Minutes - 1974 - City Council - 02/26/1974 - Special CITY OF EAGLE
P.o. BOX 477 · EAGLE, IDAHO 83616
February 26, 1974
A special meeting of the Eagle City Council was called to
order by Nayor Adams at 7:30 P. M. Tuesday, February 26, 1974.
It was moved and seconded that the minutes stand approved as
Mr. Roland Smith, accountant for Eagle, presented the
council with a report on the financial condition and other
financial information as of December 31, 1973. A motion
was made by Elmer Bacus and seconded by Irene Gunderson
to retain the same accountant for the year 1974.
John Smidt made a motion to direct the City Clerk to write
a letter to the Planning and Zoning Commission informing
them that a moratorium on any building other than a single
family unit is now in effect, and that the council intends
to uphold this moratorium. Elmer Bacus seconded the
John Smidt made a motion to direct the City Clerk to
write a letter to Mr. Anderson informing him of the mor-
atorium, and stating that we will not be able to consider
his development until the moratorium is lifted. Irene
Gunderson seconded the motion.
The council reviewed the zoning maps that the Planning
and Zoning Commission had presented. Elmer Bacus made a
motion to send them back to the Commission with the
suggested changes of the Council. John Smidt seconded the
motion. Irene Gunderson abstained.
Elmer Bacus made a motion to direct the City Clerk to
buy a Timed Silver Certificate in the amount of $7000.00
for a period of 90 days. LeRoy Pearman seconded the
There being no
the meeting was adjourned.
further business to come before the council,