Minutes - 2014 - City Council - 02/04/2014 - Special EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Special Meeting Minutes February 4,2014 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Reynolds calls the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: MCFARLAND, BUTLER,KUNZ, RIDGEWAY. All present. A quorum is present. Butler moves to add to the agenda as new item 6 City Staff Reports. Seconded by McFarland.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Ridgeway would like item 5 Training removed from the agenda. Seconded by McFarland. Discussion. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Ridgeway would like to meet with the Zoning Administrator to go over City procedure prior to any legal training on land use. He has recently ordered a new book,the latest edition on Roberts Rules of Order and would like to review that as well. Butler and McFarland agree that the reviewing the books is a good idea. Kunz has contacted a certified Professional Parliamentarian and they have suggested 2 publication. Those books are Roberts of Order,Newly Revised the 11th edition and Mastering City Council Meetings by McFarlane. Discussion. 3. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. To deliberate and/or make a decision to acquire an interest in real property that is owned by Ada County,a public agency, namely: For City to respond to the Ada County Commissioners' offer to sell the approximate 6.61 acres(BMX area) of the Ada-Eagle Sports Complex to Eagle City at$4,000/acre. Discussion may include whether to ask for donation, purchase or lease of the BMX or other area of the Ada-Eagle Sports Complex from Ada County. There will be no public comment taken at this time Mayor Reynolds introduces the item. Discussion amongst the Council regarding possibly purchasing the BMX track area,possibly re- negotiating the lease, and potential continuing maintenance costs for the facility. Parks and Recreation Director Aho reviews cost estimates for direct cost maintenance cost for the facilities at the Ada-Eagle Sports Complex. Discussion amongst the Council. Butler moves to offer$500 per acre to purchase BMX Park area at approximately 6.61 acres. Seconded by McFarland. Discussion. Butler amends the motion to include that the offer is contingent upon the agreement to sell the other land to the City. Seconded concurs. Discussion. MCFARLAND AYE; BUTLER AYE; RIDGEWAY NAY; KUNZ NAY: MAYOR AYE. MOTION CARRIES. B. Discussion and decision relating to the selection of City manager for BMX track and activities at the Ada-Eagle Sports Complex in the event that the City acquires the interest in the BMX land. There will be no public comment taken at this time. Mayor Reynolds introduces the item. Butler discusses the need for a volunteer track manager or manager for the BMX facility. City Attorney Mimura discusses options for agreement for a track operator. Discussion. Page 1 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-04-I4spmin.doc Staff is directed to is to work with the BMX community and Ada County to draft an agreement that can be in place to facilitate racing this season regardless of the final outcome of the property sale. City Attorney Mimura asks for clarification on behalf of Ada County if the Executive Session had anything to do with the Sports Complex facility. Mayor states that the agenda is accurate as it clearly states that the Executive Session is regarding private property not public property. C. Discuss the State Street& Eagle Road Intersection and the previous study that was done by ACHD: (MLB) There will be no public comment taken at this time. Mayor Reynolds introduces the item. Butler gives a brief history of the item. Discussion regarding the Ada County Highway District report and the options contained therein. Kunz has reviewed the Eagle Road and State Street intersection study concept dated February 2014 and encourages everyone to read it as it contains interesting information. He is also in possession of Technical Memorandum No 2 that shows estimated costs for construction and right of way acquisition. The study goes into the downtown connectivity proposals that the prior Council was broadly in agreement on. Discussion Sabrina Anderson, representing Ada County Highway District. The two plans that are funded through the integrated five year work plan is the extension of Plaza Drive and the Aikens Street extension project. Those are the only projects coming up in the next three or four years being funded by ACHD. They are both pilot projects through economic development. For clarification, both in the presentations over the last few months, and in the Commission discussion,the funding of the local connections are not eligible through Capital Improvement funds, and they are not funded through the Five Year Work Plan. When the choice was made by the Eagle Council to not choose one of the capacity projects at the intersection of State Street and Eagle Road the Commission took it as a no build scenario. Local connections are currently funded through either a community development project or something like an economic development project. Discussion amongst Ms. Anderson, Council and City Staff. *4. EXECUTIVE SESSION: § 67-2345 (C) When authorized. (1)An executive session at which members of the public are excluded may be held, but only for the purposes and only in the manner set forth in this section. The motion to go into executive session shall identify the specific subsections of this section that authorize the executive session. There shall be a roll call vote on the motion and the vote shall be recorded in the minutes. An executive session shall be authorized by a two-thirds (2/3)vote of the governing body. An executive session may be held: (c) To conduct deliberations concerning labor negotiations or to acquire an interest in real property which is not owned by a public agency; McFarland moves to go into executive session Idaho Code 67-2345. When authorized an executive session at which members of the public are excluded may be held, but only for the purposes and only in the manner set forth in this section. The motion to go into executive session shall identify the specific subsections of this section that authorize the executive session. There shall be a roll call vote on the motion and the vote shall be recorded in the minutes. An executive session shall be authorized by a two-thirds (2/3) Page 2 K'.