Minutes - 1974 - City Council - 01/22/1974 - Special CITY OF EAGLE P.O. BOX 477 · EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 January 22, 1974 The special meeting of the City of Eagle was held January 22, 1974 at 7:30 P. N. In the absence of the City Clerk the minutes were read by Councilman Smidt and approved as read. Nayor Adams introduced Nr. and Nrs. Sumner who presented a petition to the councilman stating that "We are against the development of land behind our houses and the donating of our land for road Access." The petition was entered into the minutes. Nr. Goul and Nr. Briggs were in attendance to answer questions concerning their Town House. ~ letter was read from Nr. Sonneville concerning street width and this letter was entered into the minutes. Nr/ Goul was asked to make his Proposed By-Laws of Eagle West Homeowners Association, Inc., Articles of Incorporation of Eagle West Homeowners Association, Inc, and the Proposed Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions and Easements, available to the Eagle Council. Also Nr. Goul was requested to obtain a letter from the sewer board stating they were in the position to handle 70 addition familys in their lines and ponds. A motion was made by John Smidt that this matter be postponed until the next meeting so that these papers and letters could be reviewed by the Councilman. Irene Gunderson seconded the motion. Elmer Bacus abstained from voting. Nr. Knapp representing the Recreation Department presented his proposal and expenditures to the council to be entered into the minutes. He asked that the city take over the boys le~ue requesting ~500.00 to be appropriated in the 1974 budget. This would include $350.00 for shirts and hats, $150.00 to be put in a reserve for equipment. This equipment would then become the property of the City. LeRoy Pearman made a motion that the Council wait until the next meeting when the 1974 budget was developed to see if there is enough money before a deicision is made. Irene Gunderson seconded the motion. A motion was made by John Smidt and seconded by Elmer Bacus that the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission be requested to present a Zoning Plann to the Councilman by the February 12th meeting. Letters were read from Attorneys Nr. Louis H. Cosho and Charles D. Cou~ter stating that they would consider an appointment of the Council to act as City Attorney for Eagle, Idaho. Nr. Fitzgerald, the present City attorney, is unable to assume the ppo~ntment this a ' year because he cannot attend the meetings. A motion was made by John Smidt that the council appoint Nr. Coulter as City Attorney and budget the price of his expenses as quoted in his letter dated January 14, 1974. Elmer Bacus secnded the motion. Two councilman voted in favor and two against. The Nayor refused to vote to split the tie. LeRoy Pearman made a motion that the City appoint Nr. Cosho as City Attorney and~n~budg~t for his expenses as quoted in his letter dated JanuaryS0, 1974. The motion passed. Elmer Bacus abstained. CITY OF EAGLE P.O. BOX 477 · EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 The City Clerk was advised to draft a letter to Er. John Fitzgerald relieving him ~f all duties and obligations to the City of Eagle. The discussion of Eagle Neadows was tabled until an attorney could be present. Discussion was held on a joint Sewer Board and City Council Neeting. The Council felt that since the two were separate enitys they did not feel it necessary at the present time for the two to meet together. There being no further business to come before the council the meeting was adjourned. Attest: