Minutes - 2013 - City Council - 09/10/2013 - Regular EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Minutes September 10, 2013 5:30 p.m.—6:30 p.m. Open House to Celebrate the Purchase of Eagle City Hall 5:45 p.m. Mayor Reynolds introduce the former Mayors and Council Members: Stan Bastian, Guerber, Huffaker,Bandy, Sedlacek, Grasser,Al, Mary, Butler Mayor introduces former Mayor Nancy Merrill Former Mayor Nancy Merrill provides the history of how the city hall came about. Former Mayor and Council Member Bandy talks about how he watched the City Hall come to fruition. Mayor Reynolds and former Mayor Merrill present Robert Phillips a check for$1,900,349.00. Mayor acknowledges Jeff Kunz who did so much that made this possible; he was instrumental in getting the word out to the public. INVOCATION: REGULAR COUNCIL AGENDA: 6:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Reynolds calls the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: GRASSER,DEFAYETTE, BUTLER, PIERCE. Pierce is absent. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Reynolds leads the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. PUBLIC COMMENT: None This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding subjects not on the agenda. At times, the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters during this allotted time. This is not the time slot to give formal testimony on a public hearing matter, or comment on a pending application or proposal. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three(3)minutes. 5. CONSENT AGENDA: ♦ Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. ♦ Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Page I K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-09-I0-l3min.doc Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. ♦ A. Claims Against the City. ♦ B. Minutes of August 27,2013. ♦ C. Digital Map Products Agreement: (MA) ♦ D. Resolution 13-20: A Resolution Of The City Of Eagle, Idaho, A Municipal Corporation Of The State Of Idaho; Establishing A Minimum Interval For Consideration Of Non-City Initiated Comprehensive Plan Amendments Pursuant To Idaho Code; Providing This Resolution To Be Effective Upon Its Passage And Approval. (WEV) ♦ E. Service Agreement for Animal Control Services between the City of Eagle and the Idaho Humane Society for Fiscal Year 2013-2014. (SKB) • F. Master IT Service Agreement between the City of Eagle and Computer Arts Inc. for Fiscal Year 2013-2014. (SKB) • G. Ada County Sheriff's Office Law Enforcement Services Contract for Fiscal Year 2013-2014: ♦ H. FP-12-13 -Final Plat for Ashbury Subdivision No. 1—SCS Brighton,LLC: SCS Brighton, LLC, is requesting final plat approval for Ashbury Subdivision No. 1, a 94-lot(81-buildable, 13-common)residential subdivision. The 40.37-acre subdivision is generally located on the west side of S. Meridian Road and the north side of W. Chinden Boulevard(Highway 20/26)approximately 835-feet west of S. Meridian Road. (WEV) I. Re-Appointments to the Transportation Committee: Mayor Reynolds is requesting the re-appointment of the following Transportation Committee members: Bruce Mills, Barbara McDermott, Dave Butzier, Teri Murrison, Scott Wonders, Stephen Bartlett. Each member will serve a two(2)year term. (JDR) Zoning Administrator Vaughan removes Item#H from the Consent Agenda. Butler moves to approve the Consent Agenda,Items#A through#G and Item#I. Seconded by Grasser. Grasser: AYE; Defayette: AYE; Butler: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES 5H. FP-12-13 -Final Plat for Ashbury Subdivision No. 1—SCS Brighton,LLC: SCS Brighton, LLC, is requesting final plat approval for Ashbury Subdivision No. 1, a 94-lot(81- buildable, 13-common)residential subdivision. The 40.37-acre subdivision is generally located on the west side of S. Meridian Road and the north side of W. Chinden Boulevard(Highway 20/26) approximately 835-feet west of S. Meridian Road. (WEV) Staff recommends striking the last sentence on Condition#5. General discussion. Butler moves to approve Item #51I striking the language Bill Vaughan mentioned should be stricken and that there be no requirement to get a third party approval. Seconded by Grasser. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Ordinance 703—Infraction penalty for various ordinances: An Ordinance Of The City Of Eagle, Ada County, Idaho, Amending Title 4, Chapter 3, Section 6 Referencing The General Penalty Provision Of The Eagle City Code, Clarifying Infraction And Misdemeanor Penalties; Providing For A Summary, And Providing An Effective Date. This item was continued from the August 27, 2013 meeting. (SKB & SEB) Page 2 K:\COUNCIUMINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-09-10-13min.doc Mayor introduces the issue. General discussion. Butler reads Ordinance No. 703 by title only for the second reading. The third reading of Ordinance No. 703 will be on the Council Agenda of September 10, 2013. 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS: Public Hearings are legally noticed hearings required by state law. The public may provide formal testimony regarding the application or issue before the City Council. This testimony will become part of the hearing record for that application or matter. A. Public Hearing on Water Fees and Rate Chances for City of Eagle Water Department: Notice Is Hereby Given pursuant to I.C. 63-1311A,that the Eagle City Council will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, September 10, 2013, 6:30 PM, at Eagle City Hall, 660 E. Civic Lane, Eagle, Idaho, for the purpose of considering proposed fees which may exceed 105% of prior fees and to explain the reasons for such fees. (KR) Mayor introduces the issue. Mayor: Does anyone on Council have any exparte contact to declare on#7A&B? None Mayor: Does anyone on Council have any potential or actual conflict of interest on#7A &B? None Mayor introduces the issue. Kellie Rekow, Water Department, we have noticed this in the paper according to statutes and we have a Resolution for your adoption. General discussion on a misdemeanor penalty for unauthorized access to meter,tampering and jumpers/bridges placed in meter pit. Mayor opens the Public Hearing Patricia Minkiewicz, Deerfield Court, I'm glad to see Council doing water conservation and that there will be fines. How does this affect the Terrain Park? Park Director Aho discusses the Terrain Park water usage. Mayor closes the Public Hearing A.1 Resolution 13-19: A Resolution Of The City Council Of The City Of Eagle,Ada County, Idaho, Establishing City Water System Customer Charges And Volume Charges,And Providing An Effective Date. Defayette moves to adopt Resolution 13-1 9, A Resolution Of The City Council Of The City Of Eagle,Ada County,Idaho,Establishing City Water System Customer Charges And Volume Charges,And Providing An Effective Date. Seconded by GrasserGrasser: AYE; Defayette: AYE; Butler: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES .. Council directs City Attorney to prepare a draft ordinance addressing unauthorized access to tampering and the jumpers/bridges. Butler moves to approve Resolution 13-19. Seconded by Defayette. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES B. CU-03-13/PPUD-03-13/PP-05-13— Snoc ualmie Falls Subdivision No.4—Horseshoe Flats,LLC: Horseshoe Flats, LLC, represented by Becky McKay with Engineering Solutions, LLP, is requesting a conditional use, preliminary development plan, and preliminary plat Page 3 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-09-10-13min.doc approvals for Snoqualmie Falls Subdivision No. 4, a 55-lot(43 buildable and 12 common) residential subdivision. The 23.83-acre planned unit development is generally located south of Floating Feather Road, west of Linder Road at the terminus of West Signature Drive. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. General discussion on a packet item that this was to be continued. Zoning Administrator Vaughan,the applicant's representative was unable to be here this evening and requested a continuance and Mr. Goldsmith and contacted us after the request for continuation was distributed to you. I believe the only people who received the request for continuation was Council and Mr. Goldsmith. General discussion on continuing this item opposed to having the applicant present tonight. Council concurs to have Mr. Goldsmith make the presentation tonight. Marty Goldsmith, representing the applicant,provides an overview of the project. General discussion. Zoning Administrator Vaughan, staff and the Planning&Zoning Commission recommended approval with conditions. General discussion. Mayor opens the Public Hearing Patricia Minkiewicz, Deerfield Court, is this part of the Legacy Subdivision and would the lake ever be used for fire use? Also what about the house style? Discusses the pathway along the canal. Developer discusses the pathway,the house styles,the lake and this is marketed as