\COUNCIL\MJNUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-04-14spmin.doe vote of the governing body. An executive session may be held: (c) To conduct deliberations concerning labor negotiations or to acquire an interest in real property which is not owned by a public agency. Specifically for acquiring public property. Seconded by Butler. MCFARLAND AYE; BUTLER AYE; KUNZ AYE; RIDEWAY AYE. MOTION CARRIES. Council goes into Executive Session. Council discusses acquisition of public property. Council leaves Executive Session. Butler moves to direct the Mayor to e-mail Mr.Rincover and instruct him to proceed with the offers for private property. Seconded by Kunz. MCFARLAND AYE; BUTLER AYE; KUNZ AYE; RIDGEWAY AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 5. TRAINING: Removed from the agenda,see motion above. A. Land Use B. Roberts Rules of Order 6. REPORTS: City Attorney Susan Buxton, reviews House Bill 1138. City Planner Baird-Spencer reviews the Beacon Light Comprehensive Plan Scope of Work options. Discussion. 7. ADJOURNMENT: Butler moves to adjourn. Seconded by Kunz. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES... Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted: .• OF Ei ; •. SHARON K. BERGMANN .•'4C• •' '••.,,<C• CITY CLERK/TREASURER O ' /1 � * .� * : ROVED: SEAL „JD, , J v1ES D. REYNOL S ;q� OF ,,••,•• MAYOR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE AT CITY HALL UPON REQUEST. Page 3 K.\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-04-14spmin.doc c�ah�fli� Sharon Berjmann From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Mary McFarland <marydefayette4eagle@gmail.com> Friday, January 31, 2014 12:00 PM Sharon Bergmann Jim Reynolds Fwd: Eagle Bike Park Management EagleBikePark_IM BAMcFarland.pdf Please add to the record and add to council packets. Thanks Mm Forwarded message From: Anna Laxague <anna.laxaaue a,imba.com> Date: Friday, January 31, 2014 Subject: Eagle Bike Park Management To: mmcfarland@cityofeagle.ora Dear Ms. McFarland, Please find the attached letter in support of the Boise Area Mountain Bike Association's continued assistance in the management of the Eagle Bike Park in partnership with the City of Eagle. Please let me know if you have any questions and thank you for your time. Regards, Anna Laxague Anna Laxague Pacific Northwest Region Director International Mountain Bicycling Association Mt Hood Parkdale, OR Phone: 541.490.2615 anna. Iaxaque(a,imba.com www.imba.com Mary McFarland Eagle City Council President PQ Box 2284 Eagle, ID 83616 208 440 1252 mmcfarlandc citvofeagIe.org 1/27/14 0 INTERNATIONAL MOUNTAIN BICYCLING ASSOCIATION Mary McFarland City of Eagle - City Council President 660 E Civil Lane Eagle ID, 83616 RE: Eagle Bike Park management BAMBA and IMBA Dear Ms. McFarland, I'm writing on behalf of the International Mountain Bicycling Association (IMBA) in support of the Boise Area Mountain Bike Association's (BAMBA) assistance in managing and maintaining the Eagle Bike Park and surrounding trail networks. Since 1988, IMBA has been bringing out the best in mountain biking by encouraging low -impact riding, volunteer trailwork participation, cooperation among different trail user groups, grassroots advocacy and innovative trail management solutions. IMBA, in partnership with local IMBA Chapters takes the lead on assisting land managers with trail management solutions. BAMBA is a local IMBA Chapter and we couldn't be more impressed with their ability to assist in both the construction and the long term management, maintenance and development of the Eagle Bike Park. Their ability to engage local mountain bikers in advocacy and projects has been great as has their success in getting people engaged in active outdoor recreation. BAMBA and the Eagle Bike Park model has influenced countless bike park projects throughout the country and even world wide by setting a precedent for successful partnerships between professional trail builders, local IMBA Chapters and public agencies.The cooperative relationship between the City of Eagle and BAMBA has made all the difference in the success at the park. This is the type of private -public partnership that we see working throughout the nation. The City's willingness to partner with BAMBA and hire staff dedicated to working with BAMBA shows their ability to collaborate and forward thinking approach to land management. BAMBA has proven their commitment through countless hours of volunteer work, fundraising efforts equalling an estimated $500,000 in donations to the bike park and community events and only continue to grow their capacity each year. The coming months (March and April specifically) are a very important time for planning and trail maintenance of bike parts and typically, the City of Eagle and BAMBA would have begun discussions around the 2014 projects and maintenance in December. BAMBA and IMBA are concerned that if these conversations don't start soon we will be :ons m. 0 INTERNATIONAL MOUNTAIN BICYCLING ASSOCIATION missing the prime season for trail maintenance and we are therefore eager to start working with the City of Eagle on planning for 2014 as soon as possible. I encourage you to continue working with BAMBA and assure you that they have IMBA's support in their work at the Eagle Bike Park and beyond. Eagle Bike Park's legacy is an important part of the mountain bike access story and we hope that you'll continue to maintain and possibly grow the park in partnership with BAMBA. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me directly at 541-490-2615 or anna.laxaaue@imba.com Regards, Anna Laxague IMBA Pacific Northwest Region Director 541-490-2615 anna.laxaaue@imba.com www.imba.com ac1 mIlLf Beacon Light Comprehensive Plan Scope of Work February 4, 2014 Stage 1: Modeling of Land Use Scenarios Work collaboratively with COMASS and ACHD to analyze through the regional transportation models 4-5 land use scenarios based on the 2040 COMPASS population projections and the impacts on Beacon Light Road at three horizon years -2025, 2030, & 2035. All modeling will look at both the state and local roadway networks. Establish an executive committee to select/review scenarios and model runs. Results of the scenario process will be presented to the public and City Council at an open house/public comment session during a regular council meeting. Scenarios will include: • No new growth in Foothills (aside for entitled development) and keeping Western Area Plan in place; • Changing the land use designation between Floating Feather to Beacon Light to 1 unit per 2 acre density & between Beacon Light and Homer to 1 unit per 5 acres density (aside for entitle development) with both no new growth in Foothills and planned growth within the foothills; • No new growth in Foothills or Western Area (aside from entitled development); • Up to 2 additional scenario to be determined by the executive committee; Product for delivery: Understanding of Transportation Analysis Zone level land use on the Beacon Light Corridor. Timeline for delivery: Late May/Early June Decision