provided for by the provisions of chapter 36, title 10 63, Idaho Code. Except as provided for in section 63-4306, Idaho Code, the 11 sales and use tax shall not exceed one percent (1%) and shall be imposed upon 12 all items in the city upon which a sales and use tax is levied by this state 13 pursuant to the provisions of chapter 36, title 63, Idaho Code. Before the 14 tax may be levied by the city, the imposition of the tax shall first be ap- r5 proved by sixty percent (60%) or more of the qualified electors of the city 16 voting thereon at an election called by the governing authority of the city. 17 The election shall be held at the next scheduled general election as provided 18 for in section 34-101, Idaho Code. Any sales tax approved by the qualified 19 electors of a city shall be applicable only when the point of sale is within 20 the legal boundary of the city. Any tax levied or any change in the rate of 21 a tax levied pursuant to the provisions of this section shall become effec- 22 tive on the first day of the calendar quarter following approval by the qual- 23 ified electors of the city unless another effective date, which shall also be 24 on the first day of a calendar quarter, is specified in the ordinance levy - 25 ing the tax or changing the rate of the tax. An election held pursuant to this 26 section shall be held in a mariner consistent with the provisions of title 34, 27 Idaho Code. 28 (2) Subject to the provisions of title 63, Idaho Code, all items that 29 are exempt from the state sales tax and the state use tax shall be exempt from 30 any tax levied by a city pursuant to this section. 31 (3) (a) Any tax that may be levied by a city pursuant to this section 32 shall be designated for a particular purpose. Particular purposes may 33 include, but are not limited to, projects owned by the state, any agency 34 or instrumentality thereof and the city or any political subdivision 35 located in whole or in part within the city. The projects may provide 36 for regional development, economic development, common education, 37 general operations, capital improvements, city roads, weather modi- 38 fication or any other purpose deemed by the corporate authorities of 39 the city to be necessary to promote safety, security and the general 40 well-being of the people. The city shall identify the purpose of the tax 41 when it is presented to the voters pursuant to the provisions of subsec- 42 tion (1) of this section. Except as otherwise provided in this section, 43 the proceeds of any tax levied by a city pursuant to this section shall 44 be deposited in the general revenue or revolving fund of the city and 45 shall be used only for the purpose for which the tax was designated. 46 Revenue generated from the levy of a tax pursuant to the provisions of 47 this section shall be used exclusively to pay for the designated partic- 48 ular purpose on a pay-as-you-go basis and shall not be used to pay bond 49 obligations or other debt. AAAA RS22832 &' 4 1 (b) Any tax presented to the voters pursuant to the provisions of this 2 section, in addition to complying with all other provisions of this sec - 3 tion, may be presented as a two-phase tax in the following manner: the 4 tax to be voted upon may be presented to the voters and, if approved pur- 5 suant to the requirements of subsection (1) of this section, may be im- 6 posed in the first phase at a rate consistent with the limitation pro - 7 vided for in this section and for a designated duration for the particu- 8 lar purpose designated; and following that duration of time, as the sec- s and of the two -phases, the tax rate may be lowered, as presented to the 10 voters, and continued for an additional designated period not to exceed 11 twenty (20) years for the purpose of generating revenue for the ongoing 12 operations of the designated particular purpose described to the vot- 13 ers. If a two-phase approach is presented to the voters, the duration, 14 purpose and rate of each phase shall be clearly described to the voters 15 on the ballot. Provided however, that the tax rate of the second phase 16 may not exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the tax rate imposed in the 17 first phase. 