Minutes - 1976 - City Council - 08/16/1976 - Special CIT~ ()F F..4GLE P.O. BOX 4?? · EAGLE, IDA. HO 83616 August 16, 1976 A special meeting of the Eagle City Council and Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission was held August 16, 1976 at 7:00 P. M. at the City Hall. Councilman Pearman had an excused absence. Nick Cole's absence was escused. Marvin Adams was absent. Mayor Deckard called the meeting to order and a lengthy discussion followed about a Conditional Use Application submitted by Mr. Crisp to conduct an auto oriented business in a commercial zone. Cliff Stephenson made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7,50 P. M. Andy Pollard seconded the motion. Mayor Deckard again called the meeting to order at 8,13o Cliff Stephenson as spokesman for the Planning and Zoning Commission stated the Planning and Zoning Recommendatiion to the City Council would be that the Conditional Use Request of Mr. Crisp's be denied. Mayor Deckard told the council and commission of the conflict between Boise, Garden City and Eagle on a piece of land situated on the South East corner of the area of impact as presented to the County Commissioners. There being no further business t~-~come before the council the meeting was adjourned at~/.~6~_8:'~' ~ A~t ~