Minutes - 1976 - City Council - 03/09/1976 - RegularThe regular meeting of the F~gle City Council was called to o~er by'~ayor Deckard at ?:30 P. M. Narch 9, i976. The minutes of the previous meeting were aoprove8 a~ written. A public hearing w~.s held on the VanDeusen ar~exation. Fred Lowe made a motion to annex approximately 40 acres of land owned by Warren V~nDeusen and located one half mile South en Eagle Road on the East side of the road. This lend will be zoned Agriculture ~ud Flood Plain, Brad Herrick seconded the mo~ion. A public hearing was held on the 1976 by, get. LeRoy Pearmsn made z. motion to accept the proposed budget for 1976 in 'i~b.e amount of $48,~i2.22. Ted Amuold seconded the motion° 'Fred Lows m~e a moti~ that the council aco~t the pleat of Phzm~ !. Eagle Hills West Subdivision. Brad Herrtok seconded the motion. Brad Herrtck moved that the codicil give approvs~l of a Beer Lic~se Application. presented by the B~k Club. Fred Lows s~conded the motion. LeRoy Pearmsn m~de a motion to print ~u article in the Valley News Times oono~z'ning the dog problem in Also he would like to print flyers with the smme informati~ tc be sent to th~ Citizens of E~gle in th~ Sewer Billing. Ted Arnold seconded the motion. LeRoy Pearman made a me,ion that the Rhodes~ Subdivision be approved with the Planning and Zoning Recommendations, and that the ~ayor ask the Gounty Comraissioners for clarification of our area of control. Ted A.~ncld seconded the motion. LeRoy Pearm~ made a motion to ~rite a letter to the Ad~ County Co~m!ssion~rs claiming ~n "Area of Impact" of 2 square miles f~om 'the stop si~ iD Eagle. Fred Lows seconded the motion. Emily DeShazo's letter of e.pplication to the Eagle Planning ~d Zoning Commission was read by 5~ayor Deckard. Brad Herrick made a r~otion to reappoint R~rs. DeShazo to the co, lesion. LeHoy Pearm~ seconded the motion. Ted A~o!d ~d P:~ed Lowe voted ag~-~.inst, ~.~o. yo~?s ~'ote was called to break the ti~o He voted against, motion defeated. Pa~e 2 Ted Arnold made a mo~ion to invest approximately $6000.00 in a Certificate of Deposit for 30 days at the curm_ent interest rate. LeRoy Pearm~u seconded the motion. Ted Arnold made a motion to appoLut Gary West as liaison between the City of Eagle and the Meridian Soho01 Bos~0 LeRoy Pearman seconded the motion. There being no further business to c~me before 'the councJ. 1, the meeting was adjourned at