Legacy. General discussion. Mayor closes the Public Hearing Butler moves to approve CU-03-13/PPUD-03-13/PP-05-13 Snoqualmie Falls Subdivision No. 4 with the Site Specific and Standard Conditions of Approval striking Site Condition#8 and replacing it with Lots 44,26 and 2 which front Snoqualmie the residential collector shall be provided with a hammerhead driveway,snoopy driveway,circular driveway or other type of a driveway which does not force vehicles to back out onto the collector road. Seconded by Defayette. Discussion. Butler amends his Motion to also modify Condition#6 that at the end of the first sentence,the first sentence requiring a 10' wide pathway and 35 foot planter strip along West Signature Drive,at the end of that",or if the pathway is approved to be within the Ditch Company area as an alternative that shall be the approved location." Seconded by Defayette. Discussion. Butler amends his motion to add "if the buffer is put along West Signature Drive that the buffer shall not be required in the front yard of Lot#2. Seconded by Defayette. Discussion. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES 8. NEW BUSINESS: A. Ordinance 704 (Locklev Subdivision—Annexation & Rezone): An Ordinance Annexing Certain Real Property Situated In The Unincorporated Area Of Ada County, Idaho, And Contiguous To The Corporate Limits Of The City Of Eagle, To The City Of Eagle, Idaho; Changing The Zoning Classification Of Said Real Property Described Herein From Rut (Rural- Urban Transition) To R-2-DA (Residential With A Development Agreement); Amending The Zoning Map Of The City Of Eagle To Reflect Said Change; Directing That Copies Of This Ordinance Be Filed As Provided By Law; And Providing An Effective Date. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Zoning Administrator Vaughan provides an overview of the ordinance. General discussion. Page 4 K'.\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-09-10-13mio.doc Butler moves,pursuant to Idaho Code, Section 50-902,that the rule requiring Ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with,and that Ordinance#704 be considered after being read once by title only. Butler reads Ordinance #704 by title only. Seconded by Grasser. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES Butler moves that Ordinance#704 be adopted. Seconded by Grasser. Grasser: AYE; Defayette: AYE; Butler: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES B. Discussion of packet material deadlines. (MD) Mayor introduces the issue. General discussion on packet deadlines. 9 REPORTS: A. Mayor and Council Reports: Butler: I will be on Skype for the next meeting Mayor: Reports on the meeting of the Ada City-County Emergency Management, and the Eagle Motor Sports Complex. Defayette: discussion on Council Liaison positions. I would like to have this added to the next Council agenda. B. City Hall Department Supervisor Reports: Park Rec/Facilities Director: Discusses the Lowes volunteer days at the Sports Complex, this Thursday we will have 22 volunteers working on the trails in Mace Park, discusses the work being done on the City Hall building,the City Face Book Page is up and running, discusses the maintenance plan for the parks and facilities which does not include trails at this time, updates the Council on the work at Laguna Pointe, discusses the cleanup of the pathway, discusses the street signage on State Street and the 4 way stop, discusses a potential site for a dog park and we will have a recommendation, discussion on park reservation revenue and facility rentals, and discussion on the glass enclosure, Zoning Administrator Vaughan reports on the trash enclosure at Rembrandts. General discussion. Discussion on a response to ACHD to the 5 Year Work Plan. City Clerk: No report C. City Attorney Report: No report 10. EXECUTIVE SESSIONS-- 67-2345 (A&or B) When authorized. (1)An executive session at which members of the public are excluded may be held, but only for the purposes and only in the manner set forth in this section. The motion to go into executive session shall identify the specific subsections of this section that authorize the executive session. There shall be a roll call vote on the motion and the vote shall be recorded in the minutes. An executive session shall be authorized by a two-thirds (2/3)vote of the governing body. An executive session may be held: (a) To consider hiring a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent, wherein the respective qualities of individuals are to be evaluated in order to fill a particular vacancy or need. This paragraph does not apply to filling a vacancy in an elective office or deliberations about staffing needs in general; Page 5 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-09-I0-13min.doc (b) To consider the evaluation, dismissal or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent, or public school student. Mayor Reynolds introduces the issue. Defayette moves to continue the Executive Session to the next Council meeting. Seconded by Grasser. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES 11. ADJOURNMENT: Butler moves to adjourn. Seconded by Grasser. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES... Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted: 's .OF L..A4 00000000 1 ' K G` 1" 1;% SHARON K. BERGMANN 3 * �•" * CITY CLERK/TREASURER = �S E A L, mime E OF Woo APPROVED: L.) ear...66 AMES D. REYNOLDS MAYOR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE AT CITY HALL UPON REQUEST. Page 6 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-09-I0-l3min.doc EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP CU-03-13/PPUD-03-13/PP-05-13 — Snoqualmie Falls Subdivision No. 4 — Horseshoe Flats, LLC September 10, 2013 NAME ADDRESS TESTIFY PRO/ CON or YES/NO NEUTRAL EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP Public Hearing on Water Fees and Rate Changes for City of Eagle Water Department September 10, 2013 ADDRESS TESTIFY PRO/ CON or YES/NO NEUTRAL City of Eagle Report Cnteria. Report type GL detail Check Check Issue Date Number Payee Check Register - Transparency Version Check Issue Dates 8/28/2013-9/9/2013 3 Page 1 Sep 09, 2013 04 2BPM Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount 11090 08/28/2013 11090 Winco Foods 1 ch 60-0434-22-00 TRAVEL-MTNGS-EDUCATION 45 02 45 02 Total 11090: 45.02 11091 08/30/2013 11091 Alliance Title & Escrow Corp 08/30/2013 11091 Alliance Title & Escrow Corp 1 ch 01-0410-05-00 RESERVE -CITY HALL PURCHASE 822,566.45 822,566.45 2 ch 01-0416-21-00 CITY HALL LEASE PAYMENT - H.S. 1,077,782 55 1,077,782 55 Total 11091 1,900,349 00 11135 09/03/2013 11135 Ada County Shenffs Office 09/03/2013 11135 Ada County Sheriffs Office 1 ch 60-0217-08-00 GARNISHMENTS 1 ch 60-0217-08-00 GARNISHMENTS 117.21 117 21 419.59 419 59 Total 11135 536.80 11136 09/03/2013 11136 AWWA SW Idaho Subsection 1 ch 60-0434-22-00 TRAVEL-MTNGS-EDUCATION 60.00 60.00 Total 11136. 80.00 11137 09/03/2013 11137 Eagle Industrial Center 09/03/2013 11137 Eagle Industrial Center Total 11137 1 ch 15-0437-27-00 STORAGE UNIT RENTAL 2 ch 60-0434-50-00 SHOP LEASE 11138 09/03/2013 11138 Idaho Child Support Receipting 1 ch 16-0217-08-00 GARNISHMENTS 596 79 596.79 596 80 596.80 1,193 59 150.00 15000 Total 11138 150 00 11139 09/03/2013 11139 Lee Wunder 1 ch 16-0437-25-00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 230 00 230 00 Total 11139: 11140 09/03/2013 11140 NCPERS IDAHO 09/03/2013 11140 NCPERS IDAHO 09/03/2013 11140 NCPERS IDAHO 09/03/2013 11140 NCPERS IDAHO 09/03/2013 11140 NCPERS IDAHO 09/03/2013 11140 NCPERS IDAHO 09/03/2013 11140 NCPERS IDAHO 09/03/2013 11140 NCPERS IDAHO 1 ch 14-0217-07-00 P&Z DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 2 ch 16-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 3 ch 12-0217-07-00 CLERK DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 4 ch 06-0217-07-00 LIBRARY HEALTH INSURANCE 5 ch 80-0217-07-00 WATER DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 6 ch 13-0217-07-00 BLDG DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 7 ch 11-0217-07-00 EXEC DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 8 ch 01-0217-07-00 GEN ADMIN HEALTH INSURANCE 230.00 64.00 64 00 30 24 30 24 48 00 48 00 128.00 128 00 49 76 49 76 48 00 48 00 1600 1600 32 0D 32 00 Total 11140. 416 00 11141 09/03/2013 11141 Pacific Source Health Plans 09/03/2013 11141 Pacific Source Health Plans 09/03/2013 11141 Pacific Source Health Plans 1 ch 60-0217-07-00 WATER DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 2 ch 06-0217-07-00 LIBRARY HEALTH INSURANCE 3 ch 16-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 2,091.29 8,541 38 1,110 26 2,091 29 8,541.38 1,11026 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Check Issue Dates. 8/2812013 - 9/9/2013 Check Check Issue Date Number 09/03/2013 11141 09103/2013 11141 09/03/2013 11141 09/03/2013 11141 09/03/2013 11141 Total 11141 11142 09/03/2013 09/03/2013 09/03/2013 Payee Pacific Source Health Plans Pacific Source Health Plans Pacific Source Health Plans Pacific Source Health Plans Pacific Source Heatth Plans 11142 Purchase Power 11142 Purchase Power 11142 Purchase Power Total 11142 11143 09/03/2013 11143 09/03/2013 11143 09/03/2013 11143 09/03/2013 11143 09/03/2013 11143 09/03/2013 11143 09/03/2013 11143 Total 11143 U S. Bancorp Equipment Finance U.S. Bancorp Equipment Finance U S. Bancorp Equipment Finance U S Bancorp Equipment Finance U S Bancorp Equipment Finance U S Bancorp Equipment Finance U S Bancorp Equipment Finance 11144 09/03/2013 11144 United Hentage-Group Dept 09/03/2013 11144 United Heritage -Group Dept 09/03/2013 11144 United Heritage -Group Dept. 09/03/2013 11144 United Heritage -Group Dept. 09/03/2013 11144 United Heritage -Group Dept. 09/03/2013 11144 United Heritage -Group Dept 09/03/2013 11144 United Heritage -Group Dept. 09/03/2013 11144 United Hentage-Group Dept. 09/03/2013 11144 United Heritage -Group Dept. Total 11144 11145 09/03/2013 11145 09/03/2013 11145 08/03/2013 11145 09/03/2013 11145 09/03/2013 11145 Total 11145 Willamette Dental insurance Willamette Dental Insurance Willamette Dental Insurance Willamette Dental Insurance Willamette Dental Insurance 11146 09/09/2013 11146 A Company. Inc. Total 11146 Invoice Invoice Sequence GL Account Invoice GL Account Title 4 ch 14-0217-07-00 P&Z DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 5 ch 12-0217-07-00 CLERK DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 6 ch 13-0217-07-00 BLDG DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 7 ch 01-0217-07-00 GEN ADMIN HEALTH INSURANCE 1 ch 01-0217-07-01 COBRA- HEALTH INSURANCE 1 ch 60-043427-00 POSTAGE 2 ch 01-0413-07-00 POSTAGE 3 ch 06-0461-37-00 LIBRARY/POSTAGE 1 ch 01-0418-24-00 1 ch 12-0416-24-00 2 ch 13-0416-24-00 3 ch 11-0416-24-00 4 ch 14-0416-24-00 5 ch 13-0416-24-00 6 ch 14-0416-24-00 1 ch 01-0217-07-01 1 ch 16-0217-07-00 2 ch 13-0217-07-00 3 ch 11-0217-07-00 4 ch 06-0217-07-00 5 ch 14-0217-07-00 6 ch 12-0217-07-00 7 ch 01-0217-07-00 8 ch 60-0217-07-00 1 ch 12-0217-07-00 2 ch 06-0217-07-00 3 ch 14-0217-07-00 4 ch 16-0217-07-00 5 ch 60-0217-07-00 EQUIPMENT LEASING EQUIPMENT LEASING OFFICE EQUIPMENT LEASING EQUIPMENT LEASING OFFICE EQUIPMENT LEASING OFFICE EQUIPMENT LEASING OFFICE EQUIPMENT LEASING COBRA- HEALTH INSURANCE HEALTH INSURANCE BLDG DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE EXEC DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE LIBRARY HEALTH INSURANCE P&Z DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE CLERK DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE GEN ADMIN HEALTH INSURANCE WATER DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE CLERK DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE LIBRARY HEALTH INSURANCE P8Z DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE HEALTH INSURANCE WATER DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 1 ch 15-0448-06-00 UTILITIES Page. 2 Sep 09, 2013 04•28PM Invoice Amount 5,357 45 3,178.05 2,731.80 3,042 94 587,44 55.00 366 06 17894 Check Amount 5.357 45 3,178.05 2,731 60 3,042 94 587 44 26,640 41 55.00 366 06 17894 600 00 201 75 201 75 39 81 39 81 39 81 39 81 39 81 39 81 39 81 39 81 39 81 39 81 39 78 39 78 440 58 6 85 6 85 27.07 27.07 48 42 48.42 13.69 13.69 126 77 126 77 75 58 75.58 41 91 41 91 25 14 25 14 46 94 46 94 412 37 42 61 42 61 8550 8550 13544 135,44 78 09 76 09 52 02 52 02 87 50 391 66 87 50 87 50 11147 09/09/2013 11147 Aaron & Kathleen Tnbble 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 75 00 City of Eagle Check Check Issue Date Number Total 11147: Payee 11148 09/09/2013 11148 Abby & Jay Reynolds Total 11148: 11149 09/09/2013 11149 Analytical Laboratories. Inc. 09/09/2013 11149 Analytical Laboratories. Inc. Total 11149: 11150 09/09/2013 11150 Arcadia Publishing Total 11150: 11151 09/09/2013 11151 09/09/2013 11151 09/09/2013 11151 09/09/2013 11151 09/09/2013 11151 09/09/2013 11151 09/09/2013 11151 09/09/2013 11151 Total 11151: Baldwin & Associates, Inc. Baldwin & Associates, Inc. Baldwin & Associates, Inc. Baldwin & Associates, Inc. Baldwin & Associates, Inc. Baldwin & Associates. Inc. Baldwin & Associates, Inc. Baldwin & Associates, Inc. 11152 09/09/2013 11152 Billing Document Specialists Total 11152: 11153 09/09/2013 11153 Boise Office Equipment Total 11153: 11154 09/09/2013 11154 Bonnie Norton Total 11154: 11155 09/09/2013 11155 Chevron 09/09/2013 11155 Chevron 09/09/2013 11155 Chevron 09/09/2013 11155 