Point: Mayor and City Council direction on 1 to 3 scenarios for economic review. Estimated Cost: $1,500 mailing and publication costs No Cost for staff time. City will prepare a member services request to COMPASS for the modeling needed. No anticipated cost for modeling. Note: Executive Committee would include 1 member from the City Council, 1 member from the P&Z Commission, 1 member of the Transportation Committee and agency staff. Staff met with COMPASS staff on 2/4/14 and anticipates a complete scope from COMASS by 2/7/14. Stage 2: Economic Impact Analysis Work with local economist to estimate economic impacts to the City (both general fund and enterprise funds) associated with up to 3 changes in the land use scenarios for the Comprehensive Plan. Product for delivery: Economic impact study for scenarios Timeline for delivery: Late June/Early July Decision Point: Mayor and City Council direction on potential comprehensive plan amendment. Estimated Cost: $5,000 (preliminary estimate) Stage 3: Como Plan Process Staff will prepare at the City Council direction a comprehensive plan amendment to address the City Council's desires for Beacon Light Road within the Western Area and/or Foothills Subareas. Product for delivery: Timeline for delivery: Decision Point: Estimated Cost: City -initiate Comprehensive plan Map and Text amendment Application ready for public hearing by late August/Early September City Council hearing on amendment before end of 2014 $1,500 mailing and publication costs Potential additional economist review Cc�IKbf LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF IDAHO Sixty-second Legislature First Regular Session - 2013 IN THE SENATE SENATE BILL NO. 1138, As Amended BY STATE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE 1 AN ACT 2 RELATING TO THE LOCAL PLANNING ACT; AMENDING SECTION 67-6511, IDAHO CODE, 3 TO PROVIDE THAT OVERLAY ZONING DISTRICTS HAVE SPECIFIC STANDARDS, TO 4 PROVIDE A CORRECT CODE REFERENCE AND TO MAKE A TECHNICAL CORRECTION; 5 AMENDING SECTION 67-6522, IDAHO CODE, TO PROVIDE THAT IN NO EVENT SHALL 6 THE GOVERNING BOARD BY LOCAL ORDINANCE ENACT PROVISIONS THAT ABROGATE 7 THE STATUTORY AUTHORITY OF A PUBLIC HEALTH DISTRICT, STATE AND/OR FED - 8 ERAL AGENCY; AMENDING SECTION 67-6535, IDAHO CODE, TO ENUMERATE EXPRESS 9 STANDARDS REGARDING THE LOCAL PLANNING ACT, TO PROVIDE PROCEDURES FOR 10 RECONSIDERATION, TO PROVIDE STANDARDS FOR APPEAL AND TO MAKE A TECHNI- 11 CAL CORRECTION; AND AMENDING SECTIONS 31-1425 AND 31-3908A, IDAHO CODE, 12 TO PROVIDE CORRECT CODE REFERENCES. 13 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Idaho: 14 SECTION 1. That Section 67-6511, Idaho Code, be, and the same is hereby 15 amended to read as follows: 16 67-6511. ZONING ORDINANCE. (1) Each governing board shall, by ordi- 17 nance adopted, amended, or repealed in accordance with the notice and hear - 18 ing procedures provided under section 67-6509, Idaho Code, establish within 19 its jurisdiction one (1) or more zones or zoning districts where appropri- 20 ate. The zoning districts shall be in accordance with the policies set forth 21 in the adopted comprehensive plan. 22 (a) Within a zoning district, the governing board shall where appro- 23 priate-r establish standards to regulate and restrict the height, number 24 of stories, size, construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair or 25 use of buildings and structures; percentage of lot occupancy, size of 26 courts, yards, and open spaces; density of population; and the location 27 and use of buildings and structures. All standards shall be uniform for 28 each class or kind of buildings throughout each district, but the stan- 29 dards in one (1) district may differ from those in another district . 30 (b) Within an overlay zoning district, the governing board shall es - 31 tablish clear and objective standards for the overlay zoning district 32 while ensuring that application of such standards does not constitute a 33 regulatory taking pursuant to Idaho or federal law. 34 (2) Ordinances establishing zoning districts shall be amended as fol - 35 lows: 36 (a) Requests for an amendment to the zoning ordinance shall be submit - 37 ted to the zoning or planning and zoning commission which shall evalu- 38 ate the request to determine the extent and nature of the amendment re - 39 quested. Particular consideration shall be given to the effects of any 40 proposed zone change upon the delivery of services by any political sub - 41 division providing public services, including school districts, within 42 the planning jurisdiction. An amendment of a zoning ordinance appli- 2 1 cable to an owner's lands or approval of conditional rezoning or denial 2 of a request for rezoning may be subject to the regulatory taking analy- 3 sis provided for by section 67-8003, Idaho Code, consistent with the re - 4 quirements established thereby. 5 (b) After considering the comprehensive plan and other evidence gath- 6 ered through the public hearing process, the zoning or planning and 7 zoning commission may recommend and the governing board may adopt or 8 reject an ordinance amendment pursuant to the notice and hearing pro - 9 cedures provided in section 67-6509, Idaho Code, provided that in the 10 case of a zoning district boundary change, and notwithstanding juris- 11 dictional boundaries, additional notice shall be provided by mail to 12 property owners or purchasers of record within the land being consid- 13 ered, and within three hundred (300) feet of the external boundaries 14 of the land being considered, and any additional area that may be im- 15 pacted by the proposed change as determined by the commission . Notice 16 shall also be posted on the premises not less than one (1) week prior 17 to the hearing. When notice is required to two hundred (200) or more 18 property owners or purchasers of record, alternate forms of procedures 19 which would provide adequate notice may be provided by local ordinance 20 in lieu of posted or mailed notice. In the absence of a locally adopted 21 alternative notice procedure, sufficient notice shall be deemed to have 22 been provided if the city or county provides notice through a display 23 advertisement at least four (4) inches by two (2) columns in size in 24 the official newspaper of the city or county at least fifteen (15) days 25 prior to the hearing date, in addition to site posting on all external 26 boundaries of the site. Any property owner entitled to specific notice 27 pursuant to the provisions of this subsection shall have a right to par - 28 ticipate in public hearings before a planning commission, planning and 29 zoning commission or governing board subject to applicable procedures. 