Minutes - 1976 - City Council - 12/23/1976 - SpecialDecember 23, 1976
A special meetln9 oF the E~sle City Council was called by ~layor.
~layor Deckard cai led the meeting to
~rad [,errlck ~aa absent,
Mayor Deckard read Ordinance Eo, 30, an ordinance annexing
generally desaribed property oF: Eagle East ;~nnexation, Eagle
'.'cst .~nnexation and Van Dusen Annexation.
Fred Lo~e made a motion to dispense with the rules and adopt
Ordinance No. 30 under the emergency provision, Ted Rrnold seconded
the motion,
~lr. }te,'rick arrived at the meeting late.
There being no Further business to come before the council,
the meeting ~as adjourned.