18 (4) The duration of the tax provided for in this section shall be lim- n i ted to a period not to exceed twenty (2 0) years. The city shall identify the 20 duration of the tax when it is presented to the voters pursuant to the provi- 21 sions of this section. 22 63-4303. LOCAL RATE AND BOUNDARY CHANGES. For purposes of local rate 23 and boundary changes, this act shall comply with the provisions of the state 24 streamlined sales tax upon the passage and approval of the state streamlined 25 sales tax. 26 63-4304. TAX REPEAL, CHANGE OR REAUTHORIZATION. The tax or the rate of 27 the tax in effect as provided for in section 63-4301 or 63-4302, Idaho Code, 28 may be changed, repealed or extended, but only if approved by sixty percent 29 (60%) or more of all votes cast by the qualified electors voting in a re - 30 peal, reauthorization or rate change election conducted for such purpose. 31 The election may be held at the general election, as provided for in section 32 34-101, Idaho Code, in any year prior to the expiration of the term of the 33 tax then in effect. The election shall be held in a manner consistent with 34 the provisions of title 34, Idaho Code. A clear description of the proposed 35 change, repeal or reauthorization shall be included on the ballot . 36 63-4305. COLLECTION AND ADMINISTRATION OF CERTAIN TAXES BY STATE TAX 37 COMMISSION -- DISTRIBUTION. (1) Any county or city that has levied a tax 38 pursuant to section 63-4301 or 63-4302, Idaho Code, shall contract with the 39 state tax commission for the collection and administration of the taxes in a 40 like mariner and under definitions and rules of the state tax commission for 41 the collection and administration of the state sales or use tax pursuant to 42 chapter 36, title 63, Idaho Code. A county or city that levies a tax provided 43 for in section 63-4101 or 63-4102, Idaho Code, shall have the right to review 44 and audit the records of collection maintained by the commission and the 45 returns of taxpayers relating to the tax. A RS22832AAA2 5 1 (2) All revenues collected by the state tax commission pursuant to ei- 2 then section 63-4301 or 63-4302, Idaho Code, shall be distributed as fol - 3 lows: 4 (a) An amount of money shall be distributed to the state refund account 5 sufficient to pay current refund claims. All refunds authorized by the 6 commission to be paid shall be paid through the state refund account and 7 those moneys are continuously appropriated; 8 (b) An amount of money equal to the fee as may be agreed upon between 9 the commission and the county or city for the actual cost of the collec- 10 tion and administration of the tax. Any unencumbered balance in excess 11 of the actual cost at the end of each fiscal year shall be distributed as 12 provided in paragraph (c) of this subsection; 13 (c) All remaining moneys received pursuant to this act shall be placed 14 in an account designated by the state controller and remitted monthly to 15 the county or city levying the tax. 16 63-4306. COORDINATION OF COUNTY AND CITY LOCAL -OPTION NONPROPERTY 17 TAXES. (1) No city may adopt, implement or collect a tax as provided for 18 in this act 31 the county in which the city's governing body is located has 19 adopted a tax authorized pursuant to this act. Provided however, that if a 20 county has imposed a tax pursuant to the provisions of this act and the tax is 21 in effect, a city may seek to adopt, implement and collect a tax provided for 22 in section 63-4302, Idaho Code, but only if the county tax is less than the 23 one percent (1%) limit provided for in section 63-4301, Idaho Code. Provided 24 further, that the rate of a city tax imposed pursuant to this act may not 25 exceed the difference between the county tax rate and one percent (1%) . 26 (2) No county may adopt, implement or collect a county tax provided for 27 in this act if a city located in whole or in part in the county has adopted a 28 tax authorized pursuant to this act. Provided however, that if a city has im- 29 posed a tax pursuant to the provisions of this act and the tax is in effect, a 30 county may seek to adopt, implement and collect a tax provided for in section 31 63-4301, Idaho Code, but only if the city tax is less than the one percent 32 (1%) limit provided for in section 63-4302, Idaho Code. Provided further, 33 that the rate of a county tax imposed pursuant to this act may not exceed the 34 difference between the city tax rate and one percent (1%) . 35 (3) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any resort city 36 tax authorized pursuant to the provisions of chapter 10, title 50, Idaho 37 Code. 38 SECTION 2 . SEVERABILITY. The provisions of this act are hereby declared 39 to be severable and if any provision of this act or the application of such 40 provision to any person or circumstance is declared invalid for any reason, 41 such declaration shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of 42 this act . 43 SECTION 3. This act shall be in full force and effect on and after Jan - 44 uary 1, 2015. IDAHO TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT P.O. Box 8028 Boise, ID 83707-2028 February 24, 2014 Ms. JoAnn C. Butler ESQ Spink Butler, LLP 251 E. Front Street, #200, Boise, ID 83702 VIA EMAIL Cc, ,? 5-1 5 (208) 334-8300 itd.idaho.gov Re: Beacon Light Road The Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) has received your email (attached) concerning the Friends of Beacon Light Road. ITD had some involvement with ACHD's Northwest Foothills Transportation Plan (NWFTP). We participated in a number of public meetings and talked to many individuals and groups over the course of the two planning efforts. ITD has recently been approached by several people along Beacon Light Road. None of these people expressed only a general interest in the NWFTP. Each visitor specifically mentioned that they are part of the Friends of Beacon Light Road committee. These public contacts are a normal course of business for ITD and we did not keep minutes of any meetings. My opinion is that the Friends of Beacon Light Road understand that any development generates traffic and any traffic furthers the need to widen Beacon Light Road. Eliminating any development project minimizes traffic volumes and the need to widen Beacon Light Road. In some discussions, ITD was specifically asked to help them (i.e. Friends of Beacon Light Road) encourage the City of Eagle to deny any part of the Spring Valley project. ITD has consistently reported that land use decisions are outside the authority of ITD. ITD has neither supported nor rejected any land use decisions related to the M3 Spring Valley project. ITD has only commented that the regional highway system is nearing capacity and any development will increase traffic congestion and delay. Beacon Light Road is not part of the State Highway System and ITD has no comments about the Beacon Light Road corridor If you have any questions, you may contact me directly at 334-8377. Sincerely, Dave Szplett Development Services Manager day e. szp l ett(d), i td. i daho. aov Dave Szplett From: JoAnn Butler ybutler@spinkbutler.com> Sent Friday, February 21, 2014 3:19 PM To: Dave Szplett Subject: Spring Valley Dave, I think you know that our firm represents M3 Eagle, L.LC., the developer of Spring VaUey in the City of Eagle. M3 has been working toward development of its property in the City since 2006. During that time, M3 has been actively working with the relevant transportation agencies, including ITD. Our understanding is that an organization, Friends of Beacon Light Road, or some individuals who may be members of this organization, have approached the transportation agencies specifically asking what actions the agencies could take to help stop or hinder the development of Spring Valley. Not to put words In your mouth, but I believe that ITD always takes the position that it does not favor or disfavor any particular