30 (c) The governing board shall analyze proposed changes to zoning or - 31 dinances to ensure that they are not in conflict with the policies of 32 the adopted comprehensive plan. If the request is found by the govern - 33 ing board to be in conflict with the adopted plan, or would result in 34 demonstrable adverse impacts upon the delivery of services by any po- 35 litical subdivision providing public services, including school dis- 36 tricts, within the planning jurisdiction, the governing board may re - 37 quire the request to be submitted to the planning or planning and zoning 38 commission or, in absence of a commission, the governing board may con - 39 sider an amendment to the comprehensive plan pursuant to the notice and 40 hearing procedures provided in section 67-6509, Idaho Code. After the 41 plan has been amended, the zoning ordinance may then be considered for 42 amendment pursuant to zzetien 67 6511 paragraph (b) , I dehe Code of this 43 subsection. 44 (d) If a governing board adopts a zoning classification pursuant to a 45 request by a property owner based upon a valid, existing comprehensive 46 plan and zoning ordinance, the governing board shall not subsequently 47 reverse its action or otherwise change the zoning classification of 48 said property without the consent in writing of the current property 49 owner for a period of four (4) years from the date the governing board 5o adopted said individual property owner's request for a zoning clas- 3 1 sification change. If the governing body does reverse its action or 2 otherwise change the zoning classification of said property during the 3 above four (4) year period without the current property owner's consent 4 in writing, the current property owner shall have standing in a court of 5 competent jurisdiction to enforce the provisions of this section. 6 SECTION 2. That Section 67-6522, Idaho Code, be, and the same is hereby 7 amended to read as follows: 8 67-6522. COMBINING OF PERMITS -- PERMITS TO ASSESSOR. Where practi- 9 cal, the governing board or zoning or planning and zoning commission may com- 10 bine related permits for the convenience of applicants. State and federal 11 agencies should make every effort to combine or coordinate related permits 12 with the local governing board or commission. In no event shall the govern - 13 inq board by local ordinance enact provisions that abrogate the statutory 14 authority of a public health district, state and/or federal agency. Appro- 15 priate permits as defined by local ordinance shall be forwarded to the county 16 assessor. 17 SECTION 3. That Section 67-6535, Idaho Code, be, and the same is hereby 18 amended to read as follows: 19 67-6535. APPROVAL OR DENIAL OF ANY APPLICATION TO BE BASED UPON 20 EXPRESS STANDARDS AND TO 13E IN WRITING. (1) The approval or denial of any 21 application required or authorized pursuant to this chapter shall be based 22 upon standards and criteria which shall be set forth in the comprehensive 23 plan, zoning ordinance or other appropriate ordinance or regulation of the 24 city or county. Such approval standards and criteria shall be set forth in 25 express terms in land use ordinances in order that permit applicants, in - 26 terested residents and decision makers alike may know the express standards 27 that must be met in order to obtain a requested permit or approval. Whenever 28 the nature of any decision standard or criterion allows, the decision shall 29 identify aspects of compliance or noncompliance with relevant approval 30 standards and criteria in the written decision. 31 (2) The approval or denial of any application required or authorized 32 pursuant to this chapter shall be in writing and accompanied by a reasoned 33 statement that explains the criteria and standards considered relevant, 34 states the relevant contested facts relied upon, and explains the rationale 35 for the decision based on the applicable provisions of the comprehensive 36 plan, relevant ordinance and statutory provisions, pertinent constitu- 37 tional principles and factual information contained in the record. 38 (a) Failure to identify the nature of compliance or noncompliance with 39 express approval standards or failure to explain compliance or noncom - 40 pliance with relevant decision criteria shall be grounds for invalida- 41 tion of an approved permit or site-specific authorization, or denial of 42 same, on appeal. 43 (b) Any applicant or affected person seeking -judicial review of com- 44 pliance with the provisions of this section must first seek reconsid- 45 eration of the final decision within fourteen (14) days. Such written 46 request must identify specific deficiencies in the decision for which 47 reconsideration is sought. Upon reconsideration, the decision may be 4\ 4 1 affirmed, reversed or modified after compliance with applicable pro - 2 cedural standards. A written decision shall be provided to the appli- 3 cant or affected person within sixty (60) days of receipt of the request 4 for reconsideration or the request is deemed denied. A decision shall 5 not be deemed final for purposes of judicial review unless the process 6 required in this subsection has been followed. The twenty-eight (28) 7 day time frame for seeking judicial review is tolled until the date of 8 the written decision regarding reconsideration or the expiration of the 9 sixty (60) day reconsideration period, whichever occurs first. 10 (3) It is the intent of the legislature that decisions made pursuant to 11 this chapter should be founded upon sound reason and practical application 12 of recognized principles of law. In reviewing such decisions, the courts of 13 the state are directed to consider the proceedings as a whole and to evaluate 14 the adequacy of procedures and resultant decisions in light of practical 15 considerations with an emphasis on fundamental fairness and the essentials 16 of reasoned 4eeis- e n -making decision making. Only those whose challenge 17 to a decision demonstrates actual harm or violation of fundamental rights, 18 not the mere possibility thereof, shall be entitled to a remedy or reversal 19 of a decision. Every final decision rendered concerning a site-specific 20 land use request shall provide or be accompanied by notice to the applicant 21 regarding the applicant's right to request a regulatory taking analysis 22 pursuant to section 67-8003, Idaho Code. An applicant denied an application 23 or aggrieved by a final decision concerning matters identified in section 24 67-6521(1) (a), Idaho Code, may, within twenty-eight (28) days after all 25 remedies have been exhausted under local ordinance, seek judicial review 26 under the procedures provided by chapter 52, title 67, Idaho Code. An appeal 27 shall be from the final decision and not limited to issues raised in the re - 28 quest for reconsideration. 