Minutes - 1974 - City Council - 10/08/1974 - Regular CITY OF EAGLE P.O. BOX 477 · EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 October 8, 1974 The regular meeting 1974 at 7:30 P. ~. minutes as written. of the City of Eagle was held October 8, Elmer Bacus made a motion to approve the LeRoy Pearman seconded the motion. LeRoy Pearman made a motion to accept the September Treasurer's Report and grant the city clerk authority to invest $1000.00 in a timed certificate for a period of thirty days to become renewable on availability of funds. Emily DeShazo made a motion to request Attorney Cosho to draft an ammendment to Ordinance #5 relating to the Building Code. Elmer Bacus seconded the motion. Councilman Smidt presented a proposal and plan of the library addition. Total cost would be $1041.00 with a payment of 50% due at completion of Drywall, and the balance at completion of the project. Elmer Bacus made a motion to postpone a decision on moving the city hall until January of 1975. In the meantime the council members and library board members will conduct a study of all available property within the City Limits of Eagle, and any means that could be taken to find another location for the City Hall. This information is to be compiled by the City Clerk, and a special meeting to be set to consider all proposals. LeRoy Pearman seconded the motion. John Smidt declined. Emily DeShazo made a motion to instruct Attorney Cosho to write a letter to the telephone and gas company asking them to comply with Ordinance #19 of the City of Eagle. Elmer Bacus seconded the motion. John Smidt declined. Elmer Bacus made a motion to appoint Emily DeShazo as head of the Parks and Recreation Committee to find out all available information on purchasing the existing City Park from the Sewer Board. LeRoy Pearman seconded the motion. LeRoy Pearman made a motion that the City instruct their landlord to fix the sidewalk and bridge in front of the City Hall. Elmer Bacus seconded the motion. Elmer Bacus made a motion that the City of Eagle continue to use the orginal street names for their addressing system. John Smidt seconded the motion. There being no further business to come before the council, the meeting was adjourned.