Minutes - 1976 - City Council - 06/08/1976 - Regular CFFY OF L'AGLE P.O. BOX 4?? · EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 June 8, 1976 The regular meeting of the Eagle City Council was called to order June 8, 1976 at 7,30 Po N. by Nayor Deckard. All members of the council were present° The minutes of a special meeting held April 22, 1976 and the regular meeting of Nay 11, 1976 were approved as written. Nayor Deckard asked the councilmen to submit to the city clerk in writing any requests they would like to make to the Ada County Highway Department for 1977. The third reading of the "Proposed Amendment to Eagle Zoning Ordinance Repealing Existing Section 3.10 was made° Dad NcComb of the State Highway Department told the audience of the s~ates sta~d on a ~raffic light to be placed at the ~ntersectzon of h~ghway 69 and 44. This would include eliminating parking for a distance of 160 feet on all corners. Fred Lowe made a motion to leave the corner as it is for the time being with no stoplight. LeRoy Pearman seconded the motion Fred Lowe ammended his motion to read "leave it as it is without putting a stop light in for a period of one year. LeROy Pearman seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous° Fred Lowe was asked to prepare a resolution for the next meeting concerning building permits being issued only to applicants that are able to connect to an approved centralized water and sewer system. There being no further business to come before the council, the meeting was adjourned at 9,30 Po N0 tD~s t '