29 SECTION 4. That Section 31-1425, Idaho Code, be, and the same is hereby 30 amended to read as follows: 31 31-1425. EXEMPTIONS. (1) All public utilities, as defined in sec - 32 tion 61-129, Idaho Code, shall be exempt from taxation under the provisions 33 of this chapter and shall not be entitled to the privileges or protection 34 hereby provided without their consent in writing filed with the clerk of the 35 board of county commissioners. Provided however, the board of fire protec- 36 tion commissioners, may enter into an agreement with a public utility for 37 the purpose of affording the privileges or protection provided by the fire 38 protection district to all, or such portion, of the property of the public 39 utility as may be agreed upon between the parties and upon such terms and con - 40 ditions as may be mutually agreed upon between the parties to the agreement . 41 (2) The board of county commissioners, upon application and recommen- 42 dation of the board of fire protection commissioners, may, by an ordinance 43 enacted by not later than the second Monday of July, exempt all or a portion 44 of the unimproved real property within the district from taxation, and may 45 exempt all or a portion of the taxable personal property within the district 46 from taxation. Any ordinance of the board of county commissioners granting 47 an exemption from taxation under the provisions of this section must provide 48 that each category of property is treated uniformly. Notice of intent to 49 adopt an ordinance which exempts unimproved real property shall be provided 5 1 to property owners of record in substantially the same manner as required in 2 section 67-6511(2) (b) , Idaho Code, as if the ordinance were making a zoning 3 district boundary change. 4 SECTION 5. That Section 31-3908A, Idaho Code, be, and the same is hereby 5 amended to read as follows: 6 31-3908A. EXEMPTIONS FROM TAXATION. The board of county commis - 7 sioners, upon application, may, by an ordinance enacted by not later than 8 the second Monday of July, exempt all or a portion of the unimproved real 9 property within the district from taxation, and may exempt all or a por- 10 tion of the taxable personal property within the district from taxation. 11 Any ordinance of the board of county commissioners granting an exemption 12 from taxation under the provisions of this section must provide that each 13 category of property is treated uniformly. Notice of intent to adopt an or - 14 dinance which exempts unimproved real property shall be provided to property 15 owners of record in substantially the same manner as required in section 16 67-6511 (2) (b) , Idaho Code, as if the ordinance were making a zoning district 17 boundary change. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE RS22144 This bill responds to concerns that some decisions rendered pursuant to the Local Land Use Planning Act (LLUPA) have failed to address clearly expressed decision criteria, have caused jurisdictional conflicts with state or federal agencies and have brought about a need for expensive and time-consuming appeals. The amendments to LLUPA set forth in this legislation would require specific standards in overlay zoning districts, prohibit overlay districts from causing regulatory taking, forbid abrogation of health district, state or federal jurisdiction by local ordinance, require that written land use decisions expressly address approval decision criteria and provide an expeditious reconsideration process to allow affected persons to contest a final decision before a judicial appeal is allowed to proceed. The objectives of these amendments are two -fold: To provide clear decision-making criteria for local decision -makers, applicants and affected residents; and to provide a process of review to ensure protection of private property rights and due process for affected parties. FISCAL NOTE There is no fiscal impact to the general fund. Local government may realize an increase in administrative costs dependent on the number of reconsiderations processed. Contact: Senator John H. Tippets (208) 332-1000 Statement of Purpose / Fiscal Note S1138 TRANSMITTAL cca I ti[ iii Atlas Land Surveying 206 NW 9th Street Fruitland, ID 83619 Tel: (208) 452-6462 Fax: (208) 452-6462 www.atlas-survey.com Dean J. Coon, PLS To: Vern Brewer From: Atlas Land Surveying 206 NW 9th St. Fruitland, ID 83619 Company: Holladay Engineering Ref. No. 14 -002A -PL -HE Fax: 204-642-2159 Pages: Multiple Tel: 208-642-3304 Date: January 30, 2014 Subject: Eagle Sports Park survey (HECO Job. # EG -14-0059A 0 Urgent 0 Please Reply 0 Please Comment 0 For Your Info 0 Please Recycle Vern, Three copies of the recorded survey and the boundary descriptions are attached for your records and distribution to City of Eagle and Ada County as necessary. you have any questions or if I can be further assistance, please contact me at 208- 739-3802. It's been a pleasure working with you on this project. Thank You, Dean J. Coon Atlas Land Surveying RECEIVE) JAN 3 0 2014 HOLLADAY ENGINEERING CO. PAYETTE, ID ATLAS LAND SURVEYING 206 NW 9th STREET PHONE: 208-739-3802 FRUITLAND, ID 83619 www.atlas-survev.com OFFICE/FAX: 208-452-6462 atlas@atlas-survey.com BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION ADJUSTMENT PARCEL -EAGLE SPORTS PARK A parcel of land located in Lot 1, Block 1, Hidden Hollow Subdivision, in the SW1 /4 and SW1 /4NW1 /4 of Section 2 and also in the SE1 /4 and SE1 /4NE1 /4 of Section 3, all in Township 4 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian, Ada County, Idaho, as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of said SW1 /4 (W1/4 corner) of Section 2, being monumented by an Ada County brass cap monument in concrete; thence along the north line of said SW1 /4, also being the north line of Agreement No. 6905, a lease agreement between Ada County and the City of Eagle for Ada -Eagle Sports Complex, S. 89° 40' 12" E. 400.00 feet, to an aluminum cap on a 5/8" rebar, being the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence along the easterly boundary of said Lease Agreement No. 6905, S. 30° 38' 06" E. 491.74 feet, to a set 5/8" rebar with plastic cap stamped "D. COON LS10328", herein after referred to as "capped rebar"; thence leaving said easterly boundary, S. 70' 10' 54" W. 391.53 feet, to a capped rebar; thence S. 12° 22' 05" E. 646.75 feet, to a capped rebar; thence S. 730 11' 12" W. 101.20 feet, to a capped rebar; thence S. 18 31' 08" E. 235.72 feet, to a capped rebar; thence S. 710 55' 58" W. 360.70 feet, to a capped rebar; thence S. 42' 15' 06" W. 63.73 feet, to a capped rebar; thence S. 650 29' 50" W. 146.05 feet, to a capped rebar on the west line of said