Minutes - 1976 - City Council - 07/07/1976 - Regular (,IT~ ()F F..4GLE
P.O. BOX 4?? · EAGLE, IDAHO 83616
July 7, 1976
The regular meeting of the Eagle City Council was
called to order by Mayor Deckard at ?,00 P. ~. on July
7, 1976.
The minutes of the previous meeting held June 8,
1976 were approved as written by a motion made by Ted'
Arnold and seconded by LeRoy Pearman.
The council agreed to make the following requests
from the Ada County Highway Department for 1977.
A. Cut 3rd street
B. Normal maintenance of all streets in Eagle
C. By~icle path from Floating Feather to
Eagle school down West side of Eagle Road.
D. Install light at intersection of Highway 44
and 69
Ted Arnold made a motion to h~ve a feasibility
study of the construction of a b~icle path between
the eagle grade school and Downing Downs subdivision
by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Fred Lowe
seconded the motion.
LeRoy Pearman made a motion that a public hearing
be'held August 10, 1976 at the Eagle City Hall at
7~30 P. N. for the codification of the zoning ordinance.
Fred Lowe seconded the motion.
Fred Lowe made a motion to interview and hire a
comprehensive planner through the University of Idaho
for a per~od of 6 months at $200.00 per month. LeRoy
Pearman seconded the motion.
LeRoy Pearman made a motion to approve the appointment
of Ron Zior to the Planning and Zoning Commission, and
to hire Nr. Zior as engineer to the City of Eagle for
a fee of $1.00 per year.
There being no further business to come before the
council, the meeting was adjou~