Minutes - 1975 - City Council - 04/02/1975 - Regular CITY OF EAGLE
P.O. BOX 4?? · EAGLE, IDAHO 83616
April 2, 1975
The regular meeting of the Eagle City Council was called to
order at 7~30 P. N. April 2, 1975 by Mayor Adams. Mayor
Adams suggested that the 6th paragraph of the Narch 26th
minutes we corrected to read Carpenter Addition - Block 5.
Emily DeShazo made a motion to accept the minutes as
corrected. Elmer Bacus seconded the motion.
Mr. Glubay representing the Eagle 0ptomist Club asked that
the City send a recreation resume' to the 0ptomist describing
summer ball plans, and stating what t~e City would like the
0ptomist Club to do to help.
Phyllis Terry from the Association of Idaho Cities, explained
to the council an employment policy statement that she would
compile for the City of Eagle. Doc' House made a motion to
table this matter until the next meeting. Elmer Bacus
seconded the motion.
Elmer Bacus made a motion to call a special meeting for
April 16th to discuss the Eagle Sewer. LeRoy Pearman
seconded the motion.
Elmer Bacus made a motion to instruct the City Clerk to
write a letter to the Ada County Highway Department
~eguesting the following items:
Repave the First street East of Highway 69 from Aikens
St. North to Idaho Street. 40 ft. wide.
Repave Idaho Street from East 1st Street to Highway
Connect the drainage on the West side of Highway 69
from Highway 44 to a point in front of the Busy Biddies
at 183 N. Eagle Road.
Grade E. 3rd St.
to E 3rd Street.
from county.
and Eo Idaho St. from E. 2nd St.
Request estimate of cost of gravel
Elmer Bacus made a motion to allow Doc' House to continue to
irrigate and pasture the 4 lots of city property until such
a time as the city needs the land. Emily DeShazo,seconded
the motion. Doc' House abstained°
P.O. BOX 477 · EAGLE, IDAHO 83616
Emily DeShazo made a motion to proceed with the survey of
the city limits if we can obtain the brass caps without
increasing budgeted funds. Elmer Bacus seconded the motion.
LeRoy Pearman made a motion to appoint Doc' House as
council representative to the library Board. Elmer
Bacus seconded the motion. Doc' House abstalned,.from
the vote, but accepted the appointment.
Elmer Bacus made a motion that we hire Vernon Schoen
as building inspector for the City of Eagle. Emily
DeShazo seconded the motion.
There being no further business to come before the council
the meeting was adjourned.