Lot 1, Block 1, Hidden Hollow Subdivision, also being the easterly right-of-way line of Horseshoe Bend Road (old State Highway 55); thence along the west line of said Lot 1 (easterly right-of-way line), N. 18`06' 39" W. 1755.20 feet, to a found 5/8" rebar; thence along the west line of said Lot 1, N. 150 58' 15" E. 528.75 feet, to a found 1/2" rebar; thence along the west line of said Lot 1, N. 810 59' 26" W. 329.97 feet, to a found 5/8" rebar on the aforesaid easterly right-of-way line; thence along the west line of said Lot 1 (easterly right-of-way line) N. 18° 06' 31" W. 102.96 feet, to a capped rebar lying 30 feet southerly of the centerline of Goose Creek lane; (Description continues on page 2) E:\2014 PROJ\14-002A-PL-HE\ADMIN\DESCRIPTIONS\ADJUSTMENT.odt PAGE 1 OF 2 ATLAS LAND SURVEYING 206 NW 9`h STREET PHONE: 208-739-3802 FRUITLAND, ID 83619 www.atlas-survev.com OFFICE/FAX: 208-452-6462 atlas@atlas-survey.com BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION ADJUSTMENT PARCEL -- EAGLE SPORTS PARK (Description continued from page 1) thence the following five (5) courses, all lying 30 feet south of the as -built centerline of Goose Creek Road: 1) leaving said west line (easterly right-of-way line), easterly 104.41 feet, along the arc of a 340 foot radius, non -tangent curve, concave southerly, through a central angle of 17° 35' 43", and whose long chord bears N. 87' 01' 03" E. 104.00 feet, to a capped rebar; 2) S. 84` 11' 05" E. 74.07 feet, to a capped rebar; 3) easterly 365.27 feet, along the arc of a 530 foot radius curve, concave northerly, through a central angle of 390 29' 15", and whose long chord bears N. 76° 04' 17" E. 358.08 feet, to a capped rebar; 4) N. 56° 19' 39" E. 26.03 feet, to a capped rebar; 5) northeasterly 67.75 feet, along the arc of a 255 foot radius curve, concave southeasterly, through a central angle of 15° 13' 25", and whose long chord bears N. 63° 56' 21" E. 67.55 feet, to a capped rebar; thence S. 51° 18' 32" E. 417.66 feet, to a capped rebar; thence S. 34° 57' 37" E. 238.56 feet, to a capped rebar; thence S. 320 08' 43" E. 392.15 feet, to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 42.22 acres, more or less. This description is based on the property line adjustment survey for the Eagle sports park as shown on record of survey #9632 (Instrument No. 114007793), records of Ada County. END OF THIS DESCRIPTION THAT CONTAINS 2 PAGES. E:\2014 PROJ\14-002A-PL-HE\ADMIN\DESCRIPTIONS\ADJUSTMENT.odt PAGE 2 OF 2 ATLAS LAND SURVEYING 206 NW 9th STREET PHONE: 208-739-3802 FRUITLAND, ID 83619 www.atlas-survev.com OFFICE/FAX: 208-452-6462 atlas@atlas-survey.com BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION BMX TRACK A parcel of land located in Lot 1, Block 1, Hidden Hollow Subdivision, in the SW1 /4 of Section 2 and also in the SE1 /4 of Section 3, all in Township 4 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian, Ada County, Idaho, as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of said SW1 /4 (W1/4 corner) of Section 2, being monumented by an Ada County brass cap monument in concrete; thence N. 89° 29' 18" W. 665.56 feet, to a 5/8" rebar on the west line of said Lot 1, Block 1, Hidden Hollow Subdivision, also being the easterly right-of-way line of Horseshoe Bend Road (old State Highway 55); thence along the west line of said Lot 1 (easterly right-of-way line), S. 180 06' 39" E. 1755.20 feet, to a 5/8" rebar set with plastic cap stamped "D. COON L510328", herein after referred to as "capped rebar", being the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence N. 65' 29' 50" E. 146.05 feet, to a capped rebar; thence N. 420 15' 06" E. 63.73 feet, to a capped rebar; thence N. 710 55' 58" E. 360.70 feet, to a capped rebar; thence S. 21042' 31" E. 511.15 feet, to a capped rebar; thence S. 71 53' 21" W. 596.22 feet, to a capped rebar on the west line of said Lot 1 (easterly right-of-way line); thence along said west line (easterly right-of-way line), northerly 106.50 feet, along the arc of a 1945.94 foot radius, non -tangent curve, concave westerly, through a central angle of 3' 08' 09", and whose chord bears N. 16° 32' 35" W. 106.49 feet, to a capped rebar; thence continuing along said west line (easterly right-of-way line), N. 18' 06' 39" W. 356.20, to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 6.61 acres, more or less. This description is based on the property line adjustment survey for the Eagle sports park as shown on record of survey #9632 (Instrument No. 114007793), records of Ada County. END OF THIS DESCRIPTION THAT CONTAINS 1 PAGE. E:\2014 PROJ\14-002A-PL-HE\ADMIN\DESCRIPTIONS\BMX TRACK.odt PAGE 1 OF 1 ATLAS LAND SURVEYING 206 NW 9th STREET PHONE: 208-739-3802 FRUITLAND, ID 83619 www.atlas-survev.com OFFICE/FAX: 208-452-6462 atlas@atlas-survey.com BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION INGRESS/EGRESS EASEMENT TO BMX TRACK A parcel of land located in Lot 1, Block 1, Hidden Hollow Subdivision, in the SW1 /4 of Section 2 and also in the SE1 /4 of Section 3, all in Township 4 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian, Ada County, Idaho, as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of said SW1 /4 (W1/4 corner) of Section 2, being monumented by an Ada County brass cap monument in concrete; thence N. 89° 29' 18" W. 665.56 feet, to a 5/8" rebar on the west line of said Lot 1, Block 1, Hidden Hollow Subdivision, also being the easterly right-of-way line of Horseshoe Bend Road (old State Highway 55); thence along the west line of said Lot 1 (easterly right-of-way line), S. 18" 06' 39" E. 1650.49 feet, being the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence N. 71° 53' 21" E. 66.18 feet; thence N. 26° 53' 21" E. 58.16 feet; thence N. 71° 53' 21" E. 39.32 feet; thence S. 63' 06' 39" E. 59.23 feet; thence S. 18° 06' 39" E. 34.84 feet; thence S. 26' 53' 21" W. 57.21 feet; thence S. 04° 52' 54" E. 12.73 feet, to a 5/8" rebar with plastic cap stamped "D. COON LS10328" at an angle point in the northerly line of the above described BMX Track parcel; thence along said northerly line, S. 65° 29' 50" W. 32.29 feet; thence N. 18° 06' 50" W. 15.58 feet; thence N. 63' 06' 39" W. 58.64 feet; thence S. 710 53' 21" W. 71.59 feet, to the aforesaid west line of Lot 1, Block 1, Hidden Hollow Subdivision (aforesaid easterly right-of-way line); thence along said west line (said easterly right-of-way line), N. 18' 06' 39" W. 35.00 feet, to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 0.31 acres, more or less. This description is based on the property line adjustment survey for the Eagle sports park as shown on record of survey 1/9632 (Instrument No. 114007793), records of Ada County. END OF THIS DESCRIPTION THAT CONTAINS 1 PAGE. E:\2014 