project; ITD's focus is trips on its highways. But, I wanted to ask you if, over say the last several months, you have had individuals approach you specifically requesting how or whether ITD might assist in stopping or hindering the development of Spring Valley? I appreciate any information you can provide. JoAnn C. Butler Spink Buffer. LLP 251 E. Front Straot, 8200. Boise, ID 83702 P.O. Box 839, Boise. ID 83701 Direct: 208-388-1093 Celt 208-867-1082 Main: 208-388.1000 Fax 208-388-1001 ywv.suinkbuder.com CONRDENTIALITY NOTICE: This transmission Is intended only for the use of the IndMdual(s) named as rodpients. It may contain Information that is privileged. oon8dential, andror protected from disclosure under applicable taw including, but not larked to, the attomerelent privilege end/or work product doctrine. 0 you ere not the intended regent of this tranamiaaion, please notify the sender immediately ly by telephone. Do not delver. dish or copy this transmission, disclose its contends, or take eny action In reliance on the lrtormatbon it contains. THS E-MAIL 18 NOT AN OFFER OR ACCEPTANCE: Notwithstanding the Uniform Electronic Transadtons Ad or any other tans al shNeer Import, absent an express statement to the contrary contained in this o-mu8. neither this e-mail nor any attactrnent am an offer or acceptance to enter into a contract and are not blended to bind the sender or any other person or entity. Cc z - City of Eagle Report Cnteria: Report type GL detail Check Register - Transparency Version Page 1 Check Issue Dates 2/12/2014 - 2/24/2014 Feb 24, 2014 12.39PM Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount 12403 02/12/2014 12403 Petty Cash 1 ch 01-0413-25-00 MISCELLANEOUS Total 12403. 62 00- 62 00- 62.00- 12456 02/12/2014 12456 Caldwell Public Library 1 ch 06-0461-62-00 LIBRARY/OPEN ACCESS 900 9.00 Total 12456 9.00 12457 02/13/2014 12457 Eagle Industrial Center 02/13/2014 12457 Eagle Industnal Center 02/13/2014 12457 Eagle Industrial Center 02/13/2014 12457 Eagle Industrial Center 02/13/2014 12457 Eagle Industrial Center 02/13/2014 12457 Eagle Industnal Center 1 ch 16-0416-01-00 SHOP LEASE 2 ch 60-0434-50-00 SHOP LEASE 1 ch 16-0413-18-00 SHOP UTILITIES 2 ch 60-0434-50-00 SHOP LEASE 1 ch 16-0416-01-00 SHOP LEASE 2 ch 60-0434-50-00 SHOP LEASE 612 00 612 00 86 45 8644 2 98 2 98 612.00 812 00 88 45 86 44 2 98 2 98 Total 12457. 1,402.85 12488 02/18/2014 12488 Home Depot Credit Services 02/18/2014 12488 Home Depot Credit Services 02/18/2014 12488 Home Depot Credit Services 02/18/2014 12488 Horne Depot Credit Services 02/18/2014 12488 Home Depot Credit Services 02/18/2014 12488 Home Depot Credit Services 02/18/2014 12488 Home Depot Credit Services 02/18/2014 12488 Home Depot Credit Services 02/18/2014 12488 Home Depot Credit Services 02/18/2014 12488 Horne Depot Credit Services 02/18/2014 12488 Home Depot Credit Services 02/18/2014 12488 Home Depot Credit Services 02/18/2014 12488 Home Depot Credit Services 1 ch 60-0434-58-01 RPR/MTNC PUMPS-WELLS-CHEMICA 1 ch 80-0434-58-01 RPR/MTNC PUMPS-WELLS-CHEMICA 1 ch 15-0437-25-00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 1 ch 60-0434-58.01 RPR/MTNC PUMPS-WELLS-CHEMICA 1 ch 15-0444-01-00 MAINTENANCE & REPAIR 1 ch 60-0434-58-01 RPR/MTNC PUMPS-WELLS-CHEMICA 1 ch 15-0443-01-00 MAINTENANCE & REPAIR 2 ch 15-0445-01-00 MAINTENANCE & REPAIR 1 ch 60.0434.58-01 RPR/MTNC PUMPS-WELLS-CHEMICA 1 ch 60-0434-58-01 RPR/MTNC PUMPS-WELLS-CHEMICA 1 ch 15-0437-25-00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 1 ch 60-0434-58-01 RPR/MTNC PUMPS-WELLS-CHEMICA 1 ch 15-0437-25-00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 406 32 93 1147 13 87 15 99 21 97 31 36 7.74 85.91 8.47 20 00 65 91 17.72 4 06 32.93 11 47 13.87 15 99 21 97 31 36 7 74 65.91 6 47 20.00 65.91 17 72 Total 12488: 315 40 12489 02/18/2014 12489 Idaho Child Support Receipting 1 ch 18-0217-08-00 GARNISHMENTS 150 00 150.00 Total 12489 150 00 12531 02/24/2014 12531 A-1 Heating & Air Conditioning 1 ch 13-0413-29-03 MECHANICAL FEE REFUND 80 00 80 00 Total 12531 80 00 12532 02/24/2014 