Chevron 09/09/2013 11155 Chevron 09/09/2013 11155 Chevron 09/09/2013 11155 Chevron 09/09/2013 11155 Chevron 09/09/2013 11155 Chevron 09/09/2013 11155 Chevron Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 3 Check Issue Dates: 8/28/2013 - 9/9/2013 Sep 09.2013 04:28PM Invoice Invoice Sequence GL Account Invoice GL Account Title 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 1 ch 60-0435-56-00 TESTING -WKLY. MO, QTR, ANNUAL 1 ch 60-0435-56-00 TESTING -WKLY, MO, QTR, ANNUAL 1 ch 07-0482-73-00 EAGLE BOOK-ARCADIA PUBLISHING 1 ch 14-0413-05-00 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 1 ch 14-0413-05-00 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 1 ch 14-0413-05-00 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES OFFICE EXPENSES OFFICE EXPENSES OFFICE EXPENSES OFFICE EXPENSES OFFICE EXPENSES OFFICE EXPENSES OFFICE EXPENSES 1 ch 60-0434-47-00 BILLING SERVICES 1 ch 01-0413-23-00 MTNC-REPAIR/OFFICE EQUIP/FURN 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 1 ch 13-0417-02-00 2 ch 60-0420-01-00 3 ch 15-0413-26-00 4 ch 60-0420-01-00 5 ch 15.0413-26-00 6 ch 15-0413-26-00 7 ch 60-0420-01-00 8 ch 15-0413-26-00 9 ch 13-0417-02-00 10 ch 60-0420-01-00 FUEL COSTS FUEL & LUBRICANTS GAS AND OIL FUEL & LUBRICANTS GAS AND OIL GAS AND OIL FUEL & LUBRICANTS GAS AND OIL FUEL COSTS FUEL & LUBRICANTS Invoice Check Amount Amount 75.00 60.00 15.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 60.00 15.00 75.00 675.70 675.70 675.70 42.90 110.89 42.90 127.26 97.45 74.85 6.99 42.90 42.90 110.89 42.90 127.26 97.45 74.85 6.99 42.90 548.14 896.38 896.38 896.38 108.00 106.00 106.00 14.97 14.97 14 97 279.03 279.03 109.43 109.43 66.50 86.50 372.42 372.42 162.91 162.91 191.68 191.68 354.06 354.08 56.80 56.80 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.20 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 4 Check Issue Dates: 8/28/2013 - 9/9/2013 Sep 09, 2013 04:28PM Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount Total 11155: 1,597.23 11156 09/09/2013 11156 Ctearwire 1 ch 80-043419-00 TELEPHONE & COMMUNICATIONS 44.99 44.99 Total 11156: 44.99 11157 09/09/2013 11157 Crystal Tretoar Total 11157: 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 13.80 13.80 13.80 11158 09/09/2013 11158 Del & Susan Bell 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 75.00 Total 11158: 75.00 11159 09/09/2013 11159 Delta Dental of Idaho 09/09/2013 11159 Delta Dental of Idaho 09/09/2013 11159 Delta Dental o1 Idaho 09/09/2013 11159 Delta Dental of Idaho 09/09/2013 11159 Delta Dental of Idaho 09/09/2013 11159 Delta Dental of Idaho 09/09/2013 11159 Delta Dental of Idaho 09/09/2013 11159 Delta Dental of Idaho 09/09/2013 11159 Detta Dental of Idaho 1 ch 60-0217-07-00 WATER DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 2 ch 16-0217-07-00 HEALTH INSURANCE 3 ch 14-0217-07-00 P8Z DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 4 ch 13-0217-07-00 BLDG DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 5 ch 12-0217-07-00 CLERK DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 6 ch 11-0217-07-00 EXEC DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 7 ch 06-0217-07-00 LIBRARY HEALTH INSURANCE 8 ch 01-0217-07-00 GEN ADMEN HEALTH INSURANCE 9 ch 01-0217-07-01 COBRA- HEALTH INSURANCE 120.93 120.93 42.80 42.80 281.78 281.76 249.21 249.21 211.77 211.77 85.54 85.54 573.97 573.97 163.67 163.67 43.65 43.85 Total 11159: 1,773.30 11160 09/09/2013 11160 Drugfree Idaho 1 ch 06-0217-07-00 LIBRARY HEALTH INSURANCE 17.60 17.60 Total 11160: 17.60 11161 09/09/2013 11161 Eagle Sewer District 1 ch 15-0449-06-00 UTILITIES 30.00 30.00 09/09/2013 11181 Eagle Sewer District 1 ch 07-0462-52-00 MUSEUM UTILITIES 30.00 30.00 09/09/2013 11161 Eagle Sewer District 1 ch 15-0452-06-00 UTILITIES 15.00 15.00 09/09/2013 11161 Eagle Sewer District 2 ch 15-0450-06-00 UTILITIES 15.00 15.00 Total 11161: 90.00 11162 09/09/2013 11162 Eagle Water Co. 09/09/2013 11162 Eagle Water Co. 09/09/2013 11162 Eagle Water Co. 09/09/2013 11182 Eagle Water Co. 09/09/2013 11182 Eagle Water Co. 09/09/2013 11182 Eagle Water Co. 09/09/2013 11162 Eagle Water Co. 09/09/2013 11162 Eagle Water Co. 09/09/2013 11162 Eagle Water Co. 1 ch 15-0455-06-00 UTILITIES 18.70 18.70 1 ch 15-0452-06-00 UTILITIES 110.92 110.92 1 ch 15-0452-06-00 UTILITIES 207.46 207.46 1 ch 01-0413-18-00 UTILITIES/NEW CITY HALL 198.71 198.71 1 ch 15-0446-08-00 UTILITIES 234.49 234.49 1 ch 15-0450-06-00 UTILITIES 64.96 64.96 1 ch 07-0462-52-00 MUSEUM UTILITIES 