PROJ\14-002A-PL-HE\ADMIN\DESCRIPTIONS\BMX TRACK EASEMENT.odt PAGE 1 OF 1 ATLAS LAND SURVEYING 206 NW 9th STREET PHONE: 208-739-3802 FRUITLAND, ID 83619 www.atlas-survev.com OFFICE/FAX: 208-452-6462 atlas@atlas-survey.com BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION 50' WIDE ACCESS EASEMENT OVER SPORTS COMPLEX AND CITY OF EAGLE WATER TANK SITE A strip of land 50 feet wide, lying within lot 1 of Block 1 of Hidden Hollow Subdivision, in a portion of the NW1 /4SW1 /4 of Section 2 and also in the NE1 /4SE1 /4 of Section 3, all in Township 4 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian, Ada County, Idaho, said strip lying 25 feet on each side of the following described reference line: Commencing at the northwest corner of said SW1 /4 (W1/4 corner) of Section 2, being monumented by an Ada County brass cap monument in concrete; thence N. 89° 29' 29" W. 665.66 feet, to a 5/8" rebar on the west line of said Lot 1, Block 1, Hidden Hollow Subdivision, also being the easterly right-of-way line of Horseshoe Bend Road (old State Highway 55); thence along the west line of said Lot 1 (easterly right-of-way line), S. 18' 06' 50" E. 779.18 feet, to the intersection of said right-of-way line and the center line of an easement described in Inst. No. 7917727, reords of Ada County, said point being the POINT OF BEGINNING of said reference line; thence along said easement center line, N. 60° 15' 23" E. 216.05 feet; thence along said easement center line, N. 14° 03' 23" E. 234.20 feet; thence along said easement center line, N. 16° 44' 37" W. 256.71 feet; thence leaving said easement center line and running northeasterly, 168.47 feet, along the arc of a 90.00 foot radius curve, concave southeasterly, through a central angle of 107° 15' 08", and whose chord bears N. 36" 52' 57" E. 144.93 feet, to a point lying 40 feet south of, and measured at right angle to, the course first described above; thence along a line parallel with, and 40.00 feet south of, said course, S. 89" 29' 29" E. 166.61 feet, to a point on the west line of said SW1/4 of Section 2; thence along a line parallel with, and 40.00 feet south of, the north line of said SW1/4 S. 89° 40' 28" E. 185.73 feet; thence southeasterly, 57.81 feet, along the arce of a 50.00 foot radius curve, concave southwesterly, throught a central angle of 66' 14' 55", and whose chord bears S. 56° 33' 00" E. 54.65 feet; thenc S. 23° 25' 33" E. 106.30 feet (Description continues on page 2) E:12014 PROJ\14-002A-PL-HE\ADMIN\DESCRIPTIONS\50' County Easement.odt PAGE 1 OF 2 ATLAS LAND SURVEYING 206 NW 9th STREET PHONE: 208-739-3802 FRUITLAND, ID 83619 www.atlas-survev.com OFFICE/FAX: 208-452-6462 atlas®atlas-survey.com BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION 50' WIDE ACCESS EASEMENT OVER SPORTS COMPLEX AND CITY OF EAGLE WATER TANK SITE (Description continued from page 1) thence southeasterly, 40.06 feet, along the arc of a 60.00 foot radius curve, concave northeasterly, through a central angle of 38° 15' 20", and whose long chord bears S. 42° 32' 13" E. 39.32 feet; thence S. 61° 40' 52" E. 159.01 feet; thence easterly, 39.71 feet, along the arc of a 90.00 foot radius curve, concave northerly, through a central angle of 25° 16' 57", and whose long chord bears S. 74° 19' 21" E. 39.39 feet; thence S. 86° 57' 50" E. 219.17 feet; thence northerly 194.17 feet, along the arc of a 120.00 foot radius curve, concave northwesterly, through a central angle of 92° 42' 38", and whose long chord bears N. 46° 40' 51" E. 173.67 feet, to a point lying 25.00 feet west, measured at right angles, of the east line of the Eagle Water Tank Site parcel, described in the Quitclaim Deed to City of Eagle, recorded March 28, 2006, at instrument no. 106047245, records of Ada County; thence along a line parallel with, and 25.00 feet west of, said east line, N. 00° 19' 32" E. 171.47 feet, more or less, to a point on the north line of said SW1/4 of Section 2, being the POINT OF TERMINUS of said reference line. The north and south sidelines at the west end of said easement shall be shortened or extended to terminate at the said easterly right-of-way line. The east and west sidelines at the north end of said easement shall be shortened or extended to terminate at the north line of said SW1 /4 of Section 2. Bearing being based on the Ada County Lease Area as shown on record of survey #3091 (Instrument No. 95006284), records of Ada County. END OF THIS DESCRIPTION THAT CONTAINS 2 PAGE. E:\2014 PROJ\14-002A-PL-HE\ADMIN\DESCRIPTIONS\50' County Easement.odt PAGE 2 OF 2 co 42-- �R OsG'P G 4. Ivk ix 0 a. 1,' 8 Boundary Description 80' WIDEINGRESS/ EGRESS EASEMENT A strip of land 80 feet wide, Tying within lot 1 of Block 1 of Hidden Hollow Subdivision, in a portion of the NW1/4SW1/4 Section 2 and the NE1/4SE1/4 Section 3, Township 4 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian, Ada County, Idaho, said strip Tying 40 feet on each side of the following described reference line: COMMENCING at the quarter corner common to said Sections 3 & 2, which is monumented with a found brass cap set In concrete; thence along the north line of the southeast quarter of said Section 3, N 89°29'29" W 665.66 feet, to a point on the easterly right-of-way line of old State Highway No. 55, now North Horseshoe Bend Road; thence along said right-of-way line S 18°06'50" E 779.18 feet, to the intersection of said right-of-way line and the center line of an easement described in Inst. No. 7917727, records of Ada County, said point being the POINT OF BEGINNING of said reference line; thence along said easement center line N 60°1523" E 216.05 feet; thence along said easement centerline N 14°03'23" E 234.20 feet; thence along said easement centerline N 16°44'37" W 256.71 feet; thence leaving said easement center line and running northeasterly, 168.47 feet along a 90.00 foot radius curve concave southeasterly, through a central angle of 107°15'08", said curve having a long chord bearing N 36°52'57" E 144.93 feet, to a point lying 40 feet south of, and measured at right angles to, the north line of said southeast quarter of Section 3; thence along a line parallel with, and 40.00 feet south of, said north line S 89°29'29" E 166.61 feet, to a point on the east line thereof; thence along a line parallel with, and 40.00 feet south of, the north line of the southwest quarter of said Section 2, S 89°40'28" E 185.73 feet; thence southeasterly, 57.81 feet along a 50 foot radius curve concave southwesterly, through a central angle of 66°14'55", said curve having a long chord bearing S 56°33'00" E 54.65 feet; thence S 23°25'33" E 106.30 feet; thence southeasterly, 40.06 feet alono a 60 foot radius curve concave northeasterly, through a central angle of 38°15'20", said curve having a long