12532 Ada Co Utility -c/o Dig Line 1 ch 60-0434-23-00 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 25 00 25 00 Total 12532 25.00 12533 02/24/2014 12533 Ada County Sheriffs Dept. 1 ch 01-0416-09-00 LAW ENFORCEMENT DEPARTMENT 14Q989 51 140,989 51 City of Eagle Check Check Issue Date Number Total 12533: Payee 12534 02/24/2014 12534 Albertson's #182 02124/2014 12534 Albertson's #182 Total 12534: 12535 02/24/2014 12535 American Planning Association Total 12535: 12536 02/24/2014 12538 Association Of Idaho Cities Total 12536: 12537 02/24/2014 02/24/2014 02/24/2014 02/24/2014 12537 Baldwin & Associates, Inc. 12537 Baldwin & Associates, Inc. 12537 Baidwin & Associates, Inc. 12537 Baldwin & Associates, Inc. Total 12537: 12538 02/24/2014 12538 Billing Document Specialists Total 12538: 12539 02/24/2014 12539 CCI - Remington Construction Total 12539: 12640 02/24/2014 12540 De Lege Landen Financial Svc Total 12540: 12541 02/24/2014 12541 Donald P. Roehling Total 12541: 12542 02/24/2014 12542 Eagle Planning & Zoning Total 12542: 12543 02/24/2014 02/24/2014 02/24/2014 02/24/2014 12543 Eagle Water Co. 12543 Eagle Water Co. 12543 Eagle Water Co. 12543 Eagle Water Co. Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 2 Check Issue Dates: 2/12/2014 - 2124/2014 Feb 24, 2014 12:39PM Invoice Invoice Sequence GL Account Invoice GL Account Title 1 ch 11-0422-01-00 PUBLIC RELATIONS 2 ch 15-0422-01-00 PUBLIC RELATIONS 1 ch 14-0413-14-00 PROFESSIONAL DUES 1 ch 11-0413-12-00 PERSONNEL TRAINING 1ch 1ch 1ch 1ch 14-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 11-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 1 ch 60-0434-47-00 BILLING SERVICES 1 ch 01-0203-01-04 PERFORMANCE BONDS DEPOSIT PB 1 ch 01-0416-24-00 EQUIPMENT LEASING 1 ch 01-0413-01-00 P&Z COMMISSIONERS COMPENSATI 1 ch 01-0203-01-04 PERFORMANCE BONDS DEPOSIT PB 1 t 1 ch 1 ch 1 ch 15-0452-06-00 UTILITIES 15-0452-06-00 UTILITIES 01-0413-16-00 UTILITIES/NEW CITY HALL 15-0449-06-00 UTILITIES Invoice Check Amount Amount 140,989.51 4.89 4.69 16.06 16.06 20.75 430.00 430.00 430.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 59.44 59.44 74.48 74.48 18.90 18.90 34.28 34.28 187.10 927.28 927.28 927.26 864.30 864.30 864.30 1,197.37 1,197.37 1,197.37 70.00 70.00 70.00 285.00 285.00 285.00 53.80 53.80 53.80 53.80 40.36 40.36 53.80 53.80 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 3 Check Issue Dates: 2/12/2014 - 2/24/2014 Feb 24, 2014 12:39PM Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount 02/24/2014 12543 Eagle Water Co. 1 ch 15-0449-08-00 UTILITIES 53.80 53.80 02/24/2014 12543 Eagle Water Co. 1 ch 07-0482-52-00 MUSEUM UTILITIES 8.25 8.25 02/24/2014 12543 Eagle Water Co. 1 ch 15-0454-08-00 UTILITIES 20.09 20.09 Total 12543: 283.90 12544 02/24/2014 12544 HD Supply Waterworks, Inc. 1 ch 60-0438-09-00 METER REPLACEMENT PROGRAM 15,092.00 15,092.00 Total 12544: 15,092.00 12545 02/24/2014 12545 Horseshoe Flats, LLC 1 ch 01-0203-01-01 BONDS DEPOSITS PAYABLE 250,170.00 250,170.00 Total 12545: 250,170.00 12546 02/24/2014 12546 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 15-0441-08-00 STREET LIGHTS -UTILITIES 16.12 16.12 02/24/2014 12546 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 60-0434-80-00 POWER 937.84 937.84 02/24/2014 12546 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 15-0441-06-00 STREET LIGHTS -UTILITIES 38.13 38.13 02/24/2014 12546 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 60-0434-60-00 POWER 58.88 58.88 02/24/2014 12546 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 15-0454-06-00 UTILITIES 387.07 387.07 02/24/2014 12546 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 15-0454-08-00 UTILITIES 16.80 16.80 02/24/2014 12546 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 15-0449-06-00 UTILITIES 433.52 433.52 02/24/2014 12546 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 60-0434-60-00 POWER 492.42 492.42 02/24/2014 12546 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 15-0441-06-00 STREET LIGHTS -UTILITIES 44.33 44.33 02/24/2014 12546 