Minutes - 1976 - City Council - 12/28/1976 - Special Cl'l'l o1: IL4GLL' P.O. BOX 477 · EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 December 28. 1976 ^ apecial meeting oF the Eagle City Council was called ~o order December 28, 1976 at 7:30 P. M. by Mayor Deckard. Brad Herrick made a motion ~o accept ~he mlnutea o~ the December 14th and December 23rd meetings am printed, Fred Lowe aeconded ~he motion. A diacusslon was heard on a zone change ~or Wayne Roundy ~or ~he operation o6 a pole yard. Mr. Roundy explained ~o ~he council why he would like e zone change, end Mr. Stowell argued againat granting a zone change For ~wo basic reasons= 1. There is too much traffic on McOrath lane already. 2. IF ~Ir. Roundy ia granted an induatrial zoning it will open the door to more and more indus~rlal in ~he~ area. LeRoy Pearman made a motion that the Eagle City Council recommend ~o the Ada County Commissioners that Mr. Roundy be granted a Conditional lisa Permit to operate hie pole yard rather then a Rezone. Fred Lowe seconded the motion. ~rad Herrick made a motion to inform Dewey ~illa ~hat the city cannot annex his property at ~hls time because his land is not contiguous to the City oF Eagle. Fred Lo~e seconded the motion. The 1977 budget ~aa diacuaaed. .There b~ing n.o Further.busines~_~.to come before the counc,I, the meet,ng w.. adj~~j_/