8.25 8.25 1 ch 15-0453-06-00 UTILITIES 193.69 193.69 1 ch 15-0446-06-00 UTILITIES 239.85 239.85 Total 11162: 1,277.03 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 5 Check Issue Dates: 8/28/2013 - 9/9/2013 Sep 09, 2013 04:28PM Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount 11163 09/08/2013 11163 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 15-0443-01-00 MAINTENANCE & REPAIR 19.23 19.23 09/09/2013 11163 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 15-0445-01-00 MAINTENANCE & REPAIR 10.98 10.98 09/09/2013 11163 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 16-0437-21-00 GREENBELT -PATHWAY MTNC-RPR 4.04 4.04 09/09/2013 11163 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 15-0450-05-00 MTNC & RPR -EQUIP & STRUCTURES 7.90 7.90 09/09/2013 11163 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 15-0449-05-00 MTNC & RPR -EQUIP & STRUCTURES 22.45 22.45 09/09/2013 11163 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 15-0449-05-00 MTNC & RPR -EQUIP & STRUCTURES 4.49 4.49 09/09/2013 11163 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 15-0437-25-00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 35.50 35.50 09/09/2013 11163 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 60-0434-58-00 RPR/MTNC-LINES-METERS-ETC 22.08 22.08 09/09/2013 11163 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 15-0449-05-00 MTNC & RPR -EQUIP & STRUCTURES 1.98 1.98 09/09/2013 11163 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 15-0452-05-00 MTNC & RPR -EQUIP & STRUCTURES 24.44 24.44 09/09/2013 11163 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 15-0452-05-00 MTNC & RPR -EQUIP & STRUCTURES 31.88 31.88 09/09/2013 11163 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 15-0437-24-00 HOLIDAY LIGHTING 185.33 185.33 09/09/2013 11163 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 60-0434-58-00 RPR/MTNC-LINES-METERS-ETC 15.08 15.08 09/09/2013 11163 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 15-0452-05-00 MTNC & RPR -EQUIP & STRUCTURES 25.48 25.48 09/09/2013 11163 Evan's Bultding Center 1 ch 15-0449-05-00 MTNC & RPR -EQUIP & STRUCTURES 12.00 12.00 09/09/2013 11163 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 15-0444-01-00 MAINTENANCE & REPAIR 2.89 2.69 09/09/2013 11163 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 15-0450-05-00 MTNC & RPR -EQUIP & STRUCTURES 9.89 9.89 09/09/2013 11163 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 15-0449-05-00 MTNC & RPR -EQUIP & STRUCTURES 7.00 7.00 09/09/2013 11183 Evan's Building Center 1 ch 15-0454-05-00 MTNC & RPR -EQUIP & STRUCTURES 83.79 83.79 Total 11163: 526.23 11164 09/09/2013 11164 HD Supply Waterworks, Inc. Total 11164: 1 ch 60-0434-58-00 RPR/MTNC-LINES-METERS-ETC 44.33 44.33 44.33 11165 09/09/2013 11165 Idaho Correctional Industries 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 40.00 40.00 Total 11165: 40.00 11166 09/09/2013 11166 Idaho Council of Governments 1 ch 01-0416-35-00 OPERATIONAL RESERVE 350.00 350.00 Total 11186: 350.00 11167 09/09/2013 11167 Idaho Humane Society, Inc. Total 11187: 1 ch 01-0416-06.00 IDAHO HUMANE SOCIETY 11168 09/09/2013 11168 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 15-0454-08-00 UTILITIES 09/09/2013 11168 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 15-0455-06-00 UTILITIES Total 11188: 3,522.00 3,522.00 3,522.00 57.79 5.28 57.79 5.28 63.07 11169 09/09/2013 11169 Idaho Sporting Goods 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 5.87 5.87 Total 11189: 5.87 11170 09/09/2013 11170 Idaho Tool and Equipment 1 ch 60-0438-13-00 VEHICLES 9.77 9.77 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 6 Check Issue Dates: 8128/2013 - 9/9/2013 Sep 09, 2013 04:28PM Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount Total 11170: 9.77 11171 09/09/2013 11171 Integra 1 ch 01-0413-19-00 TELEPHONE & COMMUNICATIONS 887.03 887.03 Total 11171: 887.03 11172 09/09/2013 11172 JiffyCube Accounting Office 1 ch 13-0417-01-00 MTNC-REPAIR VEHICLES 54.97 54.97 Total 11172: 54.97 11173 09/09/2013 11173 Jim Hammer 1 ch 99-0107-00-00 CASH CLEARING -UTILITY BILLING 4.59 4.59 Total 11173: 4.59 11174 09/09/2013 11174 Judith Springer 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 75.00 Total 11174: 75.00 11175 09/09/2013 11175 K&T Maintenance 09/09/2013 11175 K&T Maintenance 09/09/2013 11175 K&T Maintenance 09/09/2013 11175 K&T Maintenance Total 11175: 11176 09/09/2013 11176 Ken Everett 09/09/2013 11176 Ken Everett Total 