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 2 ch 15-0441-06-00 STREET LIGHTS -UTILITIES 89.01 89.01 02/24/2014 12546 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 3 ch 15-0450-06-00 UTILITIES 83.35 83.35 02/24/2014 12546 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 4 ch 15-0449-06-00 UTILITIES 5.25 5.25 02/24/2014 12548 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 5 ch 15-0441-06-00 STREET LIGHTS -UTILITIES 7.87 7.87 02/24/2014 12548 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 6 ch 01-0413-16-00 UTILITIES/NEW CITY HALL 825.08 825.08 02/24/2014 12546 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 7 ch 07-0462-52-00 MUSEUM UTILITIES 92.31 92.31 02/24/2014 12546 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 8 ch 15-0441-06-00 STREET LIGHTS -UTILITIES 2.74 2.74 02/24/2014 12546 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 9 ch 15-0441-08-00 STREET LIGHTS -UTILITIES 68.52 68.52 02/24/2014 12546 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 10 ch 15-0441-08-00 STREET LIGHTS -UTILITIES 6.33 6.33 02/24/2014 12546 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 11 ch 15-0441-08-00 STREET LIGHTS -UTILITIES 147.40 147.40 02/24/2014 12546 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 12 ch 15-0441-08-00 STREET LIGHTS -UTILITIES 39.17 39.17 02/24/2014 12548 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Cr 13 ch 15-0448-06-00 UTILITIES 18.50 18.50 02/24/2014 12546 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 14 ch 15-0441-06-00 STREET LIGHTS -UTILITIES 38.37 38.37 02/24/2014 12546 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 15 ch 15-0455-06-00 UTILITIES 18.99 18.99 02/24/2014 12546 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 18 ch 15-0441-06-00 STREET LIGHTS -UTILITIES 38.64 38.84 02/24/2014 12546 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 17 ch 15-0441-08-00 STREET LIGHTS -UTILITIES 3.58 3.58 02/24/2014 12546 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 18 ch 15-0441-08-00 STREET LIGHTS -UTILITIES 79.81 79.81 02/24/2014 12546 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 19 ch 15-0441-06-00 STREET LIGHTS -UTILITIES 39.56 39.56 02/24/2014 12546 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 20 ch 15-0441-08-00 STREET LIGHTS -UTILITIES 993.41 993.41 02/24/2014 12546 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 21 ch 15-0441-06-00 STREET LIGHTS -UTILITIES 194.79 194.79 02/24/2014 12546 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 15-0453-06-00 UTILITIES 6.56 6.56 02/24/2014 12546 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 15-0441-08-00 STREET LIGHTS -UTILITIES 5.84 5.84 02/24/2014 12546 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 15-0441-06-00 STREET LIGHTS -UTILITIES 5.25 5.25 02/24/2014 12546 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 15-0441-06-00 STREET LIGHTS -UTILITIES 148.04 148.04 02/24/2014 12546 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 60-0434-60-00 POWER 1,071.84 1,071.84 Total 12546: 6,455.32 12547 02/24/2014 12547 Integrity Audio Visual 1 ch 15-0442-05-00 UPGRADE SOUND SYSTEM-CHAMBE 3,086.56 3,086.56 City of Eagle Check Register- Transparency Version Page: 4 Check Check Issue Date Number Total 12547: Payee 12548 0224/2014 12548 James Reynolds Total 12548: 12549 02/24/2014 02/24/2014 02/24/2014 02/24/2014 02/24/2014 12549 K&T Maintenance 12549 K&T Maintenance 12549 K&T Maintenance 12549 K&T Maintenance 12549 K&T Maintenance Total 12549: 12550 02242014 12550 Lurre Construction Inc. Total 12550: 12551 02/24/2014 12551 Peak Alarm Company Total 12551: 12552 02242014 12552 Peter Harris Construction Total 12552: 12553 0224/2014 12553 Republic Services #884 02/24/2014 12553 Republic Services #884 Total 12553: 12554 02/24/2014 12554 Robert J. Koellisch Total 12554: 12555 02/24/2014 12555 Service Experts Total 12555: 12556 0224/2014 12558 02/24/2014 12558 02/24/2014 12556 02/24/2014 12556 02242014 12556 02/24/2014 12556 02/24/2014 12556 02/24/2014 12558 State Insurance Fund State Insurance Fund State