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Minutes - 1973 - City Council - 10/02/1973 - Regular
CITY OF EAGLE P.O. BOX 477 · EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 October 2, 1973 The regular meeting of the City of Eagle was held October 2, 1973 at 7:30 P. M. The minutes were read and approved. A bank balance of $8,243.38 was reported. The November city election was discussed. There will be 2 councilman vacancies to fill. Otis Young whose term is up, and Bill Taylor who is resigning because of moving out of the oCity Limits. Each office will be a four year term. The official polling place will be the City Hall. Clerks for the election will be Pat Hi~s, Florence Cullen, and Mary Litty. A questionaire will also be filled out on election day. Mayor Adams read a letter from Attorney Fitzgerald stating he could not provide the council with an itemized statement of his work. Bill Taylor made a motion to pay his bill in full and Otis Young seconded it. Mr. Andregg from the Adventist Church ask to move a 20 by 3© ft. building in back of the church off thestreet. The council tabled this until Mr. Andregg could present a written plan and plot to the board. A letter was read from the Eagle Planning and Zoning commission requesting the council to appoint Mrs. Bob DeShazo and Mr. M. Ta~lock to the council and remove W. D. Bozman, Mrs. Ann Patterson and Wayne Adams as they had resigned. Otis Young made a motion to approve this letter and LeRoy Pearman seconded the motion. The pasrk~ng problem at the Bank Club was discussed by the council and decided to turn over to the Planners to see if t~y could come up with a solution. Otis Young made a motion to raise the clerks pay to $250.00 a month and to give theMayor $10.00 a week for expenses. The motion was seconded by Elmer Bacus. The next council meeting will be held November 13, 1973, the second Tuesday of the month. Mayor Adams is to look into devising a different heating system for the City Hall. There being no further business to come before the council the meeting was adjourned ~pect~ully Submitted Clerk