chord bearing S 42°32'13" E 39.32 feet; thence S 61°40'52" E 159.01 feet; THIS DESCRIPTION WAS PREPARED BY DEAN 3. COON, PLS10328 ON DECEMBER 13, 2006 G:\Eg\021805\survey\Revised Ingress -Egress Easement.doc PAGE 1 OF. 2 thence easterly, 39.71 feet along a 90 foot radius curve concave northerly, through a central angle of 25°16'57", said curve having a long chord bearing S 74°19'21" E 39.39 feet; thence S 86°57'50" E 120.00 feet, to the POINT OF TERMINUS of said reference line. EXCEPTING THEREFROM all lands lying northeasterly of the easterly line of Ada -County Lease Area as shown on Record of Survey #3091 (Inst. No. 95006284). The north and south sidelines at the west end of said easement shall be shortened or extended to terminate at the said easterly right-of-way line. The parcel of land to which this description applies contains 137,721 square feet (3.162 acres), more or Tess. Bearings are based upon the Ada County Lease Area as shown on Record of Survey #3091 (Inst. No. 95006284), records of Ada County END OF THIS DESCRIPTION THAT CONTAINS 2 PAGES. THIS DESCRIPTION WAS PREPARED BY DEAN J. COON, PLS10328 ON DECEMBER 13, 2006 G:\Eg\021805\survey‘Rev(sed Ingress -Egress Easementdoc PAGE 2 OF 2 Boundary Description DRAINAGE POND EASEMENT A parcel of land, lying within Lot 1 of Block 1 of Hidden Hollow Subdivision, in a portion of the NW1/4SW1/4 Section 2, Township 4 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian, Ada County, Idaho, more particularly described *as follows: COMMENCING at the quarter corner common to said Sections 3 & 2, which is monumented with a found brass cap set in concrete; thence along the north line of the southwest quarter of said Section 2, S 89°40'28" E 197.10 feet, thence perpendicular to said north line, S 00°19'32" W 34.22 feet, being the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence S 08°0737" W 111.22 feet: thence N 87°02'55" W 91.78 feet;, thence N 00°00'00" E 80.56 feet: thence N 76°59'11" E 110.22 feet, to the POINT OF BEGINNING; The parcel of land to which this description applies contains 9,409 square feet (0.216 acres), more or less. Bearings are based upon the Ada County Lease Area as shown on Record of Survey #3091 (Inst. No. 95006284), records of Ada County END OF THIS DESCRIPTION THAT CONTAINS 1 PAGES. THIS DESCRIPTION WAS PREPARED BY DEAN 3. COON, PLS10328 ON FEBRUARY 27, 2007, FROM RECORD DOCUMENTS. G:\Eg\021805\survey\Drainage Pond Easement.doc PAGE 1 OF 1 Trail costs in leased area of Ada/Eagle Sports Complex Project Project Description One time Cost Description Total Cost Completion of Bridge for Flow Trail all engineering is complete bridge will be Includes all fabricated off site and brought on to building no Flow Trail Bridge Construction site for installation installation Install above mentioned Flow trail Flow Trail Installation Bridge Permanent signage for Flow Flow Trail is a one way trail for bikes Trail only and needs signs installed Placing rocks on downhill side of Armoring of drainage areas drainage areas of the Flow trail to on Flow Trail prevent erosion Spring Seeding of new Flow Reseed disturbed area from Trail construction of Flow Trail Trail map with new Flow Trail New map of the trails is needed due included to the addition of the Flow Trail Signs at top, bottom and intersection New signage for Shake n Bake with Junkyard Install 20-30 Targe stones on side of large Rock garden on To increase width, deter ride -a -rounds Rocks, labor and Shake -n -Bake and reduce erosion volunteers $30,000 Using contractor and volunteers to install bridge includes transportation of fabricated bridge $15,000 Manufacture and install 8 sign posts and signs. $1,000 Cost of rocks and labor $750 Cost ot seed, staff and volunteers $300 Cost ot getting copy ready file of map created $500 signs, posts and labor $500 $2,000 (c Reinstall fence at top of longest rock garden on Shake- add fence section with signage to stay n -Bake on trails and not create ride-arounds Armor 4 berms on Shake -n - Bake 2 after trail crossing and 2 after small rock drop Shake n Bake trail crossing with Junkyard lowered Rebuild 4 berms on Stormin' Mormon Install erosion control on Stormin' Mormon Improve longevity and usability of the berms Lower a 30-40 foot section of Junkyard by 3 feet Reinstall trail crossing so approach is level and down ramp has a shallow angle Include armoring with cinder block Erosion control Rebuild 4-5 trail sections on Stormin' Mormon Trail sections need improvement Roll -downs on Stormin' Mormon Install Rainbow bridge on canyon gap on Stormin' Mormon Install 3 trail crossing as add ons to existing structures Bridge is needed on trail to improve crossing Fencing, sign and labor Cinder Blocks, labor and volunteers Labor, excavator and volunteers $700 per perm includes labor and material $700 $2,000 $2,500 $2,800 includes wattles and labor $200 Using professional trail builder at $1450 per day for 2 days $2,900 Design, engineering, construction and installation $25,000 Includes design, engineering, construction and installation $20,000 New signage installed at top, bottom, 3 intersections, drops and canyon gap on signs, posts and Stormin' Mormon Need signs at these locations labor On the south-east side of the hill, Close down old ranch road restore by reseeding and installing from Rabbit Run to top of fence and rerouting with a new single Labor and Flow Trail track trail materials $1,500 $ 2,000 Utilizing the Alpine Bike Parks 2012 Existing Conditions and Risk Finish Trail signage plan for all Management Analysis report place Signs, posts and cross country trails needed signage throughout the park labor $5,000 On-going all trails Bi -annual Trail Inspection of Spring and Fall Inspection of all trails 46 hours x all trails and conditions $15/hr. $690 80 hours x May and late June includes spraying $15/hr. plus Bi -annual weed control of all and cutting back vegetation alongside weed spray cost trails trails of $300 $1,500 Rebuild/repair water bars on Annual inspection and repair of trail 20 hours x trails water bars $15/hr. $300 40 hours x Decommission socially $15/hr. plus formed trails and replace material costs for signs as needed Done as needed signs $500 $1,100 Bi -annual reshaping of jumps rebuild, fix and reshape areas worn 120 hours x and berms from use and erosion $15/hr. $1,800 80 hours x Repair rain damage to trails Done as needed $15/hour $1,200 On-going specific trails Remove sediment from entrance to grade reversals on Flow trail and Stormin' 80 hours x Mormon Bi -annually $15/hr. $1,200 Repair to rock garden on 10 hours x Shake -n -Bake Annually $15/hr. $150 Repaint trail crossing structures on Stormin' Mormon Annually Labor and paint $200 Total one time $114,650 Total annually $8,140