Insurance Fund State Insurance Fund State Insurance Fund State Insurance Fund State Insurance Fund State Insurance Fund Check Issue Dates: 2/12/2014 - 2/24/2014 Feb 24, 2014 12:39PM Invoice Invoice Sequence GL Account Invoice GL Account Title 1 ch 11-0413-24-00 Vehicle Expense 1 ch 15-0444-03-00 CUSTODIAL SERVICES 1 ch 15-0445-03-00 CUSTODIAL SERVICES 1 ch 15-0443-03-00 CUSTORIAL SERVICES 1 ch 15-0442-03-00 CUSTODIAL SERVICES 1 ch 15-0437-25-00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 1 ch 01-0203-01-04 PERFORMANCE BONDS DEPOSIT PB 1 ch 01-041344-00 MONITORING ALARM SYSTEMS 1 ch 99-0107-00-00 CASH CLEARING -UTILITY BILLING 1 ch 01-0413-16-00 UTILITIES/NEW CITY HALL 1 ch 16-0415-01-00 AWIN MGMT (BFI) ED/ADD SRVS 1 ch 01-0413-01-00 P&Z COMMISSIONERS COMPENSATI 1 ch 15-0444-01-00 MAINTENANCE & REPAIR 1 ch 01-0415-24-00 2 ch 07-0420-24-00 3 ch 60-0433-24-00 4 ch 11-0415-24-00 5 ch 01-0415-24-00 6 ch 12-0415-24-00 7 ch 13-0415-24-00 8 ch 14-0415-24-0D WORKER'S COMPENSATION WORKER'S COMPENSATION WORKER'S COMPENSATION WORKER'S COMP EXEC DEPT WORKER'S COMPENSATION WORKER'S COMPENSATION WORKER'S COMPENSATION WORKER'S COMPENSATION Invoice Check Amount Amount 3,086.56 61.10 61.10 61.10 816.00 816.00 55.00 55.00 789.00 769.00 690.00 690.00 37.20 37.20 2,367.20 330.00 330.00 330.00 103.77 103.77 103.77 26.75 26.75 26.75 161.49 161.49 357.52 357.52 519.01 70.00 70.00 70.00 252.75 252.75 252.75 249.40 249.40 46.36 46.36 3,998.30 3,998.30 153.21 153.21 69.14 69.14 444.96 444.96 5,796.45 5,796.45 3,865.50 3,865.50 City of Eagle Check Check Issue Date Number Payee 02/24/2014 12556 State Insurance Fund 02/24/2014 12556 State Insurance Fund Total 12556: 12557 02/24/2014 12557 Sterling Codifiers, Inc. Total 12557: 12558 02/24/2014 12558 Susan Brooks Total 12558: 12559 02/24/2014 12559 Tokay Software Total 12559: 12560 02/24(2014 02/24/2014 02/24/2014 12560 Treasure Valley Coffee 12560 Treasure Valley Coffee 12560 Treasure Valley Coffee Total 12560: 12561 02/24/2014 12561 T-Zers Shirt Shop Inc. Total 12561: 12562 02/24/2014 12562 02/24/2014 12562 02/24/2014 12562 02124/2014 12562 02/24/2014 12562 02/24/2014 12562 02/24/2014 12562 Total 12562: U.S. Bancorp Equipment Finance U.S. Bancorp Equipment Finance U.S. Bancorp Equipment Finance U.S. Bancorp Equipment Finance U.S. Bancorp Equipment Finance U.S. Bancorp Equipment Finance U.S. Bancorp Equipment Finance 12563 02/24/2014 12563 Valley Times Total 12563: 12564 02/24/2014 12564 Vaughan, Bill Total 12564: 12585 02/24/2014 12585 Victor Villegas Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 5 Check Issue Dates: 2/12/2014 - 2/24/2014 Feb 24, 2014 12:39PM Invoice Invoice Sequence GL Account Invoice GL Account Title 9 ch 16-0433-24-00 WORK COMP 10 ch 06-0461-24-00 LIBRARY/WORKMAN'S COMPENSATI 1 ch 01-0413-28-00 RESOURCE MATERIALS 1 ch 99-0107-00-00 CASH CLEARING -UTILITY BILLING 1 ch 60-0434-25-00 MTNC EQUIP-COPIERS/SOFTWARE 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 1 ch 13-0422-01-00 PUBLIC RELATIONS 1 ch 01-0416-24-00 1 ch 14-0416-24-00 2 ch 14-0416-24-00 3 ch 13-0416-24-00 4 ch 13-0416-24-00 5 ch 11-0416-24-00 6 ch 12-0418-24-00 EQUIPMENT LEASING OFFICE EQUIPMENT LEASING OFFICE EQUIPMENT LEASING OFFICE EQUIPMENT LEASING OFFICE EQUIPMENT LEASING EQUIPMENT LEASING EQUIPMENT LEASING 1 ch 14-0413-08-00 LEGAL ADS & PUBLICATIONS 1 ch 14-0413-13-00 TRAVEL & PER DIEM 1 ch 01-0413-01-00 P&Z COMMISSIONERS COMPENSATI Invoice Check Amount Amount 5,065.10 5,065.10 1,246.58 1,246.58 20,935.00 230.00 230.00 230.00 21.36 21.36 21.36 380.00 380.00 380.00 61.10 61.10 27.25 27.25 21.80 21.80 110.15 87.50 67.50 67.50 201.75 201.75 39.78 39.78 39.81 39.81 39.81 39.81 39.81 39.81 39.81 39.81 39.81 39.81 440.58 94.08 94.08 94.08 51.30 51.30 51.30 70.00 70.00 1$ City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 6 Check Issue Dates: 2/12/2014 - 2/24/2014 Feb 24. 2014 12:39PM Check Check invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount Total 12565: 70.00 Grand Totals: 448,134.87 Dated: Mayor. City Council: Report Criteria: Report type: GL detail