Minutes - 1973 - City Council - 09/11/1973 - Regular CITY OF EAGLE P.O. BOX 477 · EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 September 11, 1973 The regularmeeti~g ~ the City ef Eagle was held September 11, 1973 ~d called te m~der by Mayer Adams at 7:30 P. M. Ail members were present. The treasurer's report a~d financial statemem~ for first half ef 1973 were submitted. Otis yeung made a metion that we buy a type~A~iter for the City for $~00 amd LeRey Pearmam seconded the motion. Mr. Ceen& Mr. G~al addressed the council in reguard te the "Estate Nebile Heme Ceurt, amd presented sketches ef this park. Otis Ysu~g made a motion te table the acceptance of such park until complete sewer arrangements had been made and rules a~d regulations drawn up for an agreement between these partys and the City ef Eagle. ~ill Taylor seconded the metiem. Mayer Adams presented the council with the concept of building a condominium within the City Limits of Eagle. A motion was made by LeRey Pearma~ that this plan would be taken under advisement for study when mere information was received. Elmer Bacus seconded the motion. The ceuncil moved te accept a bill for $51.00 from the Garden City Auction te pay fer six chairs fer the City Hall. The clerk was authorized te write a letter te Mr. Rose cencerming his trailer park amd advised that wewill honor *ur centract with them and e~ect them te hener theirs. Elmer Bacus made a motion that the plan~ng and zemiB; commission draw up a plan te number the houses in Eagle 2 miles each way from the center of t~n. A letter was read from the Plannir~ and Zoning Cemmissien ef Eagle cencerming the help they have received from A. C. O. G. and asking the council te pay their dues for 1973. LeRey Postman made a motion to Pay ACOG$205.00 for 1973 d~es and Elmer Bacus seconded the motion. The P & Z Commission ef Eagle is te be advised that everysne is welcome at any City Council meeting they wish to attend. These are open te ~he public. A bill was submitted from Attermey Fit zgerald and Mayer Adam~ was asWed te call and tell him it WaS toe much and theft we would l~ke an itemized statement ef this bill. Elmer Bacus made a motion for anyone requiring legal help te get a receipt at the time this is done. The council unamimmusly passed the ~All~wiB~ policy in the meeting ef SeptemBer 11, 1973: CITY OF EAGLE P.O. BOX 477 · EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 DRY SE%~ER LI~S ARE TO BE INSTALLED IN ALL E~VEiDPMh~TS WITH~ ALL TPE E~FINED ADA COUNTY CCMMUNITY SERVICE AREAS '~.RE, AND AT SUCH TI~ AS, SE~ER PL~S EXIST AND EEEVATIONS AHE AVAILABLE INCL~HI NG BOISE~GARLEN CITY, MERIDIAN, STAR, KUNA AND EAGLE. There being no further business te come before the ceuncil the meeting was adj ourmed. spectfmlly Submitted, ~Judith A. Mendiola City Clerk