11176: 1 ch 15-0445-03-00 CUSTODIAL SERVICES 1 ch 15-0444-03-00 CUSTODIAL SERVICES 1 ch 15-0443-03-00 CUSTORIAL SERVICES 1 ch 15-0442-03-00 CUSTODIAL SERVICES 55.00 1,281.80 1,143.75 1,620.00 55.00 1,281.60 1,143.75 1,620.00 4,100.35 1 ch 99-0107-00-00 CASH CLEARING -UTILITY BILLING 21.96 21.96 2 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATERISERVICE DEPOSITS 52.58 52.58 74.54 11177 09/09/2013 11177 Kevin & Mindy Wade 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 75.00 Total 11177: 75.00 11178 09/09/2013 11178 Kim Reid 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 75 00 Total 11178: 75.00 11179 09/09/2013 11179 Kyle & Rachel Munk Total 11179: 11180 09/09/2013 11180 Melissa Nodzu Total 11180: 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 1 ch 09-0463-02-01 SAT MARKET MGR FEES 75.00 75.00 75.00 1,529.00 1,529.00 1.529.00 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 7 Check Issue Dates: 8/28/2013 - 9/9/2013 Sep 09, 2013 04:28PM Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount 11181 09/09/2013 11181 Methodworks 1 ch 60-0434-58-00 RPRMITNC-LINES-METERS-ETC 190.00 190.00 09/09/2013 11181 Methodworks 1 ch 60-0434-58-00 RPR/MTNC-LINES-METERS-ETC 1,022.00 1,022.00 09/09/2013 11181 Methodworks 1 ch 60-0434-58-00 RPRIMTNC-LINES-METERS-ETC 380.00 380.00 09/09/2013 11181 Methodworks 1 ch 60-0434-58-00 RPR/MTNC-LINES-METERS-ETC 190.00 190.00 Total 11181: 1,782.00 11182 09/09/2013 11182 Mimura & Associates 1 ch 01-0416-05-00 PROSECUTOR Total 11182: 4,450.00 4,450.00 4,450.00 11183 09/09/2013 11183 National Benefit Services, LLC 1 ch 06-0461-23-01 COBRA ADMIN FEE 24.00 24.00 09/09/2013 11183 National Benefit Services, LLC 2 ch 16-0433-23-01 HRA ADMIN FEE 6.00 6.00 09/09/2013 11183 National Benefit Services, LLC 3 ch 12-0415-23-01 COBRA ADMIN FEE 9.00 9.00 09/09/2013 11183 National Benefit Services, LLC 4 ch 13-0415-23-01 COBRA ADMIN FEE 9.00 9.00 09/09/2013 11183 National Benefit Services, LLC 5 ch 01-0415-23-01 HRA ADMIN FEE 6.00 6.00 09/09/2013 11183 National Benefit Services, LLC 6 ch 60-0433-23-01 COBRA ADMIN FEE 9.00 9.00 09/09/2013 11183 National Benefit Services, LLC 7 ch 14-0415-23-01 COBRA ADMIN FEE 12.00 12.00 09/09/2013 11183 National Benefit Services, LLC 1 ch 13-0415-23-00 HRA BILLING 469.28 469.28 09/09/2013 11183 National Benefit Services, LLC 2 ch 12-0415-23-00 HRA BILLING 130.15 130.15 Total 11183: 674.43 11184 09/09/2013 11184 Nichoel Baird Spencer Total 11184: 11185 09/09/2013 11185 Oxarc, Inc. Total 11185: 1 ch 14-0413-13-00 TRAVEL & PER DIEM 75.54 75.54 75.54 1 ch 60-0434-59-00 CHEMICALS 884.75 884.75 884.75 11186 09/09/2013 11186 Peak Alarm Company 1 ch 01-0413-34-00 MONITORING ALARM SYSTEMS 100.50 100.50 Total 11188: 100.50 11187 09/09/2013 11187 Staples Credit Plan 09/09/2013 11187 Staples Credit Plan Total 11187: 11188 09/09/2013 11188 Tamara Earp Total 11188: 11189 09/09/2013 11189 Tates Rents Total 11189: 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 137.78 137.78 1 ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 83.59 63.59 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 1 ch 16-0437-25-00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 201.37 75.00 75.00 75.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 8 Check Issue Dates: 8/28/2013 - 9/9/2013 Sep 09, 2013 04:28PM Check Check Issue Date Number Payee Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount 11190 09/09/2013 11190 Thomas & Sherrye Strain 1 ch 80-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 75.00 Total 11190: 75.00 11191 09/09/2013 11191 Valley Times 1 ch 14-0413-08-00 LEGAL ADS & PUBLICATIONS 199.92 199.92 09/09/2013 11191 Vatley Times 2 ch 01-0413-08-00 LEGAL ADVERTISING/PUBLICATION 288.08 286.08 Total 11191: 486.00 11192 09/09/2013 11192 Verizon Wireless 1 ch 11-0413-19-00 TELEPHONE & COMMUNICATIONS 92.21 92.21 09/09/2013 11192 Verizon Wireless 2 ch 60-0434-19-00 TELEPHONE & COMMUNICATIONS 200.38 200.38 09/09/2013 11192 Verizon Wireless 3 ch 15-0413-19-00 TELEPHONE & COMMUNICATIONS 40.18 40.18 09/09/2013 11192 Verizon Wireless 4 ch 13-0413-19-00 TELEPHONE 8 COMMUNICATIONS 69.64 69.64 Total 11192: 402.41 11193 09/09/2013 11193 Vertical Corp. 1 ch 01-0203-01-01 BONDS DEPOSITS PAYABLE 16.050.00 18,050.00 Total 11193: 16,050.00 11194 09/09/2013 11194 Wayne Bretches 1 ch 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 75.00 Total 11194: 75.00 Grand Totals: 1,975.759.82 Dated: Mayor: City Council: